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Posts posted by alvinjade

  1. if you read the thread before you download this thread (if you're downloading from the developer;s thread) then you should know how to do it.



    it is said, "Use resource hacker to change the background image"

    hello Mr.winz i tried to find the thread that explain how to resource hack my launcher but i cant seem to find it..

    can you pls give me the link to it..pls..tnx..

  2. 1.) the game is running fine /no1 but i noticed in the map server this error and i don't know how to fix it..

    and im not comfortable having it there.. /??


    2.) also when i run loki.exe this error popup <_<


    how do i remove this error /?


    3.) lastly i noticed that the GM character i made its name is in white font color not in yellow

    so how can i change it to yellow?(i liked it yellow) /no1

    4.) i also want to change the fontstyle of the npc's names

    (i think they are in bold /hum ) i want to change that also..


    Anyway I believe that listing cards as Euphy said will be better from a client-side point of view, sql will just slow down the process even if it works pretty well ^^

    but I called them up only once inside OnInit: label

    means the query is only executed only once during server startup

    if you mean the script on post#5 I agree

    but the script on post#12 I have to disagree

    I also knew that long time ago though


    or probably a better way is ...

    A~Z use query_sql + dynamic shop

    mini-boss and MVP use "shop" npc ?

    seems this idea is better


    prontera,155,177,5	script	Card Seller	100,{
    	mes "Welcome to card seller ... meh lazy to say";
    	if ( select ( "Normal Cards", "Mini-boss Cards", "MVP Cards" ) == 1 ) {
    		.@s = select( .alphabet_menu$ ) -1;
    		callshop "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@s], 1;
    	callshop "card_mob#"+( ( @menu == 2 )? "miniboss":"MVP" ), 1;
    	freeloop 1;
    	.@total = query_sql("select distinct left( name_japanese, 1 ) as aaa from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where ~mode & 32 and type = 6 group by name_japanese order by aaa", .alphabet$ );
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@total; .@i++ ) {
    		.alphabet_menu$ = .alphabet_menu$ + .alphabet$[.@i] +" Cards:";
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where ~mode & 32 and type = 6 and left( name_japanese, 1 ) = '"+ .alphabet$[.@i] +"' group by name_japanese order by name_japanese limit 128", .@id );
    		npcshopdelitem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], 501;
    		for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@nb; .@j++ )
    			npcshopadditem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], .@id[.@j], 1000000;
    	freeloop 0;
    -	shop	card_mob#A	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#B	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#C	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#D	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#E	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#F	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#G	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#H	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#I	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#J	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#K	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#L	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#M	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#N	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#O	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#P	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#Q	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#R	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#S	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#T	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#U	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#V	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#W	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#X	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#Y	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#Z	-1,501:1000
    -	shop	card_mob#miniboss	-1,4054:1000000,4241:1000000,4391:1000000,4428:1000000,4426:1000000,4290:1000000,4300:1000000,4392:1000000,4171:1000000,4397:1000000,4174:1000000,4398:1000000,4179:1000000,4266:1000000,4451:1000000,4250:1000000,4423:1000000,4354:1000000,4047:1000000,4163:1000000,4384:1000000,4431:1000000,4394:1000000,4395:1000000,4197:1000000,4198:1000000,4393:1000000,4203:1000000,4207:1000000,4440:1000000,4396:1000000,4254:1000000,4238:1000000,4237:1000000,4429:1000000,4406:1000000,4427:1000000,4306:1000000,4183:1000000
    -	shop	card_mob#MVP	-1,4236:1000000,4359:1000000,4425:1000000,4145:1000000,4168:1000000,4386:1000000,4142:1000000,4134:1000000,4137:1000000,4123:1000000,4330:1000000,4441:1000000,4352:1000000,4408:1000000,4128:1000000,4324:1000000,4363:1000000,4365:1000000,4430:1000000,4403:1000000,4419:1000000,4376:1000000,4357:1000000,4276:1000000,4361:1000000,4146:1000000,4399:1000000,4132:1000000,4131:1000000,4143:1000000,4135:1000000,4144:1000000,4148:1000000,4121:1000000,4407:1000000,4342:1000000,4263:1000000,4367:1000000,4318:1000000,4302:1000000,4305:1000000,4374:1000000,4372:1000000
    like this perhaps, and the query

    // mini-boss
    select item_db.id, name_japanese from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid
    where mode & 32 and type = 6 and mexp = 0
    and item_db.id not in
    	select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid
    	where ~mode & 32 and type = 6
    and item_db.id not in
    	select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid
    	where mode & 32 and type = 6 and mexp != 0
    group by item_db.id order by name_japanese;
    // MVP
    select item_db.id, name_japanese from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid
    where mode & 32 and type = 6 and mexp != 0
    and item_db.id not in
    	select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid
    	where ~mode & 32 and type = 6
    and item_db.id not in
    	select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid
    	where mode & 32 and type = 6 and mexp = 0
    group by item_db.id order by name_japanese;

    found out the reason that slowing down the query time is because of having 'group by' inside 'in'

    so removed it



    hi..i would like to use this script.. can you teach me how to use this? im using this setup here http://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/ and this error keep on showing..



    and also i would like to know how to add item_db table in mysql..



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