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  1. I'm still accepting graphic works with a minimum price.

  2. Hi! As you can see, I'm not a new member here. Lol. But I remember that I haven't posted my introduction since I joined here, so here it is. I'm Ren, also known as Ren-Len, I just got back here with a new stuffs to offer to my co-player, server owner and others. I'm a player of RO since beta and now, I'm offering my talent to public. I got tired of playing RO but then again, I just can't let go of my "first love" game. Lol. I'm a graphic designer and been helping out my RO and non-RO friends with their arts for years now. I love joining contests in Ragnarok that involves drawing skills and I'm using it to gain friends,also it's an easy way to gain zeny and items. Lol. As of the moment, I don't have a server to play on since I've been busy with my irl stuffs and in order for me to keep updated in RO world, I'll be *somehow* active in forum and will share my talents with you,yes you. P.S. I'm not really sure if this is allowed but, I'm offering my graphic services at a very reasonable price <3. You can click on the link below if you want to see my previous works. For more info you may contact me with the following details given below.
  3. Now accepting commission(s)

  4. In need of a graphic designer? You might want to check this out, http://revannat.portfoliobox.me

  5. Yes,I know that,but when I use it,it also disable all the healing items in all pvp maps. What I want is to just disable healing items in pvp room(guild_vs3)
  6. Will it disable all types of healing items in pvp room? And also, I won't edit anything in item_noequip.txt and restricted.txt? Cause I saw a guide on how to disable healing items in pvp room,but it also disables every pvp map. Anyway,thank you!
  7. How do I disable healing items in pvp room but not on pvp maps?
  8. Hi guys! So I put the all in one script that I got from eathena,but there's a bug whenever I am trying to rebirth to a trans job, it just keeps on saying "Please contact the GM." and not changing my job. Though it doesn't occur often but my other players are having problems with rebirth-ing. Can someone please check what's wrong with this script? And also,I want to change the base and job level to 60/50 for them to be able to rebirth to a high novice. I tried changing it but it still didn't change me even if I'm already base level 60 and job level 50. And one last thing, whenever I changed my job to baby novice and then change to baby class like baby swordsman etc, it changes me to a normal class. Thank you. P.S. I'm still a newbie in scripting so I really don't know what to fix or what to change in the script. Thank you. All-in-one npc.txt
  9. I see. I'll wait for it then. Thanks!
  10. I was in the middle of recompiling the server but unfortunately an error appeared when I ./athena-start restart it, the error is [Error] make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #5,code 98)! How do I fix it? :/
  11. Okay,I'll try it. Thank you. I tried searching for it,but unfortunately I still couldn't find it. :\
  12. Hi! I need a sprite for any of the ragnarok accessory such as clip,silver ring,etc. I just need one of it since I wanted to learn how to sprite,and I want to start spriting and/or recoloring an accessory. Also, I couldn't find it in the data.grf,so yeah. Thank you in advance.
  13. Wasn't BG conquest only for ea/ramod? Correct me if I'm wrong. XD
  14. Thats very inappropriate, even though they got the player but the server have no uniqueness, the player still will leave. Exactly. Well most of the servers nowadays doesn't have that unique content. Everyone's copying others or imitate other servers' uniqueness.
  15. Here's my desktop: Jake the dog of Adventure Time. And yes,I don't create a desktop icon 'cause it's way too many lol.
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