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Posts posted by delgelato

  1. I know nothing about modifying RO codes. I'm willing to learn how they work, but not really for the purpose of customizing them.
    At most, I'll comment/contribute things related to efficiency, optimization, etc, but that's far in the future after I learn things from RO's coding.

  2. I mean, Hello!


    So here's the story.


    I'm someone who's making my own game, having finished some course and self-learning the rest other things that I'll need to actually make the games.


    Yes, it's another "I want to make a MMORPG!!!" person, but in my case, I'm making something local-based.

    I'll talk about this in detail some other time.


    So, I'm here to learn how the coding of my all-time favorite game works. I just started looking around the source stuff, and since I'm currently coding some skills/spells for the game, I think I'll be staring at the skill.c for a long time.


    I'll be lurking around for a while, but I'm also very interested if someone can teach me how the coding of RO works, why they do it that way, and would be some things you'd suggest me add/simplify in the context of making my own mechanics.

    Right now, I'm focusing on the skills.


    For a start,

    When I ask this question in another forum, someone there mentioned this:




    Note that instead of taking in each parameter (element, damage, etc.) that may be relevant to a certain skill, the function is given a way to look up player character and monster data directly. I'm sure you will see that there are several benefits to this approach.


    I've seen some benefits, but I'd also like to hear from someone with more experience.


    And anyways.... Hi!



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