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Rumi Ex Machina

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Posts posted by Rumi Ex Machina

  1. Hello Forums! I'm in need of help. Well, I'm trying to create a localhost server, everything works, I can join, fight monsters, etc. BUT, i can't see other players and their chat.

    /who says that there are 2 players online, still, can't see them.


    I'm using a fresh install, no edits.

    Any idea of what is causing it?


    Thanks in advance,



  2. Hello people from all over the world, haha. :)

    My name is Luis (But you can also call me Louis or Lewis, my nicknames.), I'm from Brazil (South America), and I'm 17.

    Please, if I make any mistake at spelling, tell me, I'm not a native speaker but I'm trying to learn. :)

    I started playing Ragnarok when I was 8 (2008), yeah, pretty young. I stopped playing for a time, and a few years ago I decided to play again.

    I have my own private server to play with my friends, if anyone is interested, just PM me. I don't even remember how old is this account but, I'm finally posting my Introduction.

    Heh... Thats enough about me, if you guys have more questions about my persona, just ask. :) 



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  3. Hello Internet. :)

    Don't know if there is something similar to this here in rAthena but here we go with my idea:

    It's a game that I played a few years ago in a Portuguese Forum (Haha, don't mind my creepy english.), the game is called Strongholds, it consists in 2 or more teams of players, the point of the game is to take down the health of all the other team players to 0.

    To do that, players have to choose Classes, each class has 2 skills, a basic attack and in some cases, a healing action! 

    If it get's enough interest I can translate the rules to english and post it here! Hope you guys like it, it's a fun game, but we need at least 10 players.



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