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Posts posted by Zirius

  1. since you diabled read data folder first patch, see to it that your client.grfs has clientinfo.xml inside, and since you want to open it to the public check your public i.p if its the same with the ip in your clieninfo.xml (inside your grf). dont forget to +1 if it helps

    Yes, pretty sure those files and changes where done.

    So any other thoughts why?

  2. Hello! I am using 20120410 client. At my local dev, it works great, where I have clientinfo.xml inside data folder. But after diffing another client for public, disabling "Read Data Folder First", the client produced can't connect to server, its font changed, and keeps getting Authentication Failed (5011) on first try. After that, always rejected.


    Anyone knows how to diff correctly, or what might be cause of the problem?




    And evidently, it can only connect if there is clientinfo.xml in my data folder.

    But I know, it is also reading my custom grf because the custom items are showing.

  3. At least you found a solution.


    Usually if you make sure your water height is -50 and you save in 586 you wouldn't have the black tile issue.

    But thanks for showing the other way of you fixing it.  Thats good to know of another solution.


    I won't find it if you did not reply something about 586 where I started searching for. LOL.

  4. Hello! I restored the old payon and old izlude(in PVP rooms), these were done by opening existing maps with browedit and saving them as "mapname".gat, it works, but the maps generated are giving this black stuff in my client (relative to where you character)


    Here are some screenshot




    I believe it is only in the setting of browedit, I keep playing around but no luck.


    Can somebody please help?




    Hi u can change it  here




    if(sd->state.showexp) {   char output[256];   sprintf(output,   "Experience Gained Base:%u (%.2f%%) Job:%u (%.2f%%)",base_exp,nextbp*(float)100,job_exp,nextjp*(float)100);   clif_disp_onlyself(sd,output,strlen(output));   }  



    Hello! Can you please give me an example how to color that? I tried "^FF3355Experience Gained Base:%u (%.2f%%) Job:%u (%.2f%%)^000000"

    recompiled, but not working.

  6. So, you want exactly an +25% zoom value, or is default fine too? If the latter, just skip any zoom-out hex option and it'll be defaulted to official settings.(I don't think an 25% hex has ever been made, but don't quote me on it).


    As for your second question, did you do a restart after setting it to 1? Are your aura_lv and and max_lv set to 99?


    Actually, I wish it would be exactly 25%, but I guess whatever works, as long as less than 50%. The default zoom is very small? I feel crowded already after playing soo many private servers.


    About the second. Yes sir, already restarted the server.


  7. Hello! I diffed my client via NEMO Patcher, and it works great, but it seems to have some limitations ???
    The minimum zoom out diffed is 50%, which is way tooo far for me. Is there a way to enable only up to 25% Can somebody lead me to hex of it?
    And I restored the old level 99 auras, it works great. But the problem is Monsters with lvl 99+ has also Auras. Nemo doesn't have option for that. How can I only allow auras to level 99?
    Btw, at server-side, I tried:

    // Units types affected by max_lv and aura_lv settings. (Note 3)
    // Note: If an unit type, which normally does not show an aura, is
    //       set it will obtain an aura when it meets the level requirement.
    // Default: 0 (none)
    client_limit_unit_lv: 1 <~~~ set to 1

    But that did not help. LOL.

  8. Hello! I;d been troubleshooting for hours and I still do not know where am I having trouble. I am using 20120410 client.


    My Lite Installer works on pRO, but when players installed it on kRO full client they are having trouble.


    • The Login Screen is using the main login screen
    • The Loading screen is using the mail loading screen
    • The Map's minimap is using the main minimaps at texture folders
    • The Skill's name and description are all in Korean
    • The Map name's are in Korean

    I am really confused if this is data issues or diffing issue.


    Can somebody please lead me?




    Update. Skill tree and skills are solved using this: http://www.supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/Judas_Setups/RecommendSetup/Lubs0410.7z


    The current problem is now just, it seems to not read my texture folder inside GRF that contains the custom mini maps, the loading screen, the login screen. And type /where would give korean strings instead of "prontera.gat"


    Hope somebody can help.

     Update. [sOLVED] Create blank rdata.grf and overwrite existing.


    I fixed 2 & 3 using GRF Editor instead of GRF builder. Thanks! How about 1 & 4? Anyone?


    Make a GRF with the data folder inside and diff the client. In diffs select to NOT load data folder. Put all data contents in the GRF and delete Data folder from you ragnarok full client.


    Check the diffs options, to enable only custom font. You have to Uncheck use arial font or one font for all langtypes (or something like that).


    After that, put the .eot font in the System > Font folder, with the .lub files for the System folder.


    I don't knew the reason, but i got bugs when i put the System folder into a GRF file, so, just place the System folder ouside the GRF, and it will works greatly !


    Wish this solve your problem.



    Thanks man, the only thing that worked is the Comic Sans MS for some parts of the client, the character name and the Font in Chat/Battle Logs are all still Arial:




    Followed the System Folder structure & "don't read data folder" and still the client is looking for those .eot files inside Data folder.


    Is there other way to diff the client aside from http://rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/diff_patcher.php?client=2010-07-30aRagexeRE ??


    I am starting to doubt the success of diffing using that rAthena tool.





    Hello Rathenians!


    Question 2. I have successfully put all the loading screen I want to my data/grf, and they work fine, but wondering why are the loading screen from the main data.grf still showing? I have 9 custom loading screen, and yet the official loading screen can still show up. LOL.


    Question 3. I am using your great tool to make my loggin background: rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/login_background/ and it works great. But i am having trouble coping up with the .grf output of the tool. Can you somebody tell me where/what folder should I put the 12 "sliced" images? And also the name format of the images? I tried extracting the .bmp files, but cannot rebuild it, is it because the Korean characters alters the path?



    Answer 2: Rename your custom loading screens into loading00.jpg ,loading01.jpg and so on...

    Answer 3: Place those 12 sliced images inside texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\



    The names were already as those, but seems like Not enabling "Use Unlimited Loading screen" in diff will fix my problem.


    How about the file name of those 12 images?


    The names were all boxes in my windows 7. Sorry.




    I fixed 2 & 3 using GRF Editor instead of GRF builder. Thanks! How about 1 & 4? Anyone?


    Hello Rathenians!


    Question 2. I have successfully put all the loading screen I want to my data/grf, and they work fine, but wondering why are the loading screen from the main data.grf still showing? I have 9 custom loading screen, and yet the official loading screen can still show up. LOL.


    Question 3. I am using your great tool to make my loggin background: rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/login_background/ and it works great. But i am having trouble coping up with the .grf output of the tool. Can you somebody tell me where/what folder should I put the 12 "sliced" images? And also the name format of the images? I tried extracting the .bmp files, but cannot rebuild it, is it because the Korean characters alters the path?



    Answer 2: Rename your custom loading screens into loading00.jpg ,loading01.jpg and so on...

    Answer 3: Place those 12 sliced images inside texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\



    The names were already as those, but seems like Not enabling "Use Unlimited Loading screen" in diff will fix my problem.


    How about the file name of those 12 images?


    The names were all boxes in my windows 7. Sorry.

  12. Hello Rathenians!


    First of all changing my client is not an option, I have loved 2010-07-30aRagexeRE too much I cannot change it. LOL.


    Well, I use your http://rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/diff_patcher.php?client=2010-07-30aRagexeRE to diff the client, and is wondering why is the custom font still not appearing?


    I am trying to make the client font to: Comic Sans MS but still no luck:


    • Font Name: Comic Sans MS
    • Use Custom Font


    Question 1. Are there any other option that I should enable?


    Question 2. I have successfully put all the loading screen I want to my data/grf, and they work fine, but wondering why are the loading screen from the main data.grf still showing? I have 9 custom loading screen, and yet the official loading screen can still show up. LOL.


    Question 3. I am using your great tool to make my loggin background: rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/login_background/ and it works great. But i am having trouble coping up with the .grf output of the tool. Can you somebody tell me where/what folder should I put the 12 "sliced" images? And also the name format of the images? I tried extracting the .bmp files, but cannot rebuild it, is it because the Korean characters alters the path?


    Question 4. I already have .eot files inside my custom GRF, but still wondering why the client keeps looking for those in data folder?


    Thanks in advance and more power.



    I enabled: Read Data Folder First (Recommended)

    I am not using : Load Lua Before Lub

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