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Everything posted by volaoman

  1. thanks but i fixed it i'm using rathena and hercules Gladius ql soy entero pesao sapo conchetumare thanks for everything
  2. it was a hat does not throw any type of error the client only freezes after putting @item Knife or any other element when putting the command the pj I can no longer move it and teleport anywhere Here is my setup item_db.conf { Id: 32353 AegisName: "ADM" Name: "Administrador Hat" Type: "IT_ARMOR" Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Def: 3 Loc: 256 ViewSprite: 1882 Script: <" bonus bAllStats,50; bonus bMdef,99; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,100; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,95; skill "CR_FULLPROTECTION",5; skill "AC_CONCENTRATION",10; skill "ASC_EDP",5; skill "HW_MAGICPOWER",10; skill "ECL_SNOWFLIP",1; skill "ECL_PEONYMAMY",1; skill "ECL_SADAGUI",1; skill "ECL_SEQUOIADUST",1; bonus bMaxHPrate,200; bonus bDelayrate,-20; bonus bSpeedRate,25; sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; sc_end SC_ENDURE; "> }, { Id: 32354 AegisName: "Ala_De_Dragon_Envejecida" Name: "Alas De Dragon Envejecida" Type: "IT_ARMOR" Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Def: 3 Loc: 1 ViewSprite: 1883 Script: <" bonus bAllStats,35; skill "MO_TRIPLEATTACK",5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus bDelayrate,-15;bonus bCastrate,-15; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bMatkRate,10; "> }, { Id: 32355 AegisName: "Aura_De_Espadas" Name: "Aura De Espadas" Type: "IT_ARMOR" Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Def: 3 Loc: 512 ViewSprite: 1884 Script: <" bonus bAllStats,50;bonus bIntravision,0;bonus bDelayrate,-15;bonus bCastrate,-15; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bCastrate,-15; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; bonus bMatkRate,10; "> }, { Id: 32356 AegisName: "Gorro_de_inicio" Name: "Gorro de inicio" Type: "IT_ARMOR" Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Def: 3 Loc: 256 ViewSprite: 1885 Script: <" bonus bAllStats,15; "> }, { Id: 32357 AegisName: "Pelo_Negro_de_Goku" Name: "Pelo Negro de Goku" Type: "IT_ARMOR" Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Def: 3 Loc: 256 ViewSprite: 1886 Script: <" bonus bStr,30; bonus bAgi,30; bonus bLuck,30; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,10; "> }, accname.lub [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_ADM] = "_ADM", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Ala_De_Dragon_Envejecida] = "_Ala_De_Dragon_Envejecida", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Aura_De_Espadas] = "_Aura_De_Espadas", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Gorro_de_inicio] = "_Gorro_de_inicio" [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Pelo_Negro_de_Goku] = "_Pelo_Negro_de_Goku" accesoryid.lub ACCESSORY_ADM = 1882, ACCESSORY_Ala_De_Dragon_Envejecida = 1883, ACCESSORY_Aura_De_Espadas = 1884, ACCESSORY_Gorro_de_inicio = 1885 ACCESSORY_Pelo_Negro_de_Goku = 1886 iteminfo.lua [32353] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Administrador Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "ADM", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Administrador Hat", identifiedResourceName = "ADM", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A special item.", "Armor:^6666CC Headgear^000000", "Defense:^0000FF 0^000000", "Location:^6666CC Upper^000000", "Weight:^006600 10^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 4, ClassNum = 1882 }, [32354] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Alas de Dragon", unidentifiedResourceName = "Ala_De_Dragon_Envejecida", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Alas de Dragon", identifiedResourceName = "Ala_De_Dragon_Envejecida", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A special item.", "Armor:^6666CC Headgear^000000", "Defense:^0000FF 0^000000", "Location:^6666CC Lower^000000", "Weight:^006600 10^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 1883 }, [32355] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Aura De Espadas", unidentifiedResourceName = "Aura_De_Espadas", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Aura De Espadas", identifiedResourceName = "Aura_De_Espadas", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A special item.", "Armor:^6666CC Headgear^000000", "Defense:^0000FF 0^000000", "Location:^6666CC Middler^000000", "Weight:^006600 10^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 1884 }, [32356] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Gorro de inicio", unidentifiedResourceName = "Gorro_de_inicio", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Gorro de inicio", identifiedResourceName = "Gorro_de_inicio", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A special item.", "Armor:^6666CC Headgear^000000", "Defense:^0000FF 0^000000", "Location:^6666CC Upper^000000", "Weight:^006600 10^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 1885 }, [32357] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Pelo Negro de Goku", unidentifiedResourceName = "Pelo_Negro_de_Goku", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Pelo Negro de Goku", identifiedResourceName = "Pelo_Negro_de_Goku", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Pelo de Goku Insipirado en la Saga Dragon Ball.", "Armor:^6666CC Headgear^000000", "Defense:^0000FF 0^000000", "Location:^6666CC Upper^000000", "Weight:^006600 10^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All^000000" }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 1886 }, When I added the last custom item called Pelo_Negro_de_Goku when trying to remove the item with @item, the server was frozen and I could not move or change the map and remove the item that gave me the failure and it was still the same with any other item that I wanted to remove
  3. what happens is that when I carry out the @item command with any element, the server freezes and gets stuck and I have to close it forcibly and it doesn't throw any error in the command box I added some custom items yesterday and there was no mistake when removing any item I tried to remove all the files I put from the custom item and the error persists
  4. hi I have a problem with my test server yesterday everything worked fine today when adding a custom item I got into the server and when using any type of command either @item or @go the server is frozen and when closing the client and re-entering the id and password won't let me in and the console doesn't throw any kind of error.
  5. Hi, I have an error in my home ragnarok server. I use a renewal data.grf to download this post : complete offline server client pack 2018 Do not use the whole pack just use the grf renewal and configure and compile my own emulator. The problem I have is that by removing hat's from this list: Renewal Item Database Armor - All Costume Headgears says he's missing sprites that error is from the hat C Angel Fluttering id 5979 : --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Cannot find File : sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³²\³²_cÈ𳯸®´Âõ»çÀdz¯°³.act --------------------------- Aceptar --------------------------- --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Spr :: Cannot find File : sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³²\³²_cÈ𳯸®´Âõ»çÀdz¯°³.spr --------------------------- Aceptar --------------------------- so I do not know if I need a more updated grf, it needed a little help thanks
  6. Hello I come from the forum in Spanish since I do not have much answer for aya and I do not speak much English I will try to communicate my problem. The fact is that I had a server created a few years ago rathena years ago (2012/2013) the exe that used at that time was the 2011/11 as it was the most stable keep part of the work in one part and another elsewhere. the problem is that I lost the emulator only that I was left with the data.grf of my server to which I had added a variety of custom item also had the item_db2 of those items the luas that come on the data.grf that have the modified luas for custom items. The big problem I have is that I do not know how to pass all the custom items from my server to a new emulator since I believe that other files are modified now and I wanted to pass them without so much work. that thanks in advance
  7. Hola soy nuevo hace años no volvia a hacer un server ragnarok hace tiempo tenia uno pero perdi gran parte de mi trabajo me quede con el exe (que es del 2012 no recuerdo bien la fecha) tengo mi data grf con customs items agreados tambien a los luas y el item_db de los items la cosa es que viendo ahora cambio como se agregan los customs items. Baje un server aca en rathena 2018 preconfigurado y queria saber como poder importar mis customs items del grf antiguo al nuevo. Gracias (no sabia como ponerle al titulo lo siento si no es el apropiado)
  8. buenas el problema ya no es de luas lo solucione. El problema es que al summonear el mob se me cierra el exe yo cree la carpeta ¸ó½ºÅÍ' dentro de mi data y puse los sprite pero aun asi se me cierra el exe al instante de sacar al mob
  9. ya lo repare el problema que tengo es que mi carpeta data no tiene la carpeta ¸ó½ºÅÍ'. para agregar los sprites. cree la carpeta ¸ó½ºÅÍ'. y al logiar y sacar el mob se me cierra el exe y mi exe es 20120410
  10. Tengo este problemas con mis mobs customs y nose que hacer Error jobname npcidentity
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