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Files posted by Kurofly

  1. Free

    Auto shop

    This script will allow players to shop their items while playing via a shop NPC, this is kind of an alternative to the auction system.
    Note: There's also a french version since I'm french ^^
    There is a user setup, be sure to check it out !

    User can add a cost to shop creation and/or a tax, there's also a delay after which the shop is deleted.
    Players can create a shop using an item or via the '@shop' command, depending on the mode value in the user setup
    Players can shop any kind of item apart from bound and time-limit items
    You can add items, change prices, modify your shop name anytime using the '@shop' command
    You can disconnect and reconnect anytime, if you sold something and/or your shop was deleted you will get your money and items on relog
    In case the server reboots you also get back the shop creation's cost or the item you used to open it

    Please report any bug you find.
    If I can't answer you while you are experiencing bugs, consider following this step:
    Make sure no one is selling when you do this because they will loose all of their sales !!

    Note: you can just reloadscript before doing this to give them back all of their items.
    //bindatcmd "delall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDelall",99,99; /*In case you have problems I recommend you to uncomment this command and to execute it. It will erase all the data of every shop and every player. I myself experienced some issues not directly related to the script but to unexpected events so reseting data should temporarly solve the problem. Please contact me on rA (Kurofly) if you experience any bug*/



  2. Free


    This basically is a script wich allows an admin to use 2 commands:
    -'@var <variable> {<player/npc>}' :
    gives you the value of the variable
    -'@setvar <variable> <value> {<player/npc>}':
    Sets the variable to value
    The script will check wether you want to set an integer or string variable and acts accrodingly so no need to bother for this.
    If you don't enter enough parameters you will be informed on how the commands works so basically you can just type '@var' and '@setvar' in game to see how it works.
    I made this to help me finding out where my errors were in some scripts and also to directly go at a certain point of a quest.
    I found that pretty useful so I guess you may think it's useful too ^^
    Wanted to say "Have fun!" but this script won't give you much fun so just hope that'll help



  3. Free


    It's a really simple script which warns some players when used.
    I made use of it to be warned if something didn't go right in some big scripts where you can be lost.
    It helped to correct some bugs more easily and to catch some people trying to cheat
    It's used like this:
    callfunc "WarnMe","this is a test","<your player name>","<other player name>"{,"<other player name>",{...}};//it will send a notification to all players mentionned, if they're not connected they'll receive it on relog
    I'll give you an example:
    while (getvariableofnpc(.battle,getarg(0))) { if (getpetinfo(0) != getvariableofnpc(.pet_gid,getarg(0))) { callfunc "WarnMe",""+strcharinfo(0)+" a change de pokemon","kuro" ; dispbottom "C'est pas bien d'essayer de tricher...",0xffff00 ; end; }
    It tells me if someone changes his pet during a pokemon fight and so I can punish him
    Well it's not something you'd often use but it can be ueful sometimes.



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