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  1. Hi all, i've diffed 2011-12-28aRagexeRE form http://pyro-ro.com/l...=kei-clientside with ShinsDiffPatcher from https://subversion.a.../svn/weetools/. Data folder is from http://svn6.assembla...n_Project/data/ and lua files from http://svn6.assembla...a_Project/lubs/ is in data/luafiles514/lua files. When lauch Client i give this error: Someone have idea of causes?
  2. Hi all, recently i had some problem with maps and I need know the Gravity map that best fit my custom map. This is a simple bash script that generate a txt file with maps sorted by width and height. I hope is usefull for someone #!/bin/bash svn co https://openkore.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openkore/fieldpack/trunk/fields/ echo -e Width \\t Height \\t Map > "Maps Dimensions.tmp" for m in $(ls fields | grep fld); do name=$(basename $m ".fld") w=$(cat "fields/$m" | head -c 2 | od -d -An | tr -dc '[:alnum:],\n') h=$(cat "fields/$m" | head -c 4 | tail -c 2| od -d -An | tr -dc '[:alnum:],\n') echo -e $w \\t $h \\t $name >> "Maps Dimensions.tmp" done rm -rf fields sort -t $'\t' -k 1n -k 2n "Maps Dimensions.tmp" > "Maps Dimensions.txt" rm "Maps Dimensions.tmp"
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