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Posts posted by Gedankenthank

  1. I cannot access the table 'char' in mysql due to char being a command within sql. It keeps giving me a syntax error, even though I know the syntax is right because I can replace 'char' with any other table and it works fine. I've confirmed the table 'char' does exist.


    This came about because my client keeps disconnecting when trying to create a character. I tried manually creating one in the terminal but ran into this problem. Does anyone know how to get around this? I can't seem to find any info on it.


    I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with the mysql 5.5.



  2. Ok I finally fixed this. This post can be deleted or leave it for others to see what I did.

    The problem was that my char server was randomly adding an underscore '_' after the username. I have no idea why as its not in char_athena so it must be a glitch. You can actually see this in the second screenshot where it logs in with 'Mentokro_'. Like i said there is no underscore in char_athena but I made a login for the mySQL with the underscore added and then the char server worked. To get the map server to work I just had to also add an underscore to the map server id. So map_athena had 'Mentokro_' as its id in order to match the glitched char server id.


    ps to sasha: I did, and I used google... I suspect you think i just didn't match char_athena and map_athena?

  3. Hi, I have beeing trying to fix this for hours. I've found other posts about this problem but I havent found a solution.


    So does anyone know why I get this:






    The other servers work just fine:





    My usernames and passwords in char_athena and map_athena match perfectly. I have made the login ID in mySQL which lets my char server connect to my login server, but I dont understand why map server wont connect.


    Thanks for any help!

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