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Posts posted by kurosaki

  1. Hello, I would like to make a request to you, if possible someone could make a NPC for me? or something to send me Please?
    What would the npc?
    An NPC that when you click on it, it he gives the LVL (3 NPC's, 1 lvl = 0 = 1 lvl 200 lvl 1 = 400)
    Upon learning of such Levels, the a quest can only be done 1 to Char
    After Request items (19934 x1 in all npc's), he put the tag on the character's name: (Level 0 = [Apprentice] + Nick Player) - (Level 200 = [Advanced] + Nick Player) - (Level 400 = + Nick Player)
    I appreciate if anyone can do the Script, or send me What have available.
    sorry errors
    ~Google Translator~ 


  2. Was Thinking Create A Ragnaruto For Brazil, But not worth much ... Many Other Ragnaroks All ripped ...

    Not so has Grace Create A New Ragnaruto Here ..

    So I thought in creating an internationally Ragnaruto

    More Need A Team That Learn Translate All Scripts ....

    This All Full PT-BR

    I created myself Systems, tables, and maps Sprites I bought As Mappers and Spriters Famous As: (Olrox / Pallas Designer)

    Or would like to open an Internationally Ragnaruto Or For all what I have in Download Free, How suggestion of you?

  3. I would like to Request One NPC In Map Training (@WARP Training), What When Creating Character

    The NPC would tell a story Example: Today on Christmas Day ... 

    The Finish the Story, the NPC will put the Player Within One Random Guild (ID 1 and ID 2)

    and teleport the player to His Guild random

    Map of the guild ID 1: @Warp Logik

    Map of the guild ID 2: @Warp Kronics


    Thanks !!!

  4. The issue doesn't look like it's in the item, but rather in the function. Show us that so we can see if there is a problem with it. Because from the information your giving us all we can deduct is that:

    1. The item exists.

    2. Your using it.

    3. Nothing happens.


    By elimination your function is most likely the problem.

    So .. as I do a VIP Ticket?

  5. Hello. 

    Well I'm  Requesting Help Your..  /kis2

    I created the Item: VIP Ticket

    Function is: callfunc "vip30"

    More Is Not Adding The 30 Days of VIP, What did You Wrong?  /?


    Item_db2 line

    20001,Ticket_Vip,Ticket Vip #30,0,10000,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "vip30"; },{},{}


  6. Okay so let me try to get this straight.

    1. This script works just fine.

    2. You want to know if it'll work when a player uses @warp to one of the guild maps?


    If this is so, then the answer to #2 is Yes. When a player uses @warp to the map, it should trigger the OnPCLoadMapEvent: which will make the script run.


    If what you're trying to do is remove the ability to use @warp to the map, then a mapflag needs to be added.

    How do I configure this Script?

  7. Try this:

    -	script	GuildInvasion	-1,{
    setarray .map$[0],"Guild Map 1","Guild Map 2","Guild Map 3";
    setarray .guild[0],1,2,3;
    //Guild Map 1
    if( strcharinfo(3) == .map$[0] && getcharid(2) == .guild[0] ){end;}
    	else { mapannounce .map$[0],strcharinfo(0) +" from ["+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"] has invaded your home town!",bc_blue|bc_map; end; }
    //Guild Map 2
    if(	strcharinfo(3) == .map$[0] && getcharid(2) == .guild[0] ){end;}
    	else { mapannounce .map$[0],strcharinfo(0) +" from ["+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"] has invaded your home town!",bc_blue|bc_map; end; }
    // Guild Map 3
    if(	strcharinfo(3) == .map$[0] && getcharid(2) == .guild[0] ){end;}
    	else { mapannounce .map$[0],strcharinfo(0) +" from ["+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"] has invaded your home town!",bc_blue|bc_map; end; }
    //Add more as needed.
    // End since, they are not on any of the maps.
    guild_map_1	mapflag	gvg
    guild_map_2	mapflag	gvg
    guild_map_3	mapflag	gvg
    guild_map_1	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_map_2	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_map_3	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_map_1	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_map_2	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_map_3	mapflag	noteleport

    It detects if a player warps onto 1 of the guild maps. If they do, it then checks to see if they are in the same guild as the map owners. If they are, nothing happens. If they are NOT, then it announces that they invaded the map.


    As Emistry suggested, GVG is enabled, so PVP will always be on if it's to fight enemy guilds. You won't be able to hurt your guild members.

    Thanks, Thanks, but that it'll work the same guy? * - * 
    Like ... If I make an NPC to teleport players to the Guild of Tal map of this Guild Enemy "Go System work?" 
    When the Player or the Guild Enemy EnterWarp Guild Of Enemy?

    Try this:

    -	script	GuildInvasion	-1,{
    setarray .map$[0],"Guild Map 1","Guild Map 2","Guild Map 3";
    setarray .guild[0],1,2,3;
    //Guild Map 1
    if( strcharinfo(3) == .map$[0] && getcharid(2) == .guild[0] ){end;}
    	else { mapannounce .map$[0],strcharinfo(0) +" from ["+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"] has invaded your home town!",bc_blue|bc_map; end; }
    //Guild Map 2
    if(	strcharinfo(3) == .map$[0] && getcharid(2) == .guild[0] ){end;}
    	else { mapannounce .map$[0],strcharinfo(0) +" from ["+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"] has invaded your home town!",bc_blue|bc_map; end; }
    // Guild Map 3
    if(	strcharinfo(3) == .map$[0] && getcharid(2) == .guild[0] ){end;}
    	else { mapannounce .map$[0],strcharinfo(0) +" from ["+getguildname(getcharid(2))+"] has invaded your home town!",bc_blue|bc_map; end; }
    //Add more as needed.
    // End since, they are not on any of the maps.
    guild_map_1	mapflag	gvg
    guild_map_2	mapflag	gvg
    guild_map_3	mapflag	gvg
    guild_map_1	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_map_2	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_map_3	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_map_1	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_map_2	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_map_3	mapflag	noteleport

    It detects if a player warps onto 1 of the guild maps. If they do, it then checks to see if they are in the same guild as the map owners. If they are, nothing happens. If they are NOT, then it announces that they invaded the map.


    As Emistry suggested, GVG is enabled, so PVP will always be on if it's to fight enemy guilds. You won't be able to hurt your guild members.

    to sum up:
    A and was the same GVG ^^ 
    more ... now I just want to know if when Using a Player @Warp
    The System Will Work
    And like me I set the Script?
  8. Well, I was thinking of a NPC.   /ic

    An NPC that when clicking it, enter for a Guild.

    More, Has a Problem.   /x

    It is not a normal system ... 

    Sign up for the "Guild" This "Guild" Tera only one Map it 

    ie: there were only three "Guilds" 

    More when the Player Ex: Guild - Guild & 1 - 2 

    If the Player's Guild 2 Enter the map of the Guild 1 

    Announces: The Player (Player's Name) invaded (name MAP) 

    and activates the PVP 

    Knowing how I would do this? 

    Can you send me the script?


    Thanks ^^   /no1

  9. I speak Portuguese, my English is not 100%, I would spend the Request A map of Naruto Any 1 can be Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Akatsuki, Map Chuunin Exam ETC ... I am a Creator of maps Newcomer, still do not know Creating Textures also ... I would like to ask if it is possible to get textures maps World Of Warcraft 3 and Put textures in BrowEdit, If possible How to Take Comment textures and putting them in Browedit .. 

    If you posted the topic in the wrong area by Please Entendão That I'm new to rA


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