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Posts posted by zellreximus

  1. hi there,,, i need another help here,,,,

    i have problem with wanderer and ministrel skill,,,

    it is moonlite serenade and windmill rush attack,,,


    this skill should increase matk and atk depends on percent,,, but in my private server, it increase matk and atk in a sure point...


    for example: my matk is 18+18 when i get moonlite serenade it becomes 76+76,, it increased by 58 points...

                        when my matk 2967 and then i get moonlite serenade it becomes 3025,,, it increased by 58 points too...


    from what i read.. it should be percent not an exact point like that...


    thank you for ur help,,, :D

  2. I need help right here,,, 




    Royal Guard A devo Sura A and then Sura A do Ashura strike to Royal Guard B which using reflect shield,,, but the damage return to Sura A instead to Royal Guard A...


    i need source modification so the reflect damage return to the Royal Guard not the Sura



    Help ME PLs,,,


    Thank you before,,,

  3. is there someone can help me to change my overawe status formula for banding?

    in my server,, overawe's time effect is unlimited,,, it will disappear when you are die,, if you are not die,, it will always effect your character,,,


    i'm really appreciate if someone want to help me




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