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Posts posted by Lauree

  1. First of all I apologize for my bad English.

    Hello I want to show you my first map and take advantage to ask some questions with some problems that have arisen.
    The first problem I have is that I start my map with proportions of 200 by 200 and it seemed quite large but when developing it seems that it is not.
    Before I leave some captures so that you can see it and then squeeze it so it will be easier for me to understand.






    The part of the map that can be seen in these captures is what has worked the stairs the dock and its base.
    I like the way it looks, without ever being in the customer when you place yourself at the top of the stairs and its surroundings you can see the edge of the map and I do not like it.





    And well the question is, how to do to prevent the edges from being seen.
    It occurred to me to make a bigger map and to copy everything on the new one.
    But once copied when trying to save freezes the browedit.

    I hope someone can give me some advice

    Well now I show you the rest of the map.


    First we have a pair of 3d custom models




    Y despues todo lo mas normal y comun





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  2. hola amigos, tengo un problema con...
    a mi parecer es el cliente lo que me esta limitando, pues el server no tira ningun error.

    cuando uso el comando @item 50000 el server no da error, pero el cliente da el mensaje you cannot get the item

    cuando uno usa el comando @item y el item no existe en la item db el cliente da el error de "@item failed"


    esta demas decir que el item ya esta agregado a la idem db

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