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  1. My Setup: I am using rAthena 17703 Server. My client is latest kRO with diffed client 2013-05-15aRagexe_patched.exe Bug1: As you can see in the screenshot attached, I am getting that PN : ONRRRR in the Deal window and also a ONRRRO or something like that at the bottom of the saved screenshot. Seems these messages are not displayed from the msgstringtable.txt so I couldn't fix them. Any advice ? Bug2: Also, when saving a screenshot, in the chat window, it shows Saved to C:₩RO₩Screenshots₩screenro.jpg ,i.e, basically it is using the ₩ character instead of / . So, that needs fixing too. Bug3: Client crashes when I right-click on any Unidentified equipment with Item comparison On and a similar class equipment equipped. Example- If I have an unidentified Mace[3] in my inventory and I am wearing another weapon (a knife or something), then as I right-click on the mace, the client crashes. However, if my item comparison option is off, it shows the description box and everything works fine. Same if item comparison is on but no weapon is equipped. Hope you get it. I am unable to think of where the error might be. Please help. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. If you need additional information or screenshots, please do ask. Thank You.
  2. My server is setup perfectly using 15-05-2013 Ragexe and with 2013 Data. I still however see old maps like "Morroc with castle" and even the world map is old. Cannot see any dimensional gorge maps, etc. The NPCs on the maps are however new ones. How can I update my maps ? Please help... If any additional information or screenshots required, please ask. [Edit] -Solved the problem by copying data.grf and rdata.grf from a private server's client folder.
  3. My server is setup perfectly using 15-05-2013 Ragexe and with 2013 Data. I still however see old maps like "Morroc with castle" and even the world map is old. Cannot see any dimensional gorge maps, etc. The NPCs on the maps are however new ones. How can I update my maps, please help. Edit: Problem solved by reordering grfs in DATA.ini
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