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Posts posted by oblinez

  1. well, I downloaded the rathena server, I did everything I had to do to run it, everything ok, server side ok,

    the client I downloaded the BRO updated so far, I made the DATA.ini file, I made my grf with the data folder that I downloaded from this address: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Pre-Renewal
    I put everything from system folder to BRO system folder but it is giving a lot of errors when trying to open client

    does anyone know a data and system folder compatible with 2021-11-03_Ragexe_1635926200












  2. hello guys, I'm trying to make a condition to check if there is a player on the map, but the condition enters an infinite loop, I need the NPC to show a waitingroom if there is a player on the map and another if there is no player on the map, but it has to be in real time


    do{waitingroom "PvP in progress",0;}while(getareausers("force_4-1",86,113,113,86) > 0)




    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Warning]: skill_castend_pos2: Unknown skill used:196
    [Status]: Received '44' guild castles from char-server.
    [Status]: Received '4' clans from char-server.


    since i downloaded the server from git and then compiled it, since the first time i opened it, it gives these warning

    how to fix it?

  4. 10 hours ago, Patskie said:
    prontera,150,150,6	script	Sample	112,{
    	do {
    		input .@string$;
    	} while (callfunc("ValidateInput", .@string$));
    	mes "You pick " + .@string$;
    function	script	ValidateInput	{
    	.@str$ = getarg(0, "");
    	.@size = getstrlen(.@str$);
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) {
    		if (charat(.@str$, .@i) != " ") {
    			if (!charisalpha(.@str$, .@i))
    				return 1;
    	return 0;


    how to prevent the player type only space?

    Sem título.png

  5. 9 hours ago, Patskie said:
    prontera,150,150,6	script	Sample	112,{
    	do {
    		input .@string$;
    	} while (callfunc("ValidateInput", .@string$));
    	mes "You pick " + .@string$;
    function	script	ValidateInput	{
    	.@str$ = getarg(0, "");
    	.@size = getstrlen(.@str$);
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) {
    		if (charat(.@str$, .@i) != " ") {
    			if (!charisalpha(.@str$, .@i))
    				return 1;
    	return 0;



    you are my savior!
    can you explain your code for me? so that i can learn

    how does the first part undestand that returning 1 or 0 must repeat the input or not

    is this boolean? callfunc returns 1 or 0, while true it pass, false it fall into condition, that's right?

  6. On 2/22/2019 at 1:10 AM, AnnieRuru said:

    Random option is entirely server side

    prontera,155,185,5	script	skjhsdfkj	1_F_MARIA,{
    	setarray .@OptID[0],RDMOPT_VAR_ATTPOWER;
    	setarray .@OptVal[0],10;
    	setarray .@OptParam[0],0;
    	getitem3 1501, 1,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0, .@OptID,.@OptVal,.@OptParam;
    	setarray .@OptVal[0],100;
    	getitem3 1501, 1,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0, .@OptID,.@OptVal,.@OptParam;
    	setarray .@OptVal[0],1000;
    	getitem3 1501, 1,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0, .@OptID,.@OptVal,.@OptParam;


    the ATK+100 is manipulable

    in this case, how to give 2 or more options for the item?

  7. -	script	hourlypoints	-1,{
    	if( checkidle() < .max_idle && checkvending() != 2) {
    		query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `globalpoints`=`globalpoints`+"+.point_amt+" WHERE `account_id` = '"+ getcharid(3) +"'";
    		dispbottom "Voce Recebeu 1 Ponto M,M!RO Por Ficar Jogando Durante 1 hora";
    		if( checkidle() > .max_idle){
    		dispbottom "Ganhar ponto M,M!RO ficando parado eh facil neh??";
    		dispbottom "mas pra seu azar voce nao ira ganhar...";
    		dispbottom "porque voce ficou 15 ou Mais AFK";
    		if( checkvending() == 2){
    		dispbottom "Soh Para Informalo... Abrir Loja Ira Parar A contagem";
    		dispbottom "De Pontos Por Hora";
    	set .point_amt, 1; //ponto ganho por hora
    	set .max_idle = 15 * 30;//valor de 15 minutos

    can some1 check this npc??


    - script hourlypoints -1,{






    if( checkidle() < 900 && !@autotrade ) {

    .@mes$ = "";

    set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .point_amt;

    dispbottom "You received "+.point_amt+" Kafrapoints by staying in-game for 1 hour";

    dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafrapoints";

    set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1;

    //Check for 3 hours consecutive

    if(@consecutive_hour == 3) {

    set @consecutive_hour,0;

    set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .cpoint_amt;

    dispbottom "You receive "+.cpoint_amt+" Kafrapoints for 3 consecutive hours of play.";

    dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafrapoints";


    } else if( !getstrlen(.@mes$) ) {

    .@mes$ = "While afk for 15 minutes or more you will not receive hourly points.";

    dispbottom .@mes$;






    @autotrade = 1;

    atcommand "@autotrade";



    bindatcmd "autotrade","hourlypoints::OnCommand";

    set .cpoint_amt, 50; //Points gained for consecutive time online.

    set .point_amt, 10; //Normal points gained.


    skorm thx alot bro but i forget one detail... coud u edit this script to work with hourlypoints table on login db? and can you disable the "//Check for 3 hours consecutive" ??

    skorm, if( checkidle() < 900 && !@autotrade ) <<<this part block @at too? or any command to open shop?


    ja pensou sobre o emulador estar pegando dados seus e enviando para esse ip ai... e o cara ta vendo suas infos?? em programaçao da pra fazer qualquer coisa... voce acha q abre uma calculadora pra fazer contas mas por traz da calculadora tem um script rodando (que voce nem sabe) e enviando tudo pra outro canto....(exemplo)....

    aposto que foi isso que fez o brasil tomar de 7 e não de 10... puta mundo injusto.



    julioCF inocente rrrs "sabe de nada inocente" kkkk voce era + esperto em...(te conheço, mas voce nao sabe quem sou)


    P.S antigamente voce era melhor julio rsrsr ajudava + rsrsr te conheço de outros foruns....


    ahhh o julio queria falar com voce mesmo... aquele emu no seu git é old times? qual a revisao?

  10. hi,


    i need 1 npc who deliver gifts hourly but with dalay, the gifts will be delivered every 00:00 hour...


    this npc will save how many hour the player was online and the end of the day "00:00" (to prevent a possible lag) that npc deliver all of gifts of the day


    is ti possible?


    if not, plz send me a link of the one simple npc who deliver hourly gifts...


    can someone helpme??

  11. ja pensou sobre o emulador estar pegando dados seus e enviando para esse ip ai... e o cara ta vendo suas infos?? em programaçao da pra fazer qualquer coisa... voce acha q abre uma calculadora pra fazer contas mas por traz da calculadora tem um script rodando (que voce nem sabe) e enviando tudo pra outro canto....(exemplo)....

  12. hello ppl,


    can someone help me? 
    I need a query to add vip days in an account 
    this query will put in a ticket, the person purchasing the ticket and uses to add vip days your account 
    after using the item will disappear 
    my vip system works with 2 main tables "diasvip", "levelvip" 
    I use svro vip system 
    with these tables: 
    - Login table: 
    ALTER TABLE `login` ADD `diasvip` INT NOT NULL;
    is possible to make an alert popup after using a item? i'll use an item in-game like a ticket and an window appears with some alerts about the item....
    like ... if the person already has vip 
    and the person buying another card and use, a message will appear saying that he already has vip, and a button appears to close this message
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