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Posts posted by Fanthasy

  1. On 11/27/2020 at 11:23 AM, Patskie said:
    your_instance_name_timer = gettimetick(2) + 86400;

    and then perform a check on your script before anyone can enter your instance

    if (your_instance_name_timer > gettimetick(2)) {
    	mes "you can only enter this instance after " + Time2Str(your_instance_name_timer) + ".";

    I can understand the logic within these lines, but I cannot apply it within what I want to do.

    ex: I would like the player to pay a fee to enter the instance, and after that payment he is free to enter and leave as many times as he wants until the end of the instance period, when that period ends, his pass is revoked.

    Can you understand? I don't know if I explained it well, my English isn't that great.

  2. 4 hours ago, Haruka Mayumi said:

    Since i'm lazy to read the whole content and just saw this.. I will answer only this one.

    you can do it by adding a variable to the player which contains timestamp

    Hehe I apologize for all this content in the post, I just needed to really show what my question was.

    I am as much as unexpected as this part, could you give me a direction on how to make this timestamp? Or give me an example of where to see a similar function?

  3. The title of the post is very self-describing! I'm here because I need your help on this issue, I developed an NPC for an instance of Chefenia, I applied hideonnpc and hideoffnpc and in theory it works well! But he is just hidding the main NPC, his duplicates are on display, I wonder if you could help me.

    Follow the NPC code;



    //=================================|===============|||||||/////\\\\\\|||||||||||/////////\       |/////|==============|
    //Cheffenia                        |===============||||||//////\\\\\\\||||||||||//////////\      |/////|==============|
    //=================================|===============|||||///////\\\\\\\\|||||||||///////////\     |/////|==============|
    //Script adaptado para:           .|=====||||||||||||||///////  \\\\\\\\||||||||////////////\    |/////|==============|
    //=================================|===========|||||||///////    \\\\\\\\|||||||/////| \/////\   |/////|==============|
    //=================================|===========||||||///////      \\\\\\\\||||||/////|  \/////\  |/////|==============|
    //Adaptado por: Fanthasy           |===========|||||///////////\\\\\\\\\\\\|||||/////|   \/////\ |/////|==============|
    //=================================|=====||||||||||////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\||||/////|    \////////////|==============|
    //Versão: 1.6                      |=====|||||||||///////           \\\\\\\\\|||/////|     \///////////|==============|
    //=================================|=====||||||||///////             \\\\\\\\\||/////|      \//////////|==============|
    //                                 |=====|||||||///////               \\\\\\\\\|/////|       \/////////|==============|
    -	script	Sample	-1,{
    		setarray .@IDMvP[0],2600,2601,2602,2603,2604,2605,2606,2606,2607,2608,2609,2610,2611,2612,2613,2614,2615,2616,2617,2618,2619,2620,2621,2622,2623,2624,2625,2626,2627,2628,2629,2630,2631,2632,2633,2635,2636,2637,2638,2639,2640,2641,2642,2643,2645;
    		setarray .@PTMvP[0],   1,	1,	 1,	  1,   1,	1,	 1,	  1,   1,	1,	 1,	  1,   1,	1,	 5,   1,   1,   5,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   5,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  35,  30,  40,  45,  50;
    		setarray .@reward[0],
    				14970, 1, 1,	//Tiquet VIP 5 dias
    				20060,	1,	5,	//Caixa de Stuffs
    				12210,	1,	2,	// Goma de Mascar
    				13989,	1,	50,	//Caixa de Bomba Ácida
    				2345, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Furia Flamejante Slotada
    				2347, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Submissão Oceânica Slotada
    				2349, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Liberdade Celestial Slotada
    				2351, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Perceverança Continental
    				2543, 1, 2,	//Manteal de Sílfides
    				2439, 1, 2,	//Sapatos Refrescantes
    				20062,	1,	001,	//Ticket Comércio Cheffenia
    				2737,	1,	1,	//Tornozeleira Marinha
    				14999,	1,	1,	//150 Bandeiras Nacionais
    				//4702,	1,	01,	//RUNA FOR+3
    				//4712,	1,	01,	//RUNA INT+3
    				//4722,	1,	01,	//RUNA DEX+3
    				//4732,	1,	01,	//RUNA AGI+3
    				//4742,	1,	01,	//RUNA VIT+3
    				//4752,	1,	01,	//RUNA LUK+3
    				2787,	1,	2,	//Broche Gota D'agua
    				2789,	1,	2,	//Anél de Bradium
    				2790,	1,	2,	//Broche de Bradium
    				2788,	1,	2,	//Brinco de Bradium
    				7619,	1,	001,	//Elunium Enriquecido
    				7620,	1,	001,	//Oridecom Enriquecido
    				30136,	1,	1,	//Bastão de Coelho
    				30135,	1,	15,	//Balão de Ash
    				30601,	1,	10, // Aura de LHZ Preta Vermelha
    				30200,	1,	50,	//Aura de Abóboras
    				30229,	1,	50,	//Aura de Balões Flutuantes
    				30182,	1,	50,	//Aura de Borboletas
    				30186,	1,	25,	//Fone de Ouvidos Branco
    				30600,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Cinza
    				30602,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Azul
    				30604,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Verde
    				30606,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Laranja
    				30608,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Vermelho
    				30238,	1,	1;	//DeadMouse Rosa
    			for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@IDMvP); set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    			if((killedrid == .@IDMvP[.@i]) && ( strcharinfo(3) == "bossnia_01" ))
    			set #pointbosnia,#pointbosnia + .@PTMvP[.@i];
    			dispbottom "Parabéns, você acaba de derrotar o monstro "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0)+", sua pontuação por recompensa é de "+.@PTMvP[.@i]+" pontos!";
    			dispbottom "Você tem "+#pointbosnia+" de pontos";
    			for( set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.@reward); set .@a, .@a + 3 )
    				set .@rand,rand(0,10000);
    				if((getitemname(.@reward[.@a]) != "null") && (.@rand <= .@reward[.@a+2]))
    					getitem .@reward[.@a],.@reward[.@a+1];
    					announce "O player "+strcharinfo(0)+" obteve "+.@reward[.@a+1]+"x "+getitemname(.@reward[.@a])+" por ter matado o monstro "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0)+".",0;
    bossnia_01,203,204,0	warp	bossnia04	1,1,prontera,156,176
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Hatii	2600,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Gorynych	2601,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Lady Branca	2602,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Doppelganger	2603,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Dark Lord	2604,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Dracula	2605,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Drake	2606,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Maya	2607,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Abelha Rainha	2608,2,300000
    //bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Bafomé	2609,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Egnigem Cenia	2610,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Amon Ra	2611,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Atroce	2612,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Vesper	2613,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Eddga	2614,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Osiris	2615,2,300000
    //bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Senhor dos Orcs	2616,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Orc Heroi	2617,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Samurai Encarnado	2618,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Flor do Luar	2619,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]LOD	2620,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Lady Tanee	2621,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Tao Gunka	2622,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]General Tartaruga	2623,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Faraó	2624,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Stormy Knight	2625,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Freonni	2626,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]GTB	2627,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Serpente Suprema	2628,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]RSX-0806	2629,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Pesar Noturno	2630,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Detale	2631,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Ktullanux	2632,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Kiel D-01	2633,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Thanatos	2635,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Bispo	2636,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Nidhogg	2637,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Leão de Vinhas	2638,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Mamute	2639,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Belzebu	2640,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Valk Randgris	2641,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Ifrit	2642,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Satã Morroc	2643,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Evil Shadow	2645,1,600000
    prontera,155,284,4	script	Portal de Cheffenia::bsw	723,{
    mes "[Voz]";
    		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"...";
    		mes "Se você se aproximou deste portal siguinifica que você é corajoso o suficiente para encarar os desafios...";
    		mes "[Voz]";
    		mes "Esses portais não surgiram atoa, nosso mundo enfrenta constantemente uma tentativa de ser invadido por monstros...";
    		mes "[Voz]";
    		mes "Monstros esses que estão aprissionados em um lugar impossível de se sobreviver, exceto se tiver habilidades que os destrua, caso você seja um desses com dons você poderá entrar e enfrenta-los!";
    		mes "[Voz]";
    		mes "Se deseja enfrenta-los precisa saber que um preço tem que ser pago par apoder adentrar nesta instância, vai enfrenta-los?";
    		mes "O preço a ser pago seria com sua vida, mas... Te darei essa chance!";
    if (Zeny > 1) {
    	mes "[Voz]";
    	mes "Você vai enfrentar este desafio ?";
    	mes "Certo. Em seguida, escolha o lugar do mapa que deseja ser teleportado!";
    	mes "^FF0000ATIVA O AUTOLOOT^000000!";
    	mes "^FF0000ATIVA O AUTOLOOT^000000!";
    	mes "^FF0000ATIVA O AUTOLOOT^000000!";
    			menu "Posição A",P1,
    			"Posição B",P2,
    			"Posição C",P3,
    			"Posição D",P4;
    			warp "bossnia_01",31,208;
    			warp "bossnia_01",30,30;
    			warp "bossnia_01",209,30;
    			warp "bossnia_01",209,210;
    mes "[Voz]";
    mes "Parece que você não tem requisitos o sificiente para entrar, sinto muito!";
    mes "Volte quando tiver!";
    if (gettime(4) > 4 || gettime(4) == 0) {
    	if(gettime(4) == 4 && gettime(3) > 18) end;
    	else if (!gettime(4) && gettime(3) < 22) end;
    	else if (gettime(4) == 6) end;		
    hideonnpc "bsw";
    announce "O portal para Cheffenia abrirá em 1 minuto!",0;
    hideoffnpc "bsw";
    announce "Os portais de Cheffenia se fecharam! Até a proxima semana!",0;
    hideonnpc "bsw";
    //==========================Duplicates de Cheffenia============================================|
    morocc,165,102,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#02	723
    payon,145,230,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#03	723
    comodo,209,153,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#04	723
    gonryun,152,127,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#05	723
    louyang,217,105,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#06	723
    lighthalzen,146,100,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#07	723
    //==========================Bloqueio de Habilidades============================================|
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint

    My second question is, in this npc there is a charge to access the instance, but I was not able to make this charge only once every 24 hours for example, I was wondering how do I charge it only once during the period that I set, it's possible, I know, I just don't know how to develop this function, could you please help me?

    Observations: I'm not an expert scripter so I'm sorry if there are functions that are without specific logic.

  4. Olá, quanto tempo não posto aqui, mas infelizmente (ou felizmente) tive que recorrer a vocês.

    O título do post é bem auto-descritivo! Estou aqui pois preciso da ajuda de vocês quanto a essa questão, desenvolvi um NPC para uma instância de Chefenia, apliquei o hideonnpc e hideoffnpc e na teoria ele funciona bem! Porém ele apenas está hidando o NPC principal, suas duplicatas ficam a mostra, gostaria de saber se vocês poderiam me ajudar.

    Segue o código do NPC;



    //=================================|===============|||||||/////\\\\\\|||||||||||/////////\       |/////|==============|
    //Cheffenia                        |===============||||||//////\\\\\\\||||||||||//////////\      |/////|==============|
    //=================================|===============|||||///////\\\\\\\\|||||||||///////////\     |/////|==============|
    //Script adaptado para:           .|=====||||||||||||||///////  \\\\\\\\||||||||////////////\    |/////|==============|
    //=================================|===========|||||||///////    \\\\\\\\|||||||/////| \/////\   |/////|==============|
    //=================================|===========||||||///////      \\\\\\\\||||||/////|  \/////\  |/////|==============|
    //Adaptado por: Fanthasy           |===========|||||///////////\\\\\\\\\\\\|||||/////|   \/////\ |/////|==============|
    //=================================|=====||||||||||////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\||||/////|    \////////////|==============|
    //Versão: 1.6                      |=====|||||||||///////           \\\\\\\\\|||/////|     \///////////|==============|
    //=================================|=====||||||||///////             \\\\\\\\\||/////|      \//////////|==============|
    //                                 |=====|||||||///////               \\\\\\\\\|/////|       \/////////|==============|
    -	script	Sample	-1,{
    		setarray .@IDMvP[0],2600,2601,2602,2603,2604,2605,2606,2606,2607,2608,2609,2610,2611,2612,2613,2614,2615,2616,2617,2618,2619,2620,2621,2622,2623,2624,2625,2626,2627,2628,2629,2630,2631,2632,2633,2635,2636,2637,2638,2639,2640,2641,2642,2643,2645;
    		setarray .@PTMvP[0],   1,	1,	 1,	  1,   1,	1,	 1,	  1,   1,	1,	 1,	  1,   1,	1,	 5,   1,   1,   5,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   5,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  15,  35,  30,  40,  45,  50;
    		setarray .@reward[0],
    				14970, 1, 1,	//Tiquet VIP 5 dias
    				20060,	1,	5,	//Caixa de Stuffs
    				12210,	1,	2,	// Goma de Mascar
    				13989,	1,	50,	//Caixa de Bomba Ácida
    				2345, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Furia Flamejante Slotada
    				2347, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Submissão Oceânica Slotada
    				2349, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Liberdade Celestial Slotada
    				2351, 1, 1,	//Couraça da Perceverança Continental
    				2543, 1, 2,	//Manteal de Sílfides
    				2439, 1, 2,	//Sapatos Refrescantes
    				20062,	1,	001,	//Ticket Comércio Cheffenia
    				2737,	1,	1,	//Tornozeleira Marinha
    				14999,	1,	1,	//150 Bandeiras Nacionais
    				//4702,	1,	01,	//RUNA FOR+3
    				//4712,	1,	01,	//RUNA INT+3
    				//4722,	1,	01,	//RUNA DEX+3
    				//4732,	1,	01,	//RUNA AGI+3
    				//4742,	1,	01,	//RUNA VIT+3
    				//4752,	1,	01,	//RUNA LUK+3
    				2787,	1,	2,	//Broche Gota D'agua
    				2789,	1,	2,	//Anél de Bradium
    				2790,	1,	2,	//Broche de Bradium
    				2788,	1,	2,	//Brinco de Bradium
    				7619,	1,	001,	//Elunium Enriquecido
    				7620,	1,	001,	//Oridecom Enriquecido
    				30136,	1,	1,	//Bastão de Coelho
    				30135,	1,	15,	//Balão de Ash
    				30601,	1,	10, // Aura de LHZ Preta Vermelha
    				30200,	1,	50,	//Aura de Abóboras
    				30229,	1,	50,	//Aura de Balões Flutuantes
    				30182,	1,	50,	//Aura de Borboletas
    				30186,	1,	25,	//Fone de Ouvidos Branco
    				30600,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Cinza
    				30602,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Azul
    				30604,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Verde
    				30606,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Laranja
    				30608,	1,	1,	//DeadMouse Vermelho
    				30238,	1,	1;	//DeadMouse Rosa
    			for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@IDMvP); set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    			if((killedrid == .@IDMvP[.@i]) && ( strcharinfo(3) == "bossnia_01" ))
    			set #pointbosnia,#pointbosnia + .@PTMvP[.@i];
    			dispbottom "Parabéns, você acaba de derrotar o monstro "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0)+", sua pontuação por recompensa é de "+.@PTMvP[.@i]+" pontos!";
    			dispbottom "Você tem "+#pointbosnia+" de pontos";
    			for( set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.@reward); set .@a, .@a + 3 )
    				set .@rand,rand(0,10000);
    				if((getitemname(.@reward[.@a]) != "null") && (.@rand <= .@reward[.@a+2]))
    					getitem .@reward[.@a],.@reward[.@a+1];
    					announce "O player "+strcharinfo(0)+" obteve "+.@reward[.@a+1]+"x "+getitemname(.@reward[.@a])+" por ter matado o monstro "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0)+".",0;
    bossnia_01,203,204,0	warp	bossnia04	1,1,prontera,156,176
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Hatii	2600,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Gorynych	2601,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Lady Branca	2602,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Doppelganger	2603,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Dark Lord	2604,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Dracula	2605,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Drake	2606,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Maya	2607,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Abelha Rainha	2608,2,300000
    //bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Bafomé	2609,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Egnigem Cenia	2610,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Amon Ra	2611,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Atroce	2612,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Vesper	2613,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Eddga	2614,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Osiris	2615,2,300000
    //bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Senhor dos Orcs	2616,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Orc Heroi	2617,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Samurai Encarnado	2618,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Flor do Luar	2619,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]LOD	2620,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Lady Tanee	2621,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Tao Gunka	2622,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]General Tartaruga	2623,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Faraó	2624,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Stormy Knight	2625,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Freonni	2626,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]GTB	2627,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Serpente Suprema	2628,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]RSX-0806	2629,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Pesar Noturno	2630,2,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Detale	2631,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Ktullanux	2632,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Kiel D-01	2633,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Thanatos	2635,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Bispo	2636,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Nidhogg	2637,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Leão de Vinhas	2638,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[Boss]Mamute	2639,1,300000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Belzebu	2640,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Valk Randgris	2641,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Ifrit	2642,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Satã Morroc	2643,1,600000
    bossnia_01,0,0,0,0	monster	[S-Boss]Evil Shadow	2645,1,600000
    prontera,155,284,4	script	Portal de Cheffenia::bsw	723,{
    mes "[Voz]";
    		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"...";
    		mes "Se você se aproximou deste portal siguinifica que você é corajoso o suficiente para encarar os desafios...";
    		mes "[Voz]";
    		mes "Esses portais não surgiram atoa, nosso mundo enfrenta constantemente uma tentativa de ser invadido por monstros...";
    		mes "[Voz]";
    		mes "Monstros esses que estão aprissionados em um lugar impossível de se sobreviver, exceto se tiver habilidades que os destrua, caso você seja um desses com dons você poderá entrar e enfrenta-los!";
    		mes "[Voz]";
    		mes "Se deseja enfrenta-los precisa saber que um preço tem que ser pago par apoder adentrar nesta instância, vai enfrenta-los?";
    		mes "O preço a ser pago seria com sua vida, mas... Te darei essa chance!";
    if (Zeny > 1) {
    	mes "[Voz]";
    	mes "Você vai enfrentar este desafio ?";
    	mes "Certo. Em seguida, escolha o lugar do mapa que deseja ser teleportado!";
    	mes "^FF0000ATIVA O AUTOLOOT^000000!";
    	mes "^FF0000ATIVA O AUTOLOOT^000000!";
    	mes "^FF0000ATIVA O AUTOLOOT^000000!";
    			menu "Posição A",P1,
    			"Posição B",P2,
    			"Posição C",P3,
    			"Posição D",P4;
    			warp "bossnia_01",31,208;
    			warp "bossnia_01",30,30;
    			warp "bossnia_01",209,30;
    			warp "bossnia_01",209,210;
    mes "[Voz]";
    mes "Parece que você não tem requisitos o sificiente para entrar, sinto muito!";
    mes "Volte quando tiver!";
    if (gettime(4) > 4 || gettime(4) == 0) {
    	if(gettime(4) == 4 && gettime(3) > 18) end;
    	else if (!gettime(4) && gettime(3) < 22) end;
    	else if (gettime(4) == 6) end;		
    hideonnpc "bsw";
    announce "O portal para Cheffenia abrirá em 1 minuto!",0;
    hideoffnpc "bsw";
    announce "Os portais de Cheffenia se fecharam! Até a proxima semana!",0;
    hideonnpc "bsw";
    //==========================Duplicates de Cheffenia============================================|
    morocc,165,102,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#02	723
    payon,145,230,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#03	723
    comodo,209,153,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#04	723
    gonryun,152,127,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#05	723
    louyang,217,105,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#06	723
    lighthalzen,146,100,5	duplicate(bsw)	Portal de Cheffenia#07	723
    //==========================Bloqueio de Habilidades============================================|
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarpto
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nowarp
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nomemo
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nobranch
    bossnia_01	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_02	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_03	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_04	mapflag	noreturn
    bossnia_01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_02	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_03	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    bossnia_04	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint

    Minha segunda dúvida é, nesse npc existe uma cobrança para acessar a instância, porém eu não consegui fazer com que essa cobrança fosse feita apenas uma vez a cada 24h por exemplo, queria saber como faço para que ele cobre apenas uma vez durante o período que eu setar, é possível, eu sei, só desconheço como desenvolver essa função, poderiam por gentileza me ajudar? 

    Observações: Não sou um exímio scripter então me desculpem se houverem funções que estão sem lógica específica.

  5. Hi guys, I am needing your help, whenever I turn the ninja in oboro or kangerou, the sprite of error, problems in color pallets, as it already becomes the pallet 201, wanted to know if you can put this variable to be created with 0, ie, when turning or Kangerou oboro, already do with the clothes in the variable 0, (clothes_color: 0), I wonder whether we can change this, and if they can guide me where to, please! !


    Forgive me if my english is not very clear, I am Brazilian and I am still getting used to ask for support in English, use of terms among others.


    Note: If there ever was a topic with this, or advising how to do, please forgive me, because I could not find.


    I thank you very much.

  6. so the item's only giving errors when dropped? looks normal in your inventory right?


    also that address is strange, like its pointing to hjdfjks\asgdjjk\.spr and obviously there's no .spr without a name. is your client up to date?

    It can then be a folder date incomplete? That is, a folder date zipped folder informed the files?



    Either out of date client or you need to patch your client.exe with multiple grfs and make sure it's pointing to data and sdata.grf's.

    You mean maybe my data folder is incompatible with my cliente.exe?

  7. Hello guys,

      I need your help, I am new in the community, never had the curiosity to work with rAthena, but I assumed a community which works with this emulator, and I am somewhat as lost to the settings of this emulator.
    My problem starts with:
      - Sprites errors, items such as the ranger comb are giving error when they fall monster on the ground or are dropped, but when created item they are created normally, so deduso that must be some kind of error by the drop of sprites, I need your help, follow the spoiler the error print:


    Who can help me please?
  8. Hi guys,


      Guys, guys, to need your help please.


    I needed to change the time it takes to delete a character, because when you click to delete the character sits and waits 24 hours, I want to change from 24 hours to 5 hours, as I speak.


    Who can help me please?



  9. Oi galera,


     Pessoal, pessoal, to precisando da ajuda de vocês por favor. 


    Eu precisava alterar o tempo que leva para excluir um personagem, pois quando você clica para deletar, o personagem senta e espera 24 horas, quero alterar de 24 horas, pra 5 horas.


    Quem pode me ajudar por favor?


    Muito obrigado.


    // English version
    Hi guys,
      Guys, guys, to need your help please.
    I needed to change the time it takes to delete a character, because when you click to delete the character sits and waits 24 hours, I want to change from 24 hours to 5 hours, as I speak.
    Who can help me please?
    Thank you.
  10. Olá galera, 


     Estou precisando da ajuda de vocês, sou novo na comunidade, nunca tive a curiosidade de trabalhar com o rAthena, porém eu assumi uma comunidade ao qual trabalha com este emulador, e estou um tanto quanto perdido com as configurações deste emulador.


    Meu problema começa com: 

     - erros de sprites, itens como os do combo do ranger estão dando erro quando caem do monstro no chão ou são dropados, porém quando criados no @item eles são criados normalmente, então deduzo que deva ser algum tipo de erro das sprites de drop, preciso da ajuda de vocês, segue no spoiler o print do erro:


    //English version:

    Hello guys,

      I need your help, I am new in the community, never had the curiosity to work with rAthena, but I assumed a community which works with this emulator, e stou one tatno as lost to the settings of this emulator.
    My problem starts with:
      - Sprites errors, items such as the ranger combo are giving error when they fall monster on the ground or are dropped, but when created initem they are created normally, so deduso that must be some kind of error by the drop of sprites, I need your help, follow the spoiler the error print:


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