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Posts posted by DanialFX


    Dosen't work.


    Here is my script.




    - script AFKpts -1,{
    if(checkidle() >= 300) {
                dispbottom "You gained 1 AFK point. [Total: "+#AFKpts+"]";   
    sleep2 300000;
    goto CheckAFK; 

    For npc check points.


    prontera,91,101,5 script Sample 757,{
    setarray .@CoinID[0],670,671;
    for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .@CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 )
    set .@Menu$,.@Menu$ + getitemname( .@CoinID[.@i] )+":";
    mes "Each 2 Cash Points.";
    dispbottom "My vote points = "+#AFKpts;
    set .@i,( select( .@Menu$ ) - 1 );
    if( #AFKpts < 2 ){
    mes "Sorry but you didnt have 2 Cash Points.";
    mes "How many you want ?";
    mes "Amount : 1 ~ "+( #AFKpts / 2 );
    input .@Amount,0,( #AFKpts / 2 );
    if( .@Amount ){
    set #AFKpts,#AFKpts - ( .@Amount * 2 );
    getitem .@CoinID[.@i],.@Amount;
    mes "Done";






    I believe its this part.

    set $@FishingMode,1;	// 0 = Lil Troll Version (with Encounters and Rewarding Moments scene.
    					// 1 = Automatic Fishing without Encounter and Rewarding Moments scene. (Grass Version)		
    set $@GrassNonAbuse,3;	// Set value to "rand(1,$@GrassNonAbuse)", for non-abusive Grass Version(Fish still hides recommended is 3).

    You need to set the value of "set $@GrassNonAbuse,3;" to either a high number or try to disable it by putting //infront of it



    Thx for the answer.


    Another question, I have found an error everything I try to open Fishing Manual.


    And I can't get the item @item 31005,Manual_,Fishing Manual,,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31005,1; callfunc "Fishing_Manual";},{},{}


    Other items just fine


    Thats because you need to add the item into your item_db lol once you add it in; you'll have to either restart the server or @reloaditemdb; After that you @item 31005



    This is my item_db.txt

    31000,FishingBox,FishingBox,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31000,1; callfunc "Fishing_Box_Menu";},{},{}
    31001,Fish_,Hook Level-1,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    31002,Fish_,Line Level-1,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    31003,Rotten_Fish,Rotten Fish,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    31004,Fish_,Fishing Rod,4,10,,10,10,,1,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,0,34,0,0,0,0,{},{},{} // TWO HANDED FISHING ROD, DONT CHANGE THIS!
    31005,Fishing_Manual,Fishing_Manual,,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31005,1; callfunc "Fishing_Manual";},{},{}

    Only @item 31005 Error


    other just fine. I think because of callfunc "Fishing_Manual" ?


    Thx for fast reply :D


    Your first error is 31005 has no itemtype. your second issue is you have getitem 31005,1; in the itemscript. lol


    31005,Fishing_Manual,Fishing_Manual,11,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "Fishing_Manual";},{},{}



    Thank you. Its working now.





    I believe its this part.

    set $@FishingMode,1;	// 0 = Lil Troll Version (with Encounters and Rewarding Moments scene.
    					// 1 = Automatic Fishing without Encounter and Rewarding Moments scene. (Grass Version)		
    set $@GrassNonAbuse,3;	// Set value to "rand(1,$@GrassNonAbuse)", for non-abusive Grass Version(Fish still hides recommended is 3).

    You need to set the value of "set $@GrassNonAbuse,3;" to either a high number or try to disable it by putting //infront of it



    Thx for the answer.


    Another question, I have found an error everything I try to open Fishing Manual.


    And I can't get the item @item 31005,Manual_,Fishing Manual,,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31005,1; callfunc "Fishing_Manual";},{},{}


    Other items just fine


    Thats because you need to add the item into your item_db lol once you add it in; you'll have to either restart the server or @reloaditemdb; After that you @item 31005



    This is my item_db.txt

    31000,FishingBox,FishingBox,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31000,1; callfunc "Fishing_Box_Menu";},{},{}
    31001,Fish_,Hook Level-1,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    31002,Fish_,Line Level-1,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    31003,Rotten_Fish,Rotten Fish,3,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    31004,Fish_,Fishing Rod,4,10,,10,10,,1,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,0,34,0,0,0,0,{},{},{} // TWO HANDED FISHING ROD, DONT CHANGE THIS!
    31005,Fishing_Manual,Fishing_Manual,,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31005,1; callfunc "Fishing_Manual";},{},{}

    Only @item 31005 Error


    other just fine. I think because of callfunc "Fishing_Manual" ?


    Thx for fast reply :D



    I believe its this part.

    set $@FishingMode,1;	// 0 = Lil Troll Version (with Encounters and Rewarding Moments scene.
    					// 1 = Automatic Fishing without Encounter and Rewarding Moments scene. (Grass Version)		
    set $@GrassNonAbuse,3;	// Set value to "rand(1,$@GrassNonAbuse)", for non-abusive Grass Version(Fish still hides recommended is 3).

    You need to set the value of "set $@GrassNonAbuse,3;" to either a high number or try to disable it by putting //infront of it



    Thx for the answer.


    Another question, I have found an error everything I try to open Fishing Manual.


    And I can't get the item @item 31005,Manual_,Fishing Manual,,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 31005,1; callfunc "Fishing_Manual";},{},{}


    Other items just fine


    Very nice script.

    Thx for sharing.


    I got question about this script.


    What is lure?


    and i couln't get Fishing Manual

    Hook and Line changed into card and I get an error everytime.

    By default the item is #501

    // ======== Fishing Required Items Setup ================================
    set $@FishingLure,501;						// Automatic Fishing(Grass Version) one Requirement Only. Pick lure!
    setarray $@FishingMaterials[0],501,502,503;  	// Lure & Hook & Line.     
    setarray $@AmountPerMaterials[0],1,1,1;	      	// Amount Per Requirements. 

    Thx how about to Plain Automatic Continuous Fishing.


    My Script only can auto fish 2 times.


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