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  1. Someone solved my last problem, all three servers open and are online now. But when i try to login to my server from my computer, it says failed to connect to server, it even says in myphpadmin that the login was succesful. can someone explain to me how to connect to my server or whats wrong here?
  2. This is my screenshot. When i run server, only this opens. nothing else? where is the map and login server? O_O
  3. i'm using asura hosting and after putting all the files on there and such and compiling, after clicking start server only the character server opens? what could this be? im just wondering how this would happen? why would the other ones simply not open?
  4. thank you, that helped alot. i feel less retarded now lol
  5. yes, i've downloaded the newest kro from nickzai, and patched it and such with the rag lite patchers, but Nothing in the files OPEN after? like, the ragexeRE file has the default Cog icon and just an error opens when i try to open it. Does this matter? and because the RagexeRE and ragexe that come in the nickzai one are new, i cant use diff patcher on them. since i'm trying to make a renewal server, do i HAVE to have an older ragexeRE or will a ragexe from the 20130807 work the same? im really not sure about the difference between ragexe and ragexeRE.
  6. so, i see there's a lot of stuff about clients and such, but through googling i couldn't find much information on the subject... i'm attempting to make a renewal server, and since the newest client isn't supported, i'm planning on getting the 2013-08-07 ragnarok. My questions are, Does it matter if i download a NEW kro, but use a client from the 2013 one? And second, it's not hard to find ragexe online, but i cant find a ragexeRE that is anywhere near 2013-8-7 since i want to make a renewal server, i'm assuming i must use a ragexeRE correct? I've gotten down all the basic stuff, I.E making the sql stuff, setting files to ip's etc. But this part is kind of confusing me. if someone could maybe link me to a download of a good KRO that has that date ragexeRE in it, that would be great. Sorry about these questions, i think i'm retarded. P.S you can kik me if you want, it's Toiletmcface lol Or add me on skype! it's also toiletmcface Oh....by the way, dont i need to INSTALL kro? like, with an installer? all the "full" clients i've tried dont have that, its just all the files and none of them open >_>
  7. i was following the sharpieneiro guide, on youtube, and got everything to work fine in the first video. however, in the next video, he says to use a diff patcher, wich i got and installed properly but only one diff shows up when i select my ragexeRE file. i'm assuming its because it's so new, apparently, it's the newest one, 2014 02 05. in the guide, he's using a much older version. now, my question is, can i use an older ragexeRE with the currently updated kro? if so, where would i find one, because i can only find ones from 2012. i'm not sure what difference the date of the ragexeRE file makes, but i'm assuming older isn't as good. also, do i even need to diff the client?
  8. was using shins diff patcher as told to in the sharpieneiro videos, however, after finding out my client is apparently the newest one, 20140205 i load it up and it only has one diff available to select? and yes, the file is set up correctly, with all the diff's in the proper files. do i need a different diff patcher or what?
  9. the server is now online with a vps? or just your computer? to login on just his computer, what files do i need from him to connect to his server?
  10. Hi, i'm the "friend" who wants to get on his server, as this question has been answered, kind of, in other posts, the real question is how do you make the client for people to download? as in, if we had a website, the client they would download to get on our server? what files need to be in it and how do you pack it? sorry for the trouble, we're really just learning this stuff and i cant find a real answer from google lol
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