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Posts posted by budabeads

  1. yup!! i understand... ok then...

    but is this script already complete?

    if (getgmlevel() < 40) end; // Required GM level

    message strcharinfo(0),"Input a character name. The character must be online.";

    set .@return, getcharid(3);

    input .@n$;

    if (!attachrid(getcharid(3,.@n$))) { dispbottom "Character "+.@n$+" not online."; end; }



    dispbottom "Stats reset.";

    delitem <item_id>,1;


  2. can we focus on the function master scripters?

    the pattern will be the Lightning Bolt Scroll , but the function is to reset stats...it is like a GM using the scroll to reset the players' stats just by targeting the player using the scroll....

    i hope it is possible..it is for all of us!

  3. This is for Lightning Bolt Scroll. I can use it to other player

    { itemskill "MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",3; },{},{}

    I want to have a Scroll that can reset a player's stat.

    is it a function or something?

    Thanks for helping me every time master scripters!!! thanks a lot!!!!

  4. what mapflag is this sir?

    there is a drop on the first map, but there is NO drop on the second map...

    what should i do?

    please help....

    for more details, watch this 10 seconds video... thank you master scripters!

  5. Thank You masters! all in all, i can have this? its a combination of our 3 scripts....

    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{

    if( !countitem(7227) )

    npctalk "You need to provide me some TCG to go in.";


    delitem 7227,1;

    warp "guild_vs3",0,0;





    if (killedrid == getcharid(3)) end;

    if ( strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs3" ) end;

    if( rand(100) <= 100 ){

    getitem 7227,1;




  6. hello sir, i would like to request an npc. the npc will require you ti give him a TCG so that you can enter the PVP room....

    and ofcoure you will have a TCG if you kill a player...

    just like betting...

    killing a player that rewards a TCG is solved...

    its like this...

    - script Sample -1,{


    if ( strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs3" ) end;

    if( rand(100) <= 100 ){

    getitem 7227,1;




    but how about the entrance fee?

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