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  1. Brian's post in missing storage item was marked as the answer   
    Did you increase MAX_STORAGE larger than 731 ?
    There was a change in r14503:
    Possible solutions:
    - paged storage mod
    - decrease MAX_STORAGE to something smaller than 731
  2. Brian's post in conflict error? where is it? was marked as the answer   
    /db/item_db.txt is marked with a 'C'.
    I think it's a Tree Conflicted because it was SVN Moved in r15394 for the /db/ folder restructuring in r15390. I'm not sure how to mark it Resolved in Linux, but it would be something like this:
    - save a copy of your old /db/item_db.txt (like save it on your computer)
    - resolve the conflict
    - then upload your item_db.txt to /db/pre-re/ or /db/re/ depending on if you're using Renewal or not.
  3. Brian's post in [HELP] how to update SVN version.. was marked as the answer   
    - stop your servers
    - right click your rathena folder
    --> SVN Update
    - recompile
    - restart servers
    - stop your servers
    - cd into your rathena folder
    - svn update
    - recompile
    - restart servers
  4. Brian's post in Name Change was marked as the answer   
    Here are some example scripts that use 'query_sql' to change a char's name:

  5. Brian's post in edit random woe (using BrianL script) was marked as the answer   
    Sorry about that. I fixed the error, tested, and the script works now.
  6. Brian's post in @questions about server woe was marked as the answer   
    Yes, damage is reduced in WoE/GvG.
    See the settings here: trunk/conf/battle/guild.conf
  7. Brian's post in [R] Need Remove Character NPC please was marked as the answer   

    // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed. // Default: 86400 (24 hours) // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer. char_del_delay: 86400
  8. Brian's post in Question About Drop Rates in RE was marked as the answer   
    Correct, when the config is set to 100 that means 100% which is 1x.
    Since normal card drop rates are 0.01 %,
    to make it 0.02% (to double it), you would set the config to 200.
    and yes to make it 25.00%, you would set the config to 250000.
  9. Brian's post in Double exp last 3 days of the month was marked as the answer   
    Here you go:

    // http://rathena.org/board/topic/53708-double-exp-last-3-days-of-the-month/ - script DoubleExp_Last3days -1,{ function getDaysOfMonth; function isLeapYear; OnInit: // save the "regular" rates, as defined in /conf/battle/exp.conf set .base_exp_rate, getbattleflag("base_exp_rate"); set .job_exp_rate, getbattleflag("job_exp_rate"); OnClock0000: // every day, check if it's the last 3 days sleep 500; // slow script execution if (gettime(5) == 1 && (getbattleflag("base_exp_rate")!=.base_exp_rate || getbattleflag("job_exp_rate")!=.job_exp_rate)) { // if it's the 1st of the month and rates are doubled, end the event setbattleflag "base_exp_rate", .base_exp_rate; setbattleflag "job_exp_rate", .job_exp_rate; atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; announce "[server] : the Double Exp Event has ended.", bc_blue announce "Current Rates: Base Exp = "+ .base_exp_rate/100 +"x Job Exp = "+ .job_exp_rate/100 +"x", bc_all,0x00FF00; } } else if (gettime(5) > (getDaysOfMonth() -3)) { // start the Double Exp event setbattleflag "base_exp_rate", .base_exp_rate*2; setbattleflag "job_exp_rate", .job_exp_rate*2; atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; announce "[server] : It's the last 3 days of the month... the Double Exp Event has started!", bc_blue; announce "Current Rates: Base Exp = "+.@rates+"x Job Exp = "+.@rates+"x", bc_all,0x00FF00; } end; function getDaysOfMonth { switch (gettime(6)) { case 2: // February set .@days, isLeapYear(gettime(7)) ? 29 : 28; break; case 9: // September case 4: // April case 6: // June case 11: // November set .@days, 30; break; default: set .@days, 31; break; } return .@days; } function isLeapYear { set .@year, getarg(0); return ( .@year%4 == 0 && (.@year%100 != 0 || .@year%400 == 0) ); } }
  10. Brian's post in SQL Problem was marked as the answer   
    If you have a SQL backup, restore it.
    Check if the `char`.`base_level` column is there.
    If it is there in the backup, it means you or someone with SQL access deleted the column accidentally or on purpose.
  11. Brian's post in [Request] Kafra Points Giver was marked as the answer   
    Here's for your first request: kafrapoints.txt
  12. Brian's post in How to disable kaizel in WoE was marked as the answer   
    hmm, looks like it might be a bug caused by r14929 ?
    flag 8 is set by the pc_dead() function when the player dies (and should respawn) on a PVP, GVG, or BG map.
    Try this:
    open /src/map/status.c
    find this line: if( sc && sc->data[sC_KAIZEL] )

    change to: if( !(flag&8) && sc && sc->data[sC_KAIZEL] )

    save and recompile.

  13. Brian's post in Broadcast when item is get from mob or drop was marked as the answer   
    What if instead of putting the item drops in mob_db.txt you used a script to control them?

    delete the item drops for you mob (/db/mob_db.txt or the SQL table)
    configure the drops here in the "dropitem" section

    - script custom_itemdrops -1,{ function dropitem; OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == <your_custom_mob_id>) { // dropitem <item_id>,<chance>; dropitem 911, 10000; // 100.00% chance dropitem 911, 5000; // 50.00% chance dropitem 911, 100; // 1.00% chance dropitem 911, 1; // .01% chance } end; function dropitem { set .@item_id, getarg(0); set .@drop_per, getarg(1); if (rand(10000) < .@drop_per) { if (checkweight(.@item_id,1)) { getitem .@item_id,1; } else { getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); makeitem .@item_id,1, .@map$,.@x,.@y; } announce "'"+strcharinfo(0)+"' got "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,MOB_NAME)+"'s "+getitemname(.@item_id)+" (chance: "+ (getarg(1)/100 + "." + getarg(1)%100) +"%)", bc_all; } return; } } </chance></item_id></your_custom_mob_id>
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