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  1. Brian's post in MD5 Passwords was marked as the answer   
    You can also search by their login ID:
    UPDATE `login` SET `user_pass` = MD5('NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE `userid`='THEIR_LOGIN_ID';
  2. Brian's post in installing a fresh svn was marked as the answer   
    In Linux:
    1. delete the old folder
    rm -rf trunk/1b. or if you want to keep the folder as a backup, just rename it:mv trunk/ old_trunk/  2. then checkout a new SVN Working Copy.
    svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/ trunk/
  3. Brian's post in SQL update errors was marked as the answer   
    The first error "#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'"
    is probably because you are importing main.sql again.
    When you imported main.sql the first time, it already created the server account with account_id = 1.
    If you want to re-import main.sql, you should delete all the tables from your Ragnarok database first.
    The second error -- you can fix this by using the 'mysql' command-line client instead of phpMyAdmin.
    To import a file:
    mysql -h -u USER -p DATABASE < /path/to/rathena/sql-files/mob_skill_db.sql- replace with your MySQL server's IP - replace USER with your MySQL username
    - replace DATABASE with your Ragnarok database name
    - when prompted, enter your MySQL password.
  4. Brian's post in Nameless Island View was marked as the answer   
    In your client's GRF or data folder, edit /data/viewpointtable.txt
    and remove the line(s) for each Abbey map.
  5. Brian's post in Control of the Treasure Boxes respawn in agits was marked as the answer   
    They are located in the individual guild scripts.For example: trunk/npc/guild/aldeg_cas01.txt you would commend out this NPC
    // Guild Treasure Spawns //============================================================ aldeg_cas01,118,223,0 duplicate(Gld_Trea_Spawn) Treasure#aldeg_cas01 -1
  6. Brian's post in E-mail Validating was marked as the answer   
    Please ask your friend to send an email to:
    forums ATTrathena . org

    Include the username he would like to use, and we'll manually register his forum account.
  7. Brian's post in Help with Thor Patcher was marked as the answer   
    Your webpage displays fine: http://cataclysmicro57.zxq.net/thor/notice.html
    You are missing a trailing slash in the base_url.
    It should be:
  8. Brian's post in Online GRF Creation (via PHP?) was marked as the answer   
    It's rsupack, by Ai4rei: 
  9. Brian's post in How to kick all guilds members except masters? was marked as the answer   
    Run these SQL queries while your server is offline:
    UPDATE `char` SET guild_id=0 WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT char_id FROM guild); DELETE FROM guild_member WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT char_id FROM guild);

  10. Brian's post in Need Help [how to disable Secure npc time out] was marked as the answer   
    Comment to disable the timer.
    change line 21 so it looks like this:
    // #define SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT
  11. Brian's post in Help about my phpmyadmin was marked as the answer   
    I'm guessing YOU are hosting your MySQL Server.Here are instructions (for both Windows and Linux) to Reset the MySQL root password
    Since you need to re-create the root user, for step 3 you would use this query instead:
    CREATE USER 'root'@'localhost'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  12. Brian's post in SVN Patching was marked as the answer   
    from this topic: Can i host my patcher at free hosting site?
  13. Brian's post in Mail Box ? was marked as the answer   
    By default, openmail only works on maps with mapflag#town.
    You can add your other maps to /conf/mapflag/town.txt
    Or you can remove the 'town' mapflag check from mail_invalid_operation() in trunk/src/map/mail.c
  14. Brian's post in Installation questions was marked as the answer   
    The guide is mostly complete.
    The section that's missing is after Installation_(CentOS)#Import_MySQL_Tables, you need to:
    set the MySQL user/pass in trunk/conf/inter_athena.conf in MySQL (ragnarok.login table), change the default s1/p1 userid and password then edit char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf with the new userid and password
  15. Brian's post in invalid command implementation please was marked as the answer   
    For GMs, the server already displays "________ is Unknown Command."
    To enable that for players too (group_id 0), edit trunk/src/map/atcommand.c (line 9299-9309)
    Remove the pc_get_group_level(sd) check (line 9302) so it looks like this:
    //Grab the command information and check for the proper GM level required to use it or if the command exists info = get_atcommandinfo_byname(atcommand_checkalias(command + 1)); if (info == NULL) { sprintf(output, msg_txt(153), command); // "%s is Unknown Command." clif_displaymessage(fd, output); atcommand_get_suggestions(sd, command + 1, *message == atcommand_symbol); return true; }
  16. Brian's post in How can I disable players using @jumpto into GM accounts. was marked as the answer   
    trunk/src/map/atcommand.c line 485, add this code:
      if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) < pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(81)); // Your GM level doesn't authorize you to preform this action on the specified player. return -1; } Save and recompile.
  17. Brian's post in Return signed item's name was marked as the answer   
    First, get the card3 and card4 values using getequipcardid or getinventorylist.
    Then, combine them to get the char_id:
    set .@signer_char_id, .@card3 | (.@card4 << 0x10);Then, query the `char` table to get the name:query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id="+.@signer_char_id, .@signer$;
  18. Brian's post in custom @go. was marked as the answer   
    One way would be an OnPCLoadMapEvent script, that announces with a fontColor and fontSize.
    announce "<text>",<flag>{,<fontColor>{,<fontType>{,<fontSize>{,<fontAlign>{,<fontY>}}}}};You could get the map names from /data/mapnametable.txt  
    The icons on the minimap are probably done by editing the .bmp images in
  19. Brian's post in sql query was marked as the answer   
    rAthena already supports increment and decrement operators since r15982.
     query_sql already returns the number of rows returned by a SELECT query. Example:
    set .@num_rows, query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` LIKE '%test%'", .@name$); mes .@num_rows + " names contain the word *test*";
  20. Brian's post in REQUESTING FOR THE SCRIPT was marked as the answer   
    Actually, there's only 1 variable you need to rename: DailyReward
    Change that to an account variable: #DailyReward
    (replace 3 times in the script).
  21. Brian's post in IP.Content Bug Tracking was marked as the answer   
    Our Bug Tracker is IP.Tracker.
    Here is an example of IP.Content as a Bug Tracker: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html
    (more info: IPS Company Blog → New Bug Tracker, powered by IP.Content)
  22. Brian's post in Help with Loki Warper was marked as the answer   
    #lastwarp and #lastwarp_array only store the last warp info.
    The unlocked status for each dungeon is stored in 50 state_*dun_***** variables.
    To change the unlocking to per-account, edit lines 664 and 733 to this:
    set .@state, getd("#"+.@stateName$); setd "#"+.@stateName$,.@playerChoice;Then you'd also have to change the existing variables already saved in SQL ...
  23. Brian's post in Wipeout storage was marked as the answer   
    1. make sure all characters on that account are logged out
    2. execute this SQL query
    DELETE FROM `storage` WHERE account_id=2001122;(replace 2001122 with the account_id of the storage you want to erase)
  24. Brian's post in Reset PVP Ladder was marked as the answer   
    Depending on what "PVP Ladder" script you are using, the kills and/or deaths may be stored in different variables. Look at your PVP Ladder script and figure out what variable(s) the kills are stored in. Then delete those variables for every player.
  25. Brian's post in @changelook was marked as the answer   
    Read the wiki page about the changelook script command.
    changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, 1001; changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, 0;

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