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  1. Nerfwood's post in Golden Thief Bug Effect was marked as the answer   
    Try this one:
    autobonus2 "{ bonus bNoMagicDamage,100;}",500,2000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_ENDURE; }";
  2. Nerfwood's post in Guildmaster paid buff was marked as the answer   
  3. Nerfwood's post in Item Giver just like freebies was marked as the answer   
    Try this one.
    prontera,68,63,3    script    IP freebies    60,{     .@IP_table$ = getcharip();     mes "[Freebies]";     if(compare($IP_table$,.@IP_table$)) {         mes "You have already received your freebies.";         close;          }     set $IP_table$, $IP_table$+","+.@IP_table$;     mes "Here are your freebies.";     getitem 909,1;     close; } Don't forget the  button. I'm building up my rep lol.
  4. Nerfwood's post in CD In Mouth (#18666) was marked as the answer   
    I really don't like to spoonfeed people, but since I already have the code:
    18666,CD_In_Mouth,CD In Mouth,4,20,,200,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFE,63,2,1,,20,0,815,{ autobonus "{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,8013,5,40; bonus3 bAutoSpell,8013,4,40; bonus3 bAutoSpell,8013,3,40; bonus3 bAutoSpell,8013,2,40; bonus3 bAutoSpell,8013,1,40; bonus3 bAutoSpell,13,1,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,13,2,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,13,3,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,13,4,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,13,1,10; }",60,5000,0,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; },{},{} Notes:
    Skill ID 8013 = Caprice; 13 = Soul Strike. Autobonus doesn't support skill names since they (skill names) break the quotation ("") marks. Caprice randomly casts FB, LB, CB and ES. I gave it a 4% chance of autocasting so as if each bolt is casted at a 1% rate. Edit: Should have been posted at the requests section?
  5. Nerfwood's post in Quest with level was marked as the answer   
    Use the if statement, and the constant BaseLevel.
    if(BaseLevel<150) { mes "Don't talk to me. You are too weak"; close; } mes "Do you want to get cool items?"; The code above restricts players below Lvl 150 from accessing the rest of the script.
    I suggest you check this link if you're new to scripting. Also, make sure to read the script_commands.txt in the doc folder to know all the functions used for scripting.
    There are many quest scripts in the forum, just search for them. If it doesn't have a BaseLevel checker, you can just add the codes provided above at the top of the script (but below the function declarations). Then, remove the mes "Do you want...".

    There are some scripts, however, that doesn't start from the top, and starts from a specific label. On that case, just add the BaseLevel checker on that label.
  6. Nerfwood's post in help Usable items was marked as the answer   
    If you're using newer clients (2013+), then you should edit the ItemInfo.lua (or lub) file instead of those .txt files.
    Hope this helps.
  7. Nerfwood's post in Random/Variable Mes was marked as the answer   
    You can use the F_Rand function in /npc/other/Global_Functions.txt
    mes callfunc("F_Rand","Mes 1","Mes 2");
  8. Nerfwood's post in Segmentation Fault map-server was marked as the answer   
    Ok.. so the bug is with using the /* */ comment in the db files. Weird... it used to work before lol
    Actually, it can run on 512 MB RAM if the OS is a Linux Distro.
  9. Nerfwood's post in Spore Explosion Bug was marked as the answer   
    case GN_SPORE_EXPLOSION: skillratio += 400 + (300 * skill_lv) + (sstatus->str * 10) -100; break; Ok so I added a "-100" after the formula and now it works.
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