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  1. Jesky's post in Making Quest shop number 4? was marked as the answer   
    First add the npc here and call the function for the fourth shop or just simply call the function for fourth shop with this command 'callfunc "qshop", 4;' if your npc is in difference file.
    // ADD YOUR NPC HERE //============================================================ prontera,180,213,4 script Quest Worker 556,{ callfunc "qshop",1; } prontera,184,209,4 script Event Ticket Shop 112,{ callfunc "qshop",2; } new_1-1,155,111,5 script Costume Shop 555,{ callfunc "qshop",3; } // add the npc for the fourth shop prontera,182,211,4 script Fourth NPC 556,{ callfunc "qshop",4; } Make sure you already add the duplicate NPC data for the fourth shop with the name qshop4:
    - shop qshop4 -1,909:-1; Then add the shop into the array
    setarray .Shops$[1], "Hat Maker", // Shop Named 1 "Weapons", // Shop Named 2 "Other"; // Shop Named 3 "Fourth Shop"; Last step, use the add function to add the items to the shop
    // Fourth Shop Add(4,501,1,0,0); Make sure the first index on add function is the number referring to the shop number you want to use. For ex: Add(1,501,1,0,0); to open the first shop, Add(2,501,1,0,0); to open the second shop and so on...
  2. Jesky's post in SGCP Control Panel Slideshow was marked as the answer   
    Thank you so much sir, i already found the answer, thanks for your help
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