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Posts posted by Fuyuko

  1. Initially it takes quite long to load even for someone with broadband while it looks nicely many ro players still might not have broadband connections or live in countries which have slow connections or bandwith limitations so I don't think its fuctional for those people.

  2. You have two options you can either remove some of the packets from 2011-11-02aRagexe like for example the wanttoconnection or you can do the other below and make 2012-03-07fRagexeRE packet version 29 like it should be cause otherwise the connection's and different packets would conflict with each other.

    packet_ver: 29

  3. +1 to finishing the last of the 3rd classes which are missing skills (genetic) and (sorcerer) and finishing the other skills where aren't renewal mechanics. oboro and karagu would be nice too and S class homonculus.

    Id love to see the change for how storage works so that players don't have to worry about going over the client item limit. Example: If you have 600 and you put 1 item into lets say the ect tab that item will disapear from view. The more items you add into the tab will eventually make ect tab unviewable until you pull out all of the items and hope you can at that point sometimes though if you put too many items into one tab type you can no longer fix it by removing all the items. Each tab for items should load as a seprate set instead of all at once. Like if I click the cash tab only cash items should load and not all of the other tabs if I click ect only ect items should load and so on this way its not possible to go over the client limit and the game isn't loading all 7 tabs at the same time causing items to go missing if you go over the client limit. You know if your over because you'll get a packet error saying its a size to big for the client to handle. It also would make it possible to extend the amount of storage items because each tab could have 600 items at that point. But I'm just talking about stability right now that would be something optional.

    Well that's all I can think of right now their was something else but it escapes me.

  4. Routers aren't friendly in general for hosting anything. Usually if you have to host a server it should be a dedicated one that doesn't get routed simply because shared networks will cut down on the servers bandwith causing lag. If you plan on opening a server and having more then your neighborhood friends then you should invest in a real server without a router.

  5. 2. Really depends on the host most don't set up your source for you unless you go with one of the few ones which offer that type of option like the servers which provide free compiling. Normally the SVN files are set up by yourself your host just makes sure to set up the things like mysql and making sure which ever programs you need are installed.

  6. The real reason most people haven't switched to rathena yet is more that its still an unfinished project most people wouldn't want to upgrade to something which is still missing important skills for main classes. Its true that not all the skills have renewal based forumla's either yet but people prefer if everything atleast did something before considering on using it to replace current svn's which everything is working atleast in a pre-renewal aspect. The lack of customization of the source has nothing at all to do with why or why not people are using it. If your attempting to make a server and you don't have the skills to script commands yourself then you should be able to either afford to hire someone to do it for you or learn how to do it. You shouldn't need to ask the developers to make a easier way which might take them away from fixing skills and mechanics which are vital to rathena. Besides if I had a really awesome idea for something that is custom I wouldn't want to share it with everyone anyhow because then you would see tons of servers who decide they like it and have no skill in adding the feature themself just use the easy system to make it. I think the more important goal is just to make the system up to standards with iro or kro renewal then if after all the cleanups and everything else is done someone wants to re-invent the wheel for rathena then it can be added but not before the svn is usable to the point of all skills working.

  7. +1

    I can agree too. The work that has been done is great and all but I've been seeing more fixes that have nothing to do with the actual skills or source. I've been trying to help by testing between iro and testing within rathena to find bugs but some of the information I can provide won't really help since some of the classes don't even have skills yet so there's no way to test them. Ive seen the update to GM's and group policy on that but it wasn't majorly important were if the classes atleast all worked we could continue to finish testing and providing information on them to get them to the point were they could be shipped as ready to go. Even if you don't plan on merging with another project again what use is all new features when all the skills don't work which use these new features. So I say


    then mechanics

    then everything else which doesn't depend on those above.

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