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Posts posted by Decimare

  1. I'm setting up a server, right now it's reading from the data folder. The server itself runs fine, it's pre-third class, with the pre-third class mechanics. The client isn't loading the bgm though. I've got the bgm mp3's, I've got the mp3nametable, and i've got the mp3dec.asi, unfortunately I've never had a problem with bgm before, so I've never delved into the files corresponding with this. This, and the damn login image in the background are the only things left for me to do.

    Edit: I may be new to setting a server up, but please don't mistake ignorance with incompetence.

    Edit2: This is in the correct support sub-forum, correct? I'm starting to think either the problem is right in front of me, and I just can't see it yet, or that it's a rare problem to come across.

  2. I'm not getting any sort of error, or anything, it's simply not playing. Before you try asking, yes my volume is turned up on my laptop, yes the BGM AND effects are turned on and up in game, their still not playing however.

    Unfortunately this is as far as my knowledge about this goes as well. I'm not sure where to even start. Is it possible to get replacement files for this? If so, what files must be replaced/edited?

    Edit: Forgot to mention, yes I do have the BGM files, is it possible their just not named correctly?

    Edit 2: Effects work just fine.

    I did edit it before anyone else replied, I have the bmg folder, I have the mp3nametable.txt, and I have the MP3dec.asi now too. I don't know a whole lot about the BGM on the client, I never had a problem with it before.

  3. I'm not getting any sort of error, or anything, it's simply not playing. Before you try asking, yes my volume is turned up on my laptop, yes the BGM AND effects are turned on and up in game, their still not playing however.

    Unfortunately this is as far as my knowledge about this goes as well. I'm not sure where to even start. Is it possible to get replacement files for this? If so, what files must be replaced/edited?

    Edit: Forgot to mention, yes I do have the BGM files, is it possible their just not named correctly?

    Edit 2: Effects work just fine.

  4. what are you trying to do with OnPCLoadMapEvent with your warper

    I want to restrict warping to dungeons unless the player discovers the dungeon's first floor map. I would like it to hide to that character until that character visits it as well, if that's possible.

    Example: Player goes to warper to visit dungeon, dungeon list consists of Payon dungeon, Clock Tower, and Thor Volcano. Player visits Odins Temple for the first time, Odins Temple is then added to the list.

    I also want this to warp just outside of the dungeon. Not allow the player to select the dungeon level they want to go to. I may restrict this later to towns once I can revise how this certain script works, and test it myself.

    Since I figured this might help, this is my current warper, I still have to add things to the list however.

    - script Warp Agent#01::warpra 859,{
    // set @lvlselect,0;
    callfunc "F_ClearGarbage"; //Clear outdated, unused variables
    mes "[Warp Agent]";
    mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ",";
    mes "I can teleport you to any Town or Dungeon!";
    mes "Where do you want to go?";
    switch(select("To a Town:To a Dungeon")) {
     case 1:
      mes "[Warp Agent]";
      mes "Please select which town you would like to be teleported to.";
      switch(select("Alberta:Aldebaran:Amatsu:Ayothaya:Comodo:Einbroch:Einbech:Geffen:Gonryun:Hugel:Izlude:Lighthalzen:Louyang:Lutie:Morroc:Payon:Prontera:Umbala:Yuno")) {
    case 1:
     warp "alberta",27,236;
    case 2:
     warp "aldebaran",145,120;
    case 3:
     warp "amatsu",197,86;
    case 4:
     warp "ayothaya",149,118;
    case 5:
     warp "comodo",188,161;
    case 6:
     warp "einbroch",64,200;
    case 7:
     warp "einbech",70,95;
    case 8:
     warp "geffen",119,66;
    case 9:
     warp "gonryun",150,130;
    case 10:
     warp "hugel",96,145;
    case 11:
     warp "izlude",128,111;
    case 12:
     warp "lighthalzen",158,92;
    case 13:
     warp "louyang",210,108;
    case 14:
     warp "xmas",150,133;
    case 15:
     warp "morocc",159,93;
    case 16:
     warp "payon",152,75;
    case 17:
     warp "prontera",156,187;
    case 18:
     warp "umbala",130,130;
    case 19:
     warp "yuno",160,168;
     case 2:
      mes "[Warp Agent]";
      mes "Please select which dungeon you would like to be teleported to.";
      switch(select("Abyss Lake:Amatsu Dungeon:Anthell:Ayothaya Dungeon:Bibilan Dungeon:Coal Mine (Dead Pit):Culvert:Einbech Dungeon:Glast Heim:Gonryun Dungeon:Juperos:Lighthalzen Bio Lab:Magma Dungeon:Niflheim:Odin Temple:Orc Dungeon:Payon Dungeon:Pyramids:Sphinx:Sunken Ship:Thanatos Tower:Turtle Dungeon")) {
    case 1:
     warp "hu_fild05",189,207;
    case 2:
     warp "ama_dun01",229,12;
    case 3:
     warp "moc_fild20",164,145;
    case 4:
     warp "ayo_fild02",280,149;
    case 5:
     warp "izlu2dun",106,88;
    case 6:
     warp "mjolnir_02",81,359;
    case 7:
     warp "prt_sewb1",126,248;
    case 8:
     warp "einbech",135,249;
    case 9:
     warp "glast_01",368,303;
    case 10:
     warp "gonryun",160,195;
    case 11:
     warp "yuno_fild07",218,176;
    case 12:
     warp "lighthalzen",158,285;
    case 13:
     warp "yuno_fild03",39,140;
    case 14:
     warp "niflheim",35,161;
    case 15:
     warp "odin_tem01",98,144;
    case 16:
     warp "gef_fild10",70,332;
    case 17:
     warp "pay_arche",43,132;
    case 18:
     warp "moc_ruins",62,162;
    case 19:
     warp "moc_fild19",107,100;
    case 20:
     warp "alb2trea",75,98;
    case 21:
     warp "tha_scene01",131,223;
    case 22:
     warp "tur_dun01",149,238;

  5. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to put this, if so please let me know.

    I am trying to find an english version of a palette viewer tool, something like RoPal2.0.1.7z, now I have found one, unfortunately it's in an entirely different language, and I am not exactly bilingual. I'm a Canadian who doesn't even know French. Would someone please give me a link, or something to such a tool? In the mean time I shall continue to interrogate google until I find what I need.

    Edit: I have a .spr and .act viewer, both seem unable to load .pal files. So I am not looking for another sprite viewer, thank you.

    Found one.

  6. Toasty's warper has too much unfortunately. In fact, I'd be better off making my own warper. The problem remains the same. I need a warper with the

    OnPCLoadMapEvent script. I just don't know how to build that piece, since I'm still learning.

    Edit: Just the peice of the script would be wonderful too, I do have to edit my warper to add the maps which it's missing, but those are just dungeon entrances and towns. Nothing major. Editing this into my current warper would work just fine as well.

  7. I was considering using that one, unfortunately, the biggest thing is that "auto unlock", the OnPCLoadMapEvent. Unfortunately I'm too inexperienced to know exactly where to put this. Also, at the moment my ragnarok client is reading from data folder first, for my own convenience. Currently my warper is sort of outdated, even compared to the server itself.

    I did find one I liked, however the download link doesn't seem to work as it's on the old eAthena forums. Here is the forum thread for reference: http://www.eathena.w...er-t202106.html

  8. I'm looking for a warper npc with the following criteria:

    1.Enabled OnPCLoadMapEvent for Dungeons. Either quest or all.

    2. Last warp

    3. Favourite warp list

    4. Has "Home town" as the first option on the list for convenience

    Any other features would be great too, as long as I am able to edit them. Which I should have no problem with regardless. Thank you.

    Edit: If there will be field, or dungeon level selectable warps, I would prefer this to be easily disabled please.

  9. I tried loading it up in game with both admin and normal account. Neither worked. I'm using a very basic txt format for this, I think it's still a tad incomplete, however finished enough that it's playable and able to put customs on it if desired. Another thing I noticed is it's not loading the gm sprites either.

    Edit: I've managed to get my client to read from my data folder first. I would like to get this working for the server, as well as a login screen. I've got both the default skin and login screen images all together, the only problem remains that it's not reading the skin folder.

    Edit 2: I figured it out. Works fine now, thank you.

  10. Hello, I'm new to this forum. I use to play RO, and am looking to begin a server for myself, and my friends as I am fairly disappointed with the new RO gameplay mechanics. I also can't seem to find a private server which suits me any more either. I've nearly finished my server, I am currently doing the final tweeks, such as login screen and load screen backgrounds. As I have played with scripts before, that would only be scratching the surface of scripting, and I am fairly new to this. Anyways, hello and such.

    Also, feel free to shoot any advice my way, I'm always open to new information.

  11. All right, so I'm using a txt server, and I am having a bit of a problem figuring out how to get it to read my "Skin" folder. Also, I'm befuddled when it comes to adding backgrounds, could someone give me some advice on this please? If this is the wrong forum for this please let me know. I believe this is client sided however, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Edit: To clarify, what I want to do is get my client to read the "Skin" folder for skins and login screens. I'm not entirely sure how to do this, and I can't seem to find a guide, however I will keep searching.

  12. I've found the problem in my servers error, it's the illustrations folder, being nearly empty it needs the images for such things as cute pets. This is for the dreaded "Lua files\datainfo\petinfo.lua:58: table index is nil". I've found this means the images for the pets are missing, as an "FYI" for those who come across this problem in the future.

    If anyone has a WORKING link, or would be willing to upload a folder containing the needed images, that would be amazing. I shall resume my searching after I've crashed in bed for a few hours. Thanks in advance.

    Again for those who are trying to search for the error fix, it's the result in missing images for the cute pet. As soon as I locate the files for this I will upload them to this thread to assist anyone who it may help in the future.

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