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Everything posted by trilaaa

  1. i already fixed the others, but this one's bugging me. Looks like nothing's wrong with it. 2907,Buwaya_Tattoo,Bawaya Agimat Tattoo,4,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,136,,1,0,0,{ bonus bMatkRate,7; bonus bVariableCastrate,-7; },{},{}
  2. Why are some of the item's effects not workingdespite having scripts in item db? some examples are the buwaya tattoo, rwc rings and the turkey hat. Is it a bug or something?
  3. I already compiled my luas into lubs and I got this error. How do you fix this?
  4. uhmm, my client is updated, all the lua files are ok, but some items are like this. what did i miss?
  5. When i attempt to open my client (RagreExe 7-30-10) only the titlebar shows up. What seems to be the problem?
  6. Hello, I want to reduce(not remove) the fixed cast time.. How can I do it?
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