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Posts posted by mina

  1. 1.1 Bowling Bash
    - Changes skill mechanism. Skill deal 2 hit damage to enemy in 5x5 cells and knock them back.
    - If user equips two-handed sword, skill hit is increased up to 4 hit depends on number of target.
    - Reduces delay after skill.
    - Adds 1 second cooldown.


    I am trying to modify the KRO changes
    I am currently experiencing this problem.

    How to fight monsters around monsters

  2. 11 hours ago, AndyTheGoblin said:







    thx, i can~

    and ATK_ADD is in battle.cpp


    ATK_ADD(wd->damage, wd->damage2, 10 * sc->data[SC_GN_CARTBOOST]->val1);
  3. source code:

    BUILDIN_FUNC( mirrormap ) {
        const char * ori_Map = script_getstr( st, 2 ) ;
        int mirror_count = script_getnum( st, 3 ) ;
        int ori_m = map_mapname2mapid( ori_Map ) ;
        int mir_m, i ;
        size_t size;
        for ( i = 1 ; i <= mirror_count ; i++ ) {
            mir_m = map_num++ ;
            // Copy the map
            memcpy( &map[mir_m], &map[ori_m], sizeof( struct map_data ) ) ;
            // Alter the name & set map
            snprintf( map[mir_m].name, sizeof( map[mir_m].name ), "%.3d#%s", i, ori_Map ) ;
            map[mir_m].name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0' ;
            map[mir_m].m = mir_m ;
            map[mir_m].users = 0 ;
            size = map[mir_m].bxs * map[mir_m].bys * sizeof( struct block_list* ) ;
            map[mir_m].block = ( struct block_list ** )aCalloc( 1, size ) ;
            map[mir_m].block_mob = ( struct block_list ** )aCalloc( 1, size ) ;
            map[mir_m].index = mapindex_addmap( -1, map[mir_m].name ) ;
            map[mir_m].channel = NULL ;
            // Add this map to MapDB
            map_addmap2db( &map[mir_m] ) ;
            ShowInfo( "[Mirror map] : %s(%s) had been added.\n", ori_Map, map[mir_m].name ) ;
        return 0 ;

    But NPC does not copy, how to solve?

    Creator : grass0916

  4. 3 minutes ago, nanakiwurtz said:

    Hmm this one is not available yet, currently rAthena is working on Refine UI.
    If you can provide more info (kRO forum link, how it works, more screenshots, ragexe version) maybe it can help the devs to pick it up sooner.

    okay, thanks!

    If I have more information to provide to you.

  5. On 2017/11/7 at 6:20 PM, Psychonaut said:

    Can try something like this

    if (Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `acc_reg_num`(`account_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`) VALUES ('%d','%s','%u','%d');",	
                  acc_reg_num_table, sd->status.account_id, "#bonuspoint", '0') != SQL_SUCCESS)


    i tried it~ But the error message pops up

    : DB error - Duplicate entry '2000000-#bonuspoint-0' for key 'PRIMARY'

    thanks guys!

    I have solved it myself

  6. Hello everyone, my English is not good, Sorry!

    I gonna add a 'SQL Command' source

    if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `acc_reg_num`(`account_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`) VALUES ('%d,%s,%u,%d')",
    	acc_reg_num_table, sd->status.account_id, "#bonuspoint", '0', value))

    but, it crashes when executed.

    How can I solve it ?


    thanks guys!

    I have solved it myself

  7. 8 hours ago, llchrisll said:

    You know that this command lists you're whole inventory? And that you're check won't work that way?

    I'm currently at work so I can't really script any correction, but try to use the variable inventorylist_id for your checks instead of saving the equipment in an array, also there is the variable inventorylist_equip which is set based if the equipment is equipped or not.

    thanks, i tring~

  8. first, command description: @inventorylist_expire[]    - expire time (Unix time stamp). 0 means never expires.

    but, It is invalid.

    prontera,100,100,4	script	Test	73,{
    for(set .@i,1; .@i<getarraysize(.@eq); set .@i,.@i+1){
    if(getequipisequiped(.@eq[.@i]) && @inventorylist_expire[.@eq[.@i]] == 0){
    mes " "+@inventorylist_expire[.@eq[.@i]]+" " + getequipname(.@eq[.@i]) + "";

    Does anyone have other ideas?

    My English is not good enough. Sorry about that.

  9. 6 hours ago, Nova said:

    This is so confusing. Which script and or feature are you specifically referring to?

    The client one? A custom script?

    If it's a custom script, please post your full script for us to be able to help you with your problem. :]

    That is get the item will not be up one layer, it will direct obtain the item.



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