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Posts posted by Kirito-kun

  1. when im trying to upload map_cache.dat, it says:

    you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file


    how can i upload this kind of file ?


    when im trying to upload map_cache.dat, it says:

    you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file


    how can i upload this kind of file ?


    when im trying to upload map_cache.dat, it says:

    you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file


    how can i upload this kind of file ?






    I cant walk/go inside the red circle

    Kindly help me fix this one?




    I think you need to re-cache your mapcache with the old morocc's gat file.


    Can you also walk in the middle?




    yes i can walk in middle map of morocc




    how to re-cache morocc with the old morocc's gat file?

    kidly help me and link me where to download old morocc's gat file. 



    How to change Thanatos Card Effect to 25% Damage to Demi Human?


    4399,Thanatos_Card,Memory of Thanatos Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bDefRatioAtkClass,Class_All; bonus bSPDrainValue,-1; bonus bDef,-30; bonus bFlee,-30; },{},{}


    How to change GTB Card Effect to 50% Reduce Damage Received to All Magic Damage?


    4128,Golden_Bug_Card,Golden Thief Bug Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,32,,,,,{ bonus bNoMagicDamage,100; bonus bUseSPrate,100; },{},{}






    4399,Thanatos_Card,Memory of Thanatos Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,25; },{},{}
    4128,Golden_Bug_Card,Golden Thief Bug Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,32,,,,,{ bonus bNoMagicDamage,50; bonus bUseSPrate,100; },{},{}

    Thanks, Solved!

  4. How to change Thanatos Card Effect to 25% Damage to Demi Human?


    4399,Thanatos_Card,Memory of Thanatos Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bDefRatioAtkClass,Class_All; bonus bSPDrainValue,-1; bonus bDef,-30; bonus bFlee,-30; },{},{}


    How to change GTB Card Effect to 50% Reduce Damage Received to All Magic Damage?


    4128,Golden_Bug_Card,Golden Thief Bug Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,32,,,,,{ bonus bNoMagicDamage,100; bonus bUseSPrate,100; },{},{}




  5. how about when i hired someone to be a gm when i already released the server?
    I will create GM-Names then i will remove the [ - ] in char_names_letter after i created their account? 


    Thanks HD Scripts and Radian for the answer and guide

  6. Kindly Help me in creating GM names with special char [ - ]

    ex. GM-Ragnarok


    is there any script to make only gm allowed to create names with special char [ - ]?

    or where and what to edit to make gm allowed to create names with special char [ - ]?

  7. mob_db.txt


    1751,RANDGRIS,Valkyrie Randgris,Valkyrie Randgris,141,2205000,1,2000000,2200000,3,2895,9307,588,506,196,131,125,276,267,156,10,12,2,8,86,0x37B5,100,576,576,480,1000000,617,5500,603,5000,616,2000,7510,5000,2357,1600,2524,3000,2421,3000,2229,5000,7024,2500,0,0,0,0,0,0,4407,1





    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 500000                     //25% drop rate card for all normal mobs
    item_rate_card_boss: 50000              //5% drop rate card for all mvp mobs
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 10000
    1. How can i make Randgris drop card rate = 1% while other mvp mobs still 5%?
    2. What should i put in item_rate_card  so normal mobs drop card = 80%??
    When i set item_rate_card: 1,000,000    the drop rate card for all normal mobs is only 50%.
    Kindly explain how's the calculation, so i can edit other rare mvp card drop rate.
    Thanks in Advance :) :)
    skillratio += 50 * (7 + sstatus->sp / 10);
    skillratio = min(500000,skillratio); //We stop at roughly 50k SP for overflow protection
    this script?

    /* Splitted off from skill_additional_effect, which is never called when the
     * attack skill kills the enemy. Place in this function counter status effects
     * when using skills (eg: Asura's sp regen penalty, or counter-status effects
     * from cards) that will take effect on the source, not the target. [skotlex]
     * Note: Currently this function only applies to Extremity Fist and BF_WEAPON
     * type of skills, so not every instance of skill_additional_effect needs a call
     * to this one.
    int skill_counter_additional_effect (struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int attack_type, unsigned int tick)
    int rate;
    struct map_session_data *sd=NULL;
    struct map_session_data *dstsd=NULL;
    if(skill_id > 0 && !skill_lv) return 0; // don't forget auto attacks! - celest
    sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
    dstsd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);
    if(dstsd && attack_type&BF_WEAPON) { //Counter effects.
    enum sc_type type;
    uint8 i;
    unsigned int time = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(dstsd->addeff_atked) && dstsd->addeff_atked.flag; i++) {
    rate = dstsd->addeff_atked.rate;
    if (attack_type&BF_LONG)
    rate += dstsd->addeff_atked.arrow_rate;
    if (!rate)
    if ((dstsd->addeff_atked.flag&(ATF_LONG|ATF_SHORT)) != (ATF_LONG|ATF_SHORT)) { //Trigger has range consideration.
    if((dstsd->addeff_atked.flag&ATF_LONG && !(attack_type&BF_LONG)) ||
    (dstsd->addeff_atked.flag&ATF_SHORT && !(attack_type&BF_SHORT)))
    continue; //Range Failed.
    type = dstsd->addeff_atked.sc;
    time = dstsd->addeff_atked.duration;
    if (dstsd->addeff_atked.flag&ATF_TARGET)
    if (dstsd->addeff_atked.flag&ATF_SELF && !status_isdead(bl))
  9. anything can help coz i want to balance server 255/120 with stats seller. without costume items, it looks like old 255/120 with stats seller server


    by the way how to use hp factor and hp multiplicator? kindly give example and the result of that example


    Kindly make this one like this. When a gm click the npc @prontera 56 231, the gm will select an event, then after he selected the event, the npc will announce that gm name is hosting LMS Event, then another npc will appear in prontera 70,240, normal player will click the npc and asking if they want to join LMS Event or not. IF they want to join, they will be warped at Morroc

    Like that sir..THANKS


    Try this:

    prontera,56,231,4	script	Event Warper	76,{
    if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) {
            mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!";
         // Input map and name
         mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?";
         switch( select ("Set an Event:Set an Event Map:Set a winner:Announce an Event")) {
              case 1:
                   mes "Do you want to set an Event ?";
                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;
                   mes "Input the name of the event you want to perform";
                   input .@ev_name$;
                   mes "["+.@ev_name$+"] is correct?";
                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;
                   set $@ev_name$,.@ev_name$;
                   mes "Event Name set to ["+$@ev_name$+"]";
                   goto digit;
              case 2:
                   if($@ev_map$!="")mes "Actual Event Map is "+$@ev_map$;
                   else mes "No current event maps.";
                   mes "Do you want to set an Event Map?";
                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;
                   mes "Input the map where you want the event to take place";
                   input .@ev_map$;
                   mes "["+.@ev_map$+"] is correct?";
                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;
                   set $@ev_map$,.@ev_map$;
                   mes "Event Map set to ["+$@ev_map$+"]";
                   goto digit;
              case 3:
                   // Be careful not to @reloadscript between the end of the event and the rewarding.
                   if( $@ev_name$=="") {
                        mes "You activated no events.";
                   // Rewarding a player will also reset the event map and name
                   mes "Who do you want to reward for winning "+$@ev_name$+" event?";
                   input .@player$;
                   mes "["+.@player$+"] is correct?";
                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;
                   announce .@player$+" won the "+$@ev_name$+" event.",0;
                   //Remove this if you manage not to give any reward.
                   if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@player$))) getitem 7227,5,getcharid(3,.@player$);
                   set $@ev_map$,"";
                   set $@ev_name$,"";
              case 4:
                   if( $@ev_name$=="" || $@ev_map$=="") {
                        mes "Before activating an event you must input a Map and a Name.";
                        goto digit;
    mes "Do you want to activate "+.@ev_name$+" event in "+$@ev_map$+" map?";
    if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;
    announce strcharinfo(0)+" opens the Event Warp to "+.@ev_map$+" for "+.@ev_name$+" event.",0;
    enablenpc "Event Warper";
    setnpctimer 0;
    sleep 5000;
    announce "3 minutes left to join the event. Use 'Event Warper' to subscribe and warp in the event map.",0;
         announce "2 minutes left to join the event. Use 'Event Warper' to subscribe and warp in the event map.",0;
         announce "1 minutes left to join the event. Use 'Event Warper' to subscribe and warp in the event map.",0;
         announce "'Event Warper' closed. None can join the event anymore.",0;
         disablenpc "Event Warper";
    // Event Warper
    prontera,70,240,3	script	Event Warper2	100,{
    // Should never happen.
    if($@ev_map$=="") end;
    mes "Do you want to warp to the event map? ("+$@ev_map$+")";
    if( select("Yes:No") == 2) close;
    warp $@ev_map$,0,0;
    That script actually works, you just did not edited this line:

    // Event Warper
    <map>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%script%TAB%Event Warper%TAB%<sprite>,{
    // Should never happen.
    if($@ev_map$=="") end;
    mes "Do you want to warp to the event map? ("+$@ev_map$+")";
    if( select("Yes:No") == 2) close;
    warp $@ev_map$,0,0;
    Now if you wanna change the prize find this line:

     if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@player$))) getitem 7227,5,getcharid(3,.@player$);
    and change 7227 (item ID) and (amount)




    When the Announcer Said: Event Warper: Closed. None can join the event anymore

    the 1st Npc removed, and when i click the 2nd npc and ask me if i wan to warp to the event map, the npc will warp me, 

    can u make it like this sir


    1st NPC will not remove, then 2nd npc will not allow anyone to join/warp a player when the Event warper says None can join event anymore. And Hide the 2ndNPC,, but when a gm starts an event again,  the npc will appear.

    Thanks in advance :D

  11. Kindly make this one like this. When a gm click the npc @prontera 56 231, the gm will select an event, then after he selected the event, the npc will announce that gm name is hosting LMS Event, then another npc will appear in prontera 70,240, normal player will click the npc and asking if they want to join LMS Event or not. IF they want to join, they will be warped at Morroc

    Like that sir..THANKS


    prontera,159,165,4 script Event Warper 76,{

    if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) {

            mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!";





         // Input map and name

         mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?";


         switch( select ("Set an Event:Set an Event Map:Set a winner:Announce an Event")) {


              case 1:

                   mes "Do you want to set an Event ?";


                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;


                   mes "Input the name of the event you want to perform";

                   input .@ev_name$;

                   mes "["+.@ev_name$+"] is correct?";

                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;


                   set $@ev_name$,.@ev_name$;


                   mes "Event Name set to ["+$@ev_name$+"]";

                   goto digit;


              case 2:

                   if($@ev_map$!="")mes "Actual Event Map is "+$@ev_map$;

                   else mes "No current event maps.";

                   mes "Do you want to set an Event Map?";


                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;


                   mes "Input the map where you want the event to take place";

                   input .@ev_map$;

                   mes "["+.@ev_map$+"] is correct?";

                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) goto digit;


                   set $@ev_map$,.@ev_map$;


                   mes "Event Map set to ["+$@ev_map$+"]";

                   goto digit;


              case 3:

                   // Be careful not to @reloadscript between the end of the event and the rewarding.

                   if( $@ev_name$=="") {

                        mes "You activated no events.";




                   // Rewarding a player will also reset the event map and name

                   mes "Who do you want to reward for winning "+$@ev_name$+" event?";

                   input .@player$;


                   mes "["+.@player$+"] is correct?";

                   if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;


                   announce .@player$+" won the "+$@ev_name$+" event.",0;


                   //Remove this if you manage not to give any reward.

                   if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@player$))) getitem <item id>,<quantity>,getcharid(3,.@player$);


                   set $@ev_map$,"";

                   set $@ev_name$,"";



              case 4:

                   if( $@ev_name$=="" || $@ev_map$=="") {

                        mes "Before activating an event you must input a Map and a Name.";

                        goto digit;





    mes "Do you want to activate "+.@ev_name$+" event in "+$@ev_map$+" map?";

    if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;


    announce strcharinfo(0)+" opens the Event Warp to "+.@ev_map$+" for "+.@ev_name$+" event.",0;

    enablenpc "Event Warper";


    setnpctimer 0;



    sleep 5000;

    announce "3 minutes left to join the event. Use 'Event Warper' to subscribe and warp in the event map.",0;




         announce "2 minutes left to join the event. Use 'Event Warper' to subscribe and warp in the event map.",0;



         announce "1 minutes left to join the event. Use 'Event Warper' to subscribe and warp in the event map.",0;



         announce "'Event Warper' closed. None can join the event anymore.",0;

         disablenpc "Event Warper";




    // Event Warper

    <map>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%script%TAB%Event Warper%TAB%<sprite>,{


    // Should never happen.

    if($@ev_map$=="") end;


    mes "Do you want to warp to the event map? ("+$@ev_map$+")";

    if( select("Yes:No") == 2) close;


    warp $@ev_map$,0,0;



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