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Posts posted by vvolf

  1. @CYAN

    Anyone know how to fix this? My client is all english except menu and login buttons.





    I've updated my lub files and my client is diffed for english translation. Also used the data translation pack listed in the OP.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Did you put your custom GRF on your RO folder ? And what about your DATA.ini file ? Is it set to read your custom GRF BEFORE any Official GRF ?




    Since my Data Folder Translation up to revision 56, I have problem like this




    Anyone can help me?

    That is probably because of the .LUA files, I was getting those errors before, and then I copied some files, and renamed them to .lua myself, and it works now...
    (I don't know if it was the right thing to do, but, it works now, since what I did following exactly what the tutorials says and even that it doesnt worked perfectly...)

    But, you can use my folders if you want:


    Put the SYSTEM folder on your RO folder
    and the LUAFILES514 folder on yor DATA folder.

    Hope it helps...!

  2. Hi, I'm new to the forums, so lets go to the point quickly hehe...

    When I try to log into my server, it says "Failed to Authenticate (5011) or Rejected from server (30)".

    I Used revision 17540 (Since the newest one can't be compiled because of an error.),
    and all these versions of Ragexe: 2013-07-03a2013-07-17c2013-08-07a2013-08-14a

    And diffed using the xDiffPatcher, with these options:

    [spoiler=Diffs I Used]-Allow Chat Flood

    -Allow space in guild name
    -Cancel to Login Window
    -Change Gravity Error Handler
    -Custom Window Title
    -Disable 1rag 1type parameters
    -Disable 4 Letter User Character Limit
    -Disable Ragexe Filename Check
    -DIsable Hallucination Wavy Screen
    -Disable HShield
    -Disable Packet Encryption
    -Disable Swear Filter
    -Eneable 64k Hairstyle
    -Eneable Custom 3D Bones
    -Eneable Multiple GRFs
    -Eneable Title Bar Menu
    -Extended Chat Room Box
    -Extended NPC Box
    -Fix Camera Angles
    -@Bug Fix (Recommended
    -Ignore Missing File Error
    -Ignore missing palette Error
    -Increase Zoom
    -Load ItemInfo.lua before lub
    -KOREA Service Type XML Fix
    -Read Data Folder First
    -Read Msgstringtable.txt
    -Read questid2display.txt
    -Remove Gravity Ads
    -Remove Gravity Logo
    -Remove Serial Display
    -Skip License Screen
    -Skip Resurrection Buttons
    -Translate Client in English
    -Use Normal Guild Brackets
    -Use Ragnarok Icon
    -eXtract MsgStringTable.txt
    -eXtract txt file strings

    And, about my Clientinfo.xml, I did all the "<version></version>" equivalent to the version of the ragexe, everytime I tested with a new Date of Ragexe
    Any of those worked, and always recompiling my Server after the modifications on MMO.h and changing the Packet_db.
    And I Even tried to let a Clientinfo.xml on the Data Folder together with the GRF File, OR ONLY the Clientinfo.xml on the Data Folder OR Only the GRF One. I Tried all the options.

    Here's my Clientinfo.xml for you guys have a look:
    [spoiler=My Clientinfo.xml]

    <?xml version="1.0"

    encoding="euc-kr" ?>






    <balloon>The World that Never Was</balloon>    




    <version>42</version>   (< That was my last try with a Diffed Exe...)  









    About my Server, It don't receives ANY messages of "Trying Connection"...

    And of course, my DATA.ini is: 



    So I know there's a lot of Topics involving this, but the topics i found saying "Solved" the person simply says "Haha Solved, thanks!" And i dont know how they did it...
    And I've searched everywhere, tried all the options, I would try the 2012 ragexe that have a lot support on it, but i couldn't find the Diff for it. So... I REALLY need your help.

    And by the way, I followed this Tutorial on How to Make a rAthena server by mr. cassiel:

    Thanks a lot for the Attention, hope you guys help me please!
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