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Posts posted by nyks

  1. Thanks for the quick reply sir.


    Cpanel X is that. cpanel.asurahosting.com


    and about your guide on how to configure FluxCP for installation i already found it and configured everything correctly.


    but the thing that made me confused is this
    "After you've configured these 3 files properly, you will need to visit
    your cPanel webhost domain with your internet browser to complete the
    installation. Simply enter the installer password that you set in the 'application.php' file, and proceed to install by clicking through the installation process provided by FluxCP."


    i don't know where is the webhost domain? is that the cpanel on left part stats section "Main Domain : mysite.net" ?


    second thing if our webhost domain is that mysite.net. when i type it on web brower.. it says "server not found" i wonder how will i come up our site then?


    third thing is, i used only wamp server for trial purposes only if the steps of fluxCP tutorial is correct, and so its right, cause when i open my localhost, FluxCP folder show up, then if i click it, it ridirect the autenticate password. but then the IP is wrong, cause its supposed to be on our hosting IP address not mine. right?  tutiorial says, type webhost domain. then autenticate password, and when i type our webhost domain which is mysite.net, yes its server not found.



    note: hope you have the patiences to help out on my/our problem. thank you!

    is it okay if i private message you and give you our direct webhost ipaddress for you able to help us out?

    by the way, were using the FluxCP renewal calcium kid like that.


    thank you!

  2. Hi guys, definetly im new here, im just going to ask some help tips tweaks hint tutiorial for webdesigning and hosting to our privateRO.

    its taking me 4days but i still havent figured out how to install FluxCP using CpanelX :(


    i tried using wampserver, and put the fluxcp folder to C:wamp/www/fluxCP then go to browser and yes, i did the installation, literally i got error for the IP, since im using my localhost(wampserver) now, the thing that made me confused, or i can't figured out, how will i get the FluxCP installation using cpanel? i tried to upload the whole file to file manager /home/domain/public_html/fluxCP and then what to do next?


    so far, our server is working, but we don't have website at the moment, cause were taking to long to figured out how to deal and set it. i tried to ask google.com many times, and do this, do that, and that.. but i still failed :( can anyone put up here the step-by-step tutiorial on how will that installation of FluxCP will come up using CpanelX.

    i also think if that FluxCP folder can uploaded to host/myphpadmin. and Lol. it cant :P


    only the installation process upon using CpanelX is all i can't figured out. Please Help me! 4Days of my brain cells is too long to figured out this SQL thing :(


    Note: my friend says, we need to buy a domain, so we bought domain from dynadot.com, and yes, were stuck again.

    Thanks in advance. and more power!

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