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Everything posted by thecandymachine

  1. Hi Michael, So what you mean is by not changing any of the conf files at server side, i only need to deal with the port forwarding thing ?
  2. Hey guys, ive been playing alone with my offline server with IP and stuff. The thing is i want to make it ONLINE and let my friends able to join my server from another network. What are the correct configurations for the IPs for char, log, map etc. because i can see that some are still in Can anyone guide on how to open up my connection to public or port im not sure how it works please and thanks.
  3. Thank you very much. It sure saved me a lot of time. if not i will be wasting my day trying to make fluxcp work with 000webhost.
  4. Can anyone spare a few minutes giving me a step by step guide on how to set-up fluxcp with webhost? I followed another tutorial and i messed up. My wamp screwed my sql server. My logs schema in sql is gone, and my database's name is changed. Thanks ! Will appreciate it !
  5. And i thought i'm the only one facing this problem. Thank you very much.
  6. Thanks! the npc problem is gone. But the character delete timer is still 8:0:0. Im beginning to think that the problem could be from the server side. Which is the stable version of SVN and where can i get it ? Currently using latest rathena - Revision 17459.
  7. Hi LuLu, Can you recommend me a stable version of client to use?
  8. Hi guys, i changed my client to the latest 2013-08-07aRagexe and diffed it with 2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiff It did not fixed the problem i still cant delete characters. Also i found this bug when i talk to npc. Why every npc has |a2 infront of each sentences? Thanks and will appreciate for replies.
  9. Hi thanks for replying, its not about wanting to have a 0 second instant delete, the problem is the figures are stuck at 8:0:0. No matter what number i set, it will show this timer and woulden count down. What is wrong
  10. I have tried changing the character delete delay value to 1 hour or 60 seconds but it still stays the same. Stucked at 8:0:0 value. Please help im using latest rathena - Revision 17459THANKS!
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