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Posts posted by zhiren

  1. Thank you for the explanation. I changed nothing on the admin group ID, which has all_commands by default ( the account I'm using belongs to group 99). Still no progress, I might stick with eAmod for a while until I get my hands on a test server. Thanks!

  2. Yes, 'level' was already changed to 'group_id'. The GM account already belongs to group 99. I am wondering if I still need to update other sql tables, since I am migrating from eAmod.

    bump. I still can't figure out how to fix it. Anyone got ideas?

  3. Thanks for your reply. Yes I think I have. I even tried changing group_id_to_connect to 99 and my account can login just fine. It's a freshly installed rAthena. The only files I copied are my npc/custom folder and item_db2. Only src edited are for max lvl, zeny and packetver.

    I also tried using a different group_id but same results. It's weird the NPCs don't recognize my GM level as well.

  4. Hi,

    I just switched to rAthena recently, however, I can't use any GM commands. I already applied the necessary changes in groups.conf and SQL (group_id 99), but whenever I try to use a command, it appears like a normal chat message. NPCs which are supposed to recognize GMs also ignore me. Is there anything I need to change? ( moved from eAmod)

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