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Posts posted by Neub

  1. Stay Calm everything is gonna be alright


    taking over someones main email is a big issue, because it have access to all information the user have, you can even get money from his/her bank using his/her email


    you just have to talk to conflict and stop defaming you are still lucky that he is still willing to resolve everything with you with all of your defamation, 


    i'm paying conflicts for my hosting and i'm very satisfied with his services he is also very nice,

    he gives me recommendation and option whenever im asking for something that related to the host


    compared to other people who i've met that runs a hosting company

  2. as far as i know. Running Emulators isnt illegal


    but Using Ragnarok online to make Private server of it is illegal


    but gravity doesnt mind private servers now a days, because Private server have large fandom, which increase ragnaroks popularity to young gamers


    and Gravity has been known to take ideas from the private server community and implement them into the official servers.


    vice versa, private servers also take ideas from official servers so both them benefits in some other way

  3. Hello i would like to Request a Source


    SVN r17709 - Pre-Renewal


    1.LK can use 1Hand Parry if LK is in Soul Link Condition.

    -Can't use 1hand parry if not in soul link condition


    2.Whitesmith can use 1Hand Axe Parry if WS is in Soul Link Condition

    and can't when WS is not in the condition.


    3.Star Glad can also use Parry, *u choose which weapon star glad can use*

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