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Posts posted by JimWest

  1. Thank you for great tutorial, with this new renewal launcher stuff is very dufficult to figure out all steps of launching client.


    btw, two last errors still ramain, but they are not critical and all works perfectly.

    glad you like it /no1 , btw what kind of error that still remain? i'll try to search the solution.


    @JimWest what date is your ragexe?

    what server do you use?h3rcules or r@thena? it seem i've found this error when i use h3rcules server.

    because you need to edit the src/map/packets.h to add this packet data and compile it again.


    //2013-06-05aRagexe (Cassiel)
    #if PACKETVER >= 20130703
        // packet (0x0363,8); // CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD
        // packet (0x0436,4); // CZ_GANGSI_RANK




    Hey cassiel thanks for your quick response but i'm not ussing hercules I'm using rathena svn do you have the contents of packet_db.txt for rathena for 20130703 please?

  2. How can I fix this error?

    [string "buf"]:1: attempt to index global 'CmdOnOffList' (a nil value)



    The program is searching for OptionInfo.lua or OptionInfo.lub in the Ro\System\LuaFiles514 so to solve this problem, copy the luas in Ro\System to the Ro\System\LuaFiles514 directory 


    Anyone has the packets_db for 20130703? I guess shakto is too busy  /panic 

  3. I have another issue:


    When I want to summon pori pori or thanatos with @monster the client crash and stops. And then I can't log in again until I reset the server.


    Anyone knows how to solve this??


    Thanks in advance.


    I tested the new 20130703ragexe and diff and solves the problem but now I'm having unsuported packets due to the need to update packet_db.txt and the version in clientinfo please any updates to make it work?


    @@Shakto the packets in pastebin don't show can you provide another mirror?

  4. @JimWest

    i think your at the wrong directory it is in the savedata folder that you'll have to edit manually the name of the file is OptionInfo.lua not .lub


    CmdOnOffList["/notrade"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/noshift"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/noctrl"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/skillfail"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg2"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/showname"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/fog"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/aura"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/window"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/miss"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/q1"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/q2"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/effect"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/sound"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/loginout"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/shopping"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/stateinfo"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/snap"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/itemsnap"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/skillsnap"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/hoai"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/merai"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/camera"] = 0
    CmdOnOffList["/lightmap"] = 1
    CmdOnOffList["/monsterhp"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["Trilinear"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["Bgm_Volume"] = 100
    OptionInfoList["Effect_Volume"] = 100
    OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["PlaySound_Open1to1Window"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewLatitude"] = -65.000000
    OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewDistance"] = 230.000000
    OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000
    OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000
    OptionInfoList["SkinName"] = "<Basic Skin>"
    OptionInfoList["ChannelCopID"] = 0
    OptionInfoList["Window_XPos"] = 240
    OptionInfoList["Window_YPos"] = 60
    OptionInfoList["Simplicity_SkillList"] = 0
    OptionInfoList["Show_SkillDescript"] = 0
    OptionInfoList["ChangeChatMode"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["LockMouse"] = 0
    OptionInfoList["ShowBattleFieldIcon"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["MouseExclusive"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["ISFULLSCREENMODE"] = 0
    OptionInfoList["WIDTH"] = 800
    OptionInfoList["HEIGHT"] = 600
    OptionInfoList["BITPERPIXEL"] = 16
    OptionInfoList["DEVICECNT"] = 1
    OptionInfoList["MODECNT"] = 3
    OptionInfoList["SPRITEMODE"] = 2
    OptionInfoList["TEXTUREMODE"] = 2
    OptionInfoList["bLockItemDropFromItemWnd"] = 0

    my example OptionInfo.lua it is in 800x600 resolution the WIDTH and HEIGHT change it to your need then save.



    Ok now I solved it!!! yes I was in the incorrect directory, but it was not in the data directory, the program was searching for OptionInfo.lua or OptionInfo.lub in the Ro\System\LuaFiles514 so to solve this problem I copied the luas in Ro\System to the Ro\System\LuaFiles514 directory and then set the compatibility mode to the setup.exe, because I have a 64 bits  machine, modify the resolution and and zero errors!!!!!! /no1


    thanks for all the guiding!  /ok

  5. @JimWest & @adan-01

    Try to change all your optioninfo.lua and .lub manually to setup your resolution. Maybe you have an error in one of those files, they have to match.



    You have to have a translated ItemInfo.lua / lub if you didn't check the patch read lua before lub.


    @Qube Eks

    Try with only the necessary diff patch



    Try with korean luafiles514 and with the korean iteminfo.lub and tell if if there's a difference.



    Thanks for the reply I've been searching for how to change it manually but the contents of my optioninfo.lub are this:


    CmdOnOffOderList = {
    CmdOnOffList = {
    	["/battlemode"] = 0,
    	["/notrade"] = 0,
    	["/noshift"] = 0,
    	["/noctrl"] = 1,
    	["/skillfail"] = 1,
    	["/notalkmsg"] = 0,
    	["/notalkmsg2"] = 0,
    	["/showname"] = 1,
    	["/fog"] = 1,
    	["/aura"] = 1,
    	["/window"] = 0,
    	["/miss"] = 1,
    	["/q1"] = 0,
    	["/q2"] = 0,
    	["/effect"] = 1,
    	["/bgm"] = 1,
    	["/sound"] = 1,
    	["/loginout"] = 1,
    	["/shopping"] = 1,
    	["/stateinfo"] = 1,
    	["/snap"] = 0,
    	["/itemsnap"] = 0,
    	["/skillsnap"] = 1,
    	["/hoai"] = 0,
    	["/merai"] = 0,
    	["/camera"] = 0,
    	["/btg"] = 1
    CmdHelpList = {
    	--Orderlist Desc Start
    	["/battlemode"] = MsgStrID.MSI_BATTLEMODE,
    	["/notrade"] = MsgStrID.MSI_NOTRADE,
    	["/noshift"] = MsgStrID.MSI_NOSHIFT,
    	["/noctrl"] = MsgStrID.MSI_NOCTRL,
    	["/skillfail"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SKILLFAIL,
    	["/notalkmsg"] = MsgStrID.MSI_NOTALKMSG,
    	["/notalkmsg2"] = MsgStrID.MSI_NOTALKMSG2,
    	["/showname_on"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SHOWNAME_ON,
    	["/showname_off"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SHOWNAME_OFF,
    	["/fog"] = MsgStrID.MSI_FOG,
    	["/aura"] = MsgStrID.MSI_AURA,
    	["/window"] = MsgStrID.MSI_WINDOW,
    	["/miss"] = MsgStrID.MSI_MISS,
    	["/q1"] = MsgStrID.MSI_Q1,
    	["/q2"] = MsgStrID.MSI_Q2,
    	["/effect"] = MsgStrID.MSI_EFFECT,
    	["/bgm"] = MsgStrID.MSI_BGM,
    	["/sound"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SOUND,
    	["/loginout"] = MsgStrID.MSI_LOGINOUT,
    	["/shopping"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SHOPPING,
    	["/stateinfo"] = MsgStrID.MSI_STATEINFO,
    	["/snap"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SNAP,
    	["/itemsnap"] = MsgStrID.MSI_ITEMSNAP,
    	["/skillsnap"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SKILLSNAP,
    	["/hoai"] = MsgStrID.MSI_HOAI,
    	["/merai"] = MsgStrID.MSI_MERAI,
    	["/camera"] = MsgStrID.MSI_CAMERA,
    	["/btg"] = MsgStrID.MSI_BTG,
    	--Orderlist Desc End
    	["/hi"] = MsgStrID.MSI_HI,
    	["/blacksmith"] = MsgStrID.MSI_BLACKSMITH,
    	["/alchemist"] = MsgStrID.MSI_ALCHEMIST,
    	["/help"] = MsgStrID.MSI_HELP,
    	["/who"] = MsgStrID.MSI_WHO,
    	["/sit"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SIT,
    	["/stand"] = MsgStrID.MSI_STAND,
    	["/q"] = MsgStrID.MSI_Q,
    	["/leave"] = MsgStrID.MSI_LEAVE,
    	["/where"] = MsgStrID.MSI_WHERE,
    	["/memo"] = MsgStrID.MSI_MEMO,
    	["/chat"] = MsgStrID.MSI_CHAT,
    	["/savechat"] = MsgStrID.MSI_SAVECHAT,
    	["/doridori"] = MsgStrID.MSI_DORIDORI,
    	["/bangbang"] = MsgStrID.MSI_BANGBANG,
    	["/bingbing"] = MsgStrID.MSI_BINGBING,
    	["/ex"] = MsgStrID.MSI_EX,
    	["/inall"] = MsgStrID.MSI_INALL,
    	["/exall"] = MsgStrID.MSI_EXALL,
    	["/pvpinfo"] = MsgStrID.MSI_PVPINFO,
    	["/hunting"] = MsgStrID.MSI_HUNTING
    OptionInfoList = {
    	["Window_XPos"] = -1,
    	["Window_YPos"] = -1,
    	["Trilinear"] = 0,
    	["Bgm_Volume"] = 100,
    	["Effect_Volume"] = 100,
    	["AutoOpen1to1Window"] = 1,
    	["AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend"] = 1,
    	["PlaySound_Open1to1Window"] = 1,
    	["Simplicity_SkillList"] = 0,
    	["Show_SkillDescript"] = 0,
    	["ChangeChatMode"] = 1,
    	["LockMouse"] = 0,
    	["ChannelCopID"] = 0,
    	["Outdoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45,
    	["Outdoor_ViewDistance"] = 400,
    	["Indoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45,
    	["Indoor_ViewDistance"] = 300,
    	["SkinName"] = "<Basic Skin>"



    where do I have to change resolution values?


    @reigneil: thank you for your help, but I'm already using opensetup and that doesn't solve the problem

  6. Hi i'm following the steps to enter with the loki launcher I diffed the 20130605 client and in my clientinfo.xml changed to version 37, also I compiled rathena with definepacket version 20130605 but I'm having an error it seems that the launcher doen't send the user and pass because in the login server is in "blank" I attached an image. PLease Help!


    Solved /meh


    now I get an error message when entering




    and also I setup a better resolution and mouse freedom but the settings dont change I get a Little window to play






    What am I doing wrong?

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