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Posts posted by ray00

  1. How Do i set these? I don't understand how could I set these rates exp and item drop rates can anyone give me an example I see these servers with 1000x I  can't understand what to put in my server. I'm using pre-re. I'm planning on making a HR server I'd like to set my rates to 1000x1000x/80 rates how do i put them on the server?

  2. can anyone guide me on how to put custom weapon sprites i seem to have trouble on doing them i followed the guide but still the sprite wont show up and im getting either my chars holding an invisible sword or a simple sword sprite. help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

  3. Im new in here so how do i patch my diff files to my server? what folder do it put it in I saw other posts but I can't understand them can anyone guide me step by step thank you that would really help me and im using a linux server.

  4. This is just  a part of the chain quest im doing im getting errors here, I have double checked the (,), and } all of them have the same pairs still im getting this error what am i missing? or what's wrong with this script

    ra_san05,150,155,4	script	Sealed Gloom	1768,{
    mes "[Hougyoku]";
    mes "Seeping crest of turbidity.";
    mes "Arrogant vessel of lunacy!";
    mes "Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker!";
    mes "Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron!";
    mes "Eternally self destructing doll of mud!";
    mes "Unite! Repulse Fill the soil and know";
    mes "Your own powerlessness!";
    if(hou_ku >=1) goto L_houend;
    if(bac_so >= 1 || dop_pel >= 1 || kh_d01 >= 1 || than_t >= 1 || sbh_fbh >= 1 || may_an >= 1 || golden_t >= 1 || tao_gunk >= 1 || dev_ling >= 1 || gr1_gr1 >= 1 || tgen_tgen >= 1) goto gloom;
    	mes "[Hougyoku]";
    	mes "Well done it seem's that you've release all the seals and obtained the power within them";
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "Very well then!";
    	mes "I am Hougyoku the last remnant of the ancients";
    	mes "Unseal me and you shall receive far greater power";
    	mes "Will you remove the seal that I am binded with";
    	menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nopnop;
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "The seal that I am binded with is linked to all the souls";
    	mes "That released, Once it senses a release in energy";
    	mes "This seal will weaken";
    	mes "It would now only require a few more items";
    	mes "To be completely removed";
    	mes "Gather the final items that I require";
    	mes "10 Sealed Ghostring Card"; //30011
    	mes "10 Sealed Deviling Card"; //30012
    	mes "10 Sealed Turtle General Card"; //30018
    	mes "10 Sealed Kiel D-01 Card"; //30019
    	mes "10 Sealed Tao Gunka Card"; //30013
    	mes "10 Golden Thiefbug Card"; //30014
    	mes "10 Sealed Maya Card"; //30015
    	mes "1 Sealed Fallen Bishop Card"; //30016
    	mes "5 Sealed Thanatos Card"; //30017
    	mes "10 Doppelganger Card"; //30023
    	mes "1500 TCG Cards"; //7227
    	mes "5 Emblem of the Sun God"; //7086
    	mes "5 Ripple"; //7090
    	mes "5 Bilows"; //7091
    	mes "5 Silver Ornament"; //7077
    	mes "5 Wrath of Valkyrie"; //7078
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "I'll be waiting for you chosen warrior";
    	if(countitem(30011) < 10 || countitem(30012) < 10 || countitem(30018) < 10 || countitem(30019) < 10 || countitem(30013) < 10 || countitem(30014) < 10 || countitem(30015) < 10 || countitem(30016) < 1 countitem(30017) < 5 || countitem(30023) < 10 || countitem(7227) < 1500 || countitem(7086) < 5 || countitem(7090) < 5 || countitem(7091) < 5 || countitem(7077) < 5 || countitem(7078) < 5) goto L_hoginc;
    	if(countitem(30011) >= 10 || countitem(30012) >= 10 || countitem(30018) >= 10 || countitem(30019) >= 10 || countitem(30013) >= 10 || countitem(30014) >= 10 || countitem(30015) >= 10 || countitem(30016) >= 1 countitem(30017) >= 5 || countitem(30023) >= 10 || countitem(7227) >= 1500 || countitem(7086) >= 5 || countitem(7090) >= 5 || countitem(7091) >= 5 || countitem(7077) >= 5 || countitem(7078) >= 5) goto L_hogcomplete;
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "Leave if you don't want to get a early death";
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "Your items are incomplete at this rate ill be resealed";
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "Well done You have proven yourself to be worthy of true power";
    	delitem 30011,10;
    	delitem 30012,10;
    	delitem 30018,10;
    	delitem 30019,10;
    	delitem 30013,10;
    	delitem 30014,10;
    	delitem 30015,10;
    	delitem 30016,1;
    	delitem 30017,5;
    	delitem 30023,10;
    	delitem 7227,1500;
    	delitem 7086,5;
    	delitem 7090,5;
    	delitem 7091,5;
    	delitem 7077,5;
    	delitem 7078,5;
    	getitem 30027,1;
    	set hou_ku,1;
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "The seal has be released";
    	announce "Hougyoku I am now free, Thanks to "+strcharinfo(0)" I shall now bestow on him great power!",8;
    	sleep 500;
    	announce "Attention all of Rune Midgard "+strcharinfo(0)" has just become the Ultimate Warrior and Gained the Sealed Gloom Card.",8; 
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "You have already gained my power";
    	mes "How dare you ask for more!, Begone fool!";
    	percentheal -100,0;
    	warp "prontera",0,0;
    	mes "[]";
    	mes "An innocent soul";
    	mes "Go away";

    Here's the error im getting and im using eathena, sorry for posting here I can't get support over eathena since no one or all of the best one's there are already here.



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