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Everything posted by lipitb

  1. Hello Use dynamic IP and use the host ragnahome.servegame.com for the client to connect, and the login / char / map-conf ... Turns out the modem and restart my ip changes, the server loses connection in char_server. I try to restart. Had another way without rebooting the server?
  2. Hi! I want to modify the function "getitemname" for first check the name in the database as my script: example: function script getitemname { set @querysql, query_sql("select name_japanese from `ragdb`.`item_db` WHERE `id` ="+getarg(0)+" ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1", $@itemname$); if(@querysql == 0) {set $@itemname$, getitemname(getarg(0));} return; } //$@itemname$ = Item name /*========================================== * Get the item name by item_id or null *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getitemname) { int item_id=0; struct item_data *i_data; char *item_name; struct script_data *data; data=script_getdata(st,2); script->get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ){ const char *name=script->conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb->search_name(name); if( item_data ) item_id=item_data->nameid; }else item_id=script->conv_num(st,data); i_data = itemdb->exists(item_id); if (i_data == NULL) { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); return true; } item_name=(char *)aMalloc(ITEM_NAME_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); memcpy(item_name, i_data->jname, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH); script_pushstr(st,item_name); return true; }
  3. Hi! Who take the vending shop (shop name,item list, price, location x y,map) to database table? Thanks
  4. Hi! Who take the vending shop (shop name,item list, price, location x y,map) to database table? Thanks
  5. HI please Who return a shop vending title? trunk/src/map/vending.c if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `vending_list` " "(`char_id`,`shopname`,`item_id`,`amount`,`price`,`timestamp`) " "VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')", sd->status.char_id, <RETURN A SHOP TITLE>, sd->status.cart[index], sd->vending.amount, sd->vending.value)) { Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); continue; }
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