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Everything posted by squall91x

  1. Hello, im newbie. can someone help me to remove cooldown delay from skill? i don't know where i can start to do this :c thanks!
  2. i explain my problem : when a player buy vip can you help me to set a message like : "You already get a vip service, come back when your're service has expired".?
  3. Hey when i try to talk with VIP System npc and i already have a vip, when i click on Buy Item, npc sent me in a blank window and i can't move my char, can u help me? this is your script, thanks you. prontera,140,226,6 script VIP System 109,{ if (getgroupid()<4) { goto Prem; } set .@Timer, vip_status(VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE); mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "Please choose the menu."; mes "^FF0000Your VIP Status will Expire at:^000000"; mes gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S",21,vip_status(VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE)); mes "^FF0000Time Left: ^000000" + callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); next; switch(select("Buy items:Get buffs:No, thanks.")) { case 1: mes "Choose items do you wants."; goto item_list; item_list: menu "Universal Catalog Gold 20000 Zeny","Unlimited Flywing Box 20000",unli,Catalog,"HP Pil 10000 Zeny",HP_PILL,"SP Pil 10000 Zeny",SP_PILL,"Authoritative Badge 10000 Zeny",Authoritative; Catalog: set .@amount, countitem(12580); if (zeny < 20000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 12581,10; set zeny,zeny-20000; } close; unli: set .@amount, countitem(17229); if (zeny < 20000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 17229,1; set zeny,zeny-20000; } close; HP_PILL: set .@amount, countitem(12274); if (zeny < 10000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 12274,10; set zeny,zeny-10000; } close; SP_PILL: set .@amount, countitem(12275); if (zeny < 10000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 12275,10; set zeny,zeny-10000; } close; Authoritative: set .@amount, countitem(662); if (zeny < 10000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 662,10; set zeny,zeny-10000; } close; case 2: mes "Choose which one do you wants."; mes "First Buff ^FF0000STR +8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK +32^000000"; mes "Second Buffs ^FF0000INT +8, DEX +6, VIT +4, MATK +40^000000"; next; mes "Third Buffs ^FF0000Dex +8, AGI +6, LUK +4, ATK +24, MATK +24^000000"; mes "Fourth Buffs ^FF0000all stat +6, ATK +24, MATK +24^000000"; goto buff; buff: menu "First Buffs",First,"Second Buffs",Second,"Third Buffs",Third,"Fourth Buffs",Fourth; First: sc_start SC_STRFOOD,3600000,8; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,4; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,32; percentheal 100,100; close; Second: sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,8; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,3600000,4; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,40; percentheal 100,100; close; Third: sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,8; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,3600000,4; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,24; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,24; percentheal 100,100; close; Fourth: sc_start SC_STRFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,24; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,24; percentheal 100,100; close; case 3: mes "See you next time."; close; } Prem: set .@day,1000; set .@week,5000; set .@month,20000; if (getgroupid()>60) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Sorry,GM staff not allowed to use this feature."; close; } mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Berikut biaya untuk akses VIP."; mes "24 hours "+.@day+" cash point"; mes "1 week "+.@week+" cash point"; mes "1 month "+.@month+" cash point"; mes "your cureent cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; next; switch(select("register 24 Jam:register 1 Minggu:register 1 Bulan:No, Thanks.")) { case 1: if (#CASHPOINTS < .@day) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Your cash points not enough,"; mes ""+.@day+" cash point to use this feature."; close; } //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@day; atcommand "@vip +24h "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; dispbottom "your cureent cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; case 2: if (#CASHPOINTS < .@week) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Your cash points not enough,"; mes ""+.@week+" cash point to use this feature."; close; } //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@week; atcommand "@vip +7d "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; dispbottom "your cureent cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; case 3: if (#CASHPOINTS < .@month) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Your cash points not enough,"; mes ""+.@month+" cash point to use this feature."; close; } //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@month; atcommand "@vip +1m "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; dispbottom "your cureent cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; case 4: mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "See You next time."; close; } } // -------------------------------------------------- // Duplicates: // -------------------------------------------------- alberta,33,240,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#alb 109 aldebaran,146,116,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#alde 109 amatsu,205,87,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ama 109 ayothaya,212,172,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ayo 109 comodo,191,161,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#com 109 einbech,55,36,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#einbe 109 einbroch,72,206,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#einbr 109 geffen,127,66,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#gef 109 gonryun,162,126,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#gon 109 hugel,102,148,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#hug 109 izlude,128,152,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#izl 109 //Pre-RE: (132,120) jawaii,248,134,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#jaw 109 lighthalzen,154,104,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#lhz 109 louyang,205,105,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#lou 109 manuk,272,150,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#man 109 mid_camp,216,286,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mid 109 morocc,146,89,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mor 109 moscovia,226,195,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mos 109 niflheim,199,180,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#nif 109 payon,178,109,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#pay 109 rachel,138,122,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#rac 109 splendide,198,153,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#spl 109 umbala,97,148,3 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#umb 109 veins,211,120,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ve 109 xmas,142,139,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#xmas 109 yuno,164,50,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#yuno 109 // -------------------------------------------------- // Duplicates (Renewal): // -------------------------------------------------- brasilis,199,225,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#bra 109 dewata,202,190,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#dew 109 dicastes01,196,197,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#dic 109 malangdo,137,116,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mal 109 malaya,228,195,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ma 109
  4. oh okay thanks! your script is really cool! ^_^
  5. Hello guys i need your help! this is the script: prontera,140,226,6 script VIP System 109,{ if (getgroupid()<4) { goto Prem; } set .@Timer, vip_status(VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE); mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "Please choose the menu."; mes "^FF0000Your VIP Status will Expire at:^000000"; mes gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S",21,vip_status(VIP_STATUS_EXPIRE)); mes "^FF0000Time Left: ^000000" + callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); next; switch(select("Buy VIP:Get buffs:No, thanks.")) { case 1: goto Prem; item_list: menu "Universal Catalog Gold 20000 Zeny","Unlimited Flywing Box 20000",unli,Catalog,"HP Pil 10000 Zeny",HP_PILL,"SP Pil 10000 Zeny",SP_PILL,"Authoritative Badge 10000 Zeny",Authoritative; Catalog: set .@amount, countitem(12580); if (zeny < 20000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 12581,10; set zeny,zeny-20000; } close; unli: set .@amount, countitem(17229); if (zeny < 20000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 17229,1; set zeny,zeny-20000; } close; HP_PILL: set .@amount, countitem(12274); if (zeny < 10000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 12274,10; set zeny,zeny-10000; } close; SP_PILL: set .@amount, countitem(12275); if (zeny < 10000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 12275,10; set zeny,zeny-10000; } close; Authoritative: set .@amount, countitem(662); if (zeny < 10000) mes "Sorry,Your zeny not enough,"; else if (.@amount >= 1) mes "You still have the item."; else{ getitem 662,10; set zeny,zeny-10000; } close; case 2: if (getgroupid()>60) { goto Prem; } mes "Choose which one do you wants."; mes "1) ^FF0000STR +8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK +32^000000"; mes "2) ^FF0000INT +8, DEX +6, VIT +4, MATK +40^000000"; next; mes "3) ^FF0000Dex +8, AGI +6, LUK +4, ATK +24, MATK +24^000000"; mes "4) ^FF0000All Stat +6, ATK +24, MATK +24^000000"; goto buff; buff: menu "^FF0000STR +8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK +32^000000",First,"^FF0000INT +8, DEX +6, VIT +4, MATK +40^000000",Second,"^FF0000Dex +8, AGI +6, LUK +4, ATK +24, MATK +24^000000",Third,"^FF0000All Stat +6, ATK +24, MATK +24^000000",Fourth; First: sc_start SC_STRFOOD,3600000,8; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,4; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,32; percentheal 100,100; close; Second: sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,8; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,3600000,4; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,40; percentheal 100,100; close; Third: sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,8; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,3600000,4; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,24; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,24; percentheal 100,100; close; Fourth: sc_start SC_STRFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,3600000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,24; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,24; percentheal 100,100; close; case 3: mes "See you next time."; close; } Prem: set .@day,1000; set .@week,5000; set .@month,20000; if (getgroupid()>60) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Sorry,GM staff not allowed to use this service."; close; } mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "VIP Status."; mes "^0000ff24 hours^000000 ^FF0000"+.@day+"^000000 cash point"; mes "^0000ff1 week^000000 ^FF0000"+.@week+"^000000 cash point"; mes "^0000ff1 month^000000 ^FF0000"+.@month+"^000000 cash point"; mes "your current Point ^FF0000"+#CASHPOINTS+"^000000."; next; switch(select("Buy VIP 24 hour:Buy VIP 1 week:Buy VIP 1 month:No, Thanks.")) { case 1: if (#CASHPOINTS < .@day) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Your cash points not enough,"; mes "^FF0000"+.@day+"^000000 cash point to use this service."; close; } //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@day; atcommand "@vip +24h "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; atcommand "@cash -1000 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; dispbottom "your current cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; case 2: if (#CASHPOINTS < .@week) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Your cash points not enough,"; mes "^FF0000"+.@week+"^000000 cash point to use this service."; close; } //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@week; atcommand "@vip +7d "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; atcommand "@cash -5000 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; dispbottom "your current cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; case 3: if (#CASHPOINTS < .@month) { mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Your cash points not enough,"; mes "^FF0000"+.@month+"^000000 cash point to use this service."; close; } //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@month; atcommand "@vip +1m "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; atcommand "@cash -20000 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; dispbottom "your current cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; case 4: mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "See You next time."; close; } } // -------------------------------------------------- // Duplicates: // -------------------------------------------------- alberta,33,240,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#alb 109 aldebaran,146,116,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#alde 109 amatsu,205,87,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ama 109 ayothaya,212,172,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ayo 109 comodo,191,161,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#com 109 einbech,55,36,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#einbe 109 einbroch,72,206,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#einbr 109 geffen,127,66,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#gef 109 gonryun,162,126,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#gon 109 hugel,102,148,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#hug 109 izlude,128,152,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#izl 109 //Pre-RE: (132,120) jawaii,248,134,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#jaw 109 lighthalzen,154,104,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#lhz 109 louyang,205,105,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#lou 109 manuk,272,150,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#man 109 mid_camp,216,286,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mid 109 morocc,146,89,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mor 109 moscovia,226,195,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mos 109 niflheim,199,180,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#nif 109 payon,178,109,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#pay 109 rachel,138,122,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#rac 109 splendide,198,153,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#spl 109 umbala,97,148,3 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#umb 109 veins,211,120,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ve 109 xmas,142,139,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#xmas 109 yuno,164,50,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#yuno 109 // -------------------------------------------------- // Duplicates (Renewal): // -------------------------------------------------- brasilis,199,225,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#bra 109 dewata,202,190,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#dew 109 dicastes01,196,197,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#dic 109 malangdo,137,116,6 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#mal 109 malaya,228,195,4 duplicate(VIP System) VIP System#ma 109 Someone can help me set when players buy a VIP service, after that player can not buy another one until the service time ends? this is the line: example 24H vip service: i want to set when players buy this service, after that player can not buy another one until the service time ends. //set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@day; atcommand "@vip +24h "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "[ VIP NPC ]"; mes "Enjoy your service."; atcommand "@cash -1000 "+strcharinfo(0)+""; dispbottom "your current cashpoint "+#CASHPOINTS+"."; close; thank you ? and sorry for my bad english
  6. hello there, i have a problem with my pvp script: } announce "[ BattleRoyale ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has entered in "+((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?"GvG":"PvP")+" Room",0,((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?0x00CC99:0xEE0000); warp .@Maps$[.@i],0,0; end; //================================== OnPCKillEvent: //-- Adding Stats //================================== if(!getgmlevel() || .Options&512){ if(LastPK == killedrid) RepeatKill++; else { LastPK = killedrid; RepeatKill = 0; } if(.Options&4) announce "[PVP]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has slain "+ rid2name(LastPK) + ((RepeatKill)?" for the "+callfunc("F_GetNumSuffix",RepeatKill)+" time in a row":"") +".",bc_all; } end; //================================== OnInit: //-- Config //================================== // Gets NPC Name // Lets you change NPC name without breaking anything .NPC$ = strnpcinfo(0); // At_Commands bindatcmd("BattleRoyale" ,.NPC$+"::OnBattleRoyale",0,99); bindatcmd("BattleRoyale" ,.NPC$+"::OnBattleRoyale",0,99); bindatcmd("BattleRoyale" ,.NPC$+"::OnBattleRoyale",0,99); bindatcmd("BattleRoyale" ,.NPC$+"::OnBattleRoyale",0,99); // Bitwise Variable // 1: Record PvP // 2: Record GvG (agit on and gvg map) // 4: Announce When Someone gets a kill // 8: Record Total Guild Stats // 16: Gain PvP Points on Kills (#PvpPoints) // 32: Repeat Kill Protection // 64: Warp to Save on abuse // 128: Monthly Stats // 256: Order by KDA instead of most kills // 512: Allow GMs to Join PvP // 1024: Request a GM on Abuse // 2048: Enable Waiting Room // 4096: Dynamic Waiting Room .Options = 1|2|4|8|16|32|128|256|1024;//|2048|4096; The First announce i put below, is working. } announce "[ BattleRoyale ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has entered in "+((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?"GvG":"PvP")+" Room",0,((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?0x00CC99:0xEE0000); warp .@Maps$[.@i],0,0; end; but the announce below, when i Kill player in the PVP room is not working! } if(.Options&4) announce "[PVP]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has slain "+ rid2name(LastPK) + ((RepeatKill)?" for the "+callfunc("F_GetNumSuffix",RepeatKill)+" time in a row":"") +".",bc_all; } end; Can someone help me to set up? thanks.
  7. Hello there, i need your help! I need help to make an NPC Warper who warp the only char user with the 3rd Job Class and base lvl 175 in a "map x, y". The requirement for use this NPC is: 3rd job and base lvl 175. Someone can help me? ? Thank you.
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