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Posts posted by souldestroyer1030

  1. Simple no-fail enchanter/refiner. You can apply most of the available enchants to any piece of equipment. As for the refiner, you can upgrade/downgrade equipment as you wish.


    Should be good for test servers. :)


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Any-Equipment Enchanter
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= SoulDestroyer (souldestroyer1030)
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Add ANY enchant to ANY piece of equipment
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= N/A


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Perfect Refiner
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= SoulDestroyer (souldestroyer1030)
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Refine -refinable- items to whatever level (even downgrade)
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= N/A



  2. Your latest patch (2013-06-11patcher_update.thor) -- is that an update to your Thor Patcher?

    When you used Thor Generator, did you select Input = Patcher & Game EXE ?

    Nope, that's not a patcher update. It's supposed to be a patch that will delete the old .dat file since I've renamed the .dat file already. Apparently though, it also can't delete root files, or maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Take note though, it's the OLD .dat file, so it should not concern Thor patcher completing its patching process. And besides, I commented that line already since it doesn't work. (in my updated plist.txt)


    I really believe that I've set up everything well and everything should be going smoothly by now, but it isn't just because of this weird problem. I've followed everything the instructions said already and I've gone through lots of forum discussions already regarding Thor patcher, and I still can't figure this out...


    Thanks for your reply though. :) Hopefully I can have this solved eventually...


    I'm using Thor Patcher 2.2 by the way, if it has something to do with that... (it still was like this though when I used 2.5)

  3. I'm having the same problem (I guess) and I can't seem to get any help... What happens actually is your server.dat stays at a certain patch_id and it doesn't get updated for an unknown reason.


    I have configured everything properly, I believe, including the main.ini file (which I don't think has anything to do with that), but it still screws up. I can still disregard this at the moment but when the number of patches in my server increase further, it would be a hassle to keep on downloading the same stuff over and over again.


    I hope someone can help us...

  4. Everything's fine. I configured it properly, as well as the main.ini file. It went well with the first patch, so why not with the second? I didn't delete my .dat file by the way. It really just keeps patching even if the .dat file is already updated.


    Any ideas? Thanks.



    Hello, I tried to examine my .dat file and it seems that the patcher is not updating the latest patch_id that was patched. The patch_id stays at 1 only. Am I doing something wrong?


    By the way, I named my .dat file the same as my patcher, only with lowercase characters (e.g. MyServer.exe and myserver.dat). Is there something wrong with that? Should I name it into something else?



    // Thor Patcher Internal Config File
    // Note: any entry leaves as blank will use default value

    // True = 1
    // False = 0
    // Note that true or 1 both works fine (that's why I put "=")

    //base_url - everything except patch files will read from here
    //The address should point to a directory with / at end
    // example:
    //  http://domain.com/patch/
    //    NOT
    //  http://domain.com/patch

    //notice_file - [Relative Address]
    //You should able to access this file by combine base_url & notice_file

    //core_file - [Relative Address]
    //this internal config file only store whats required,
    //but core_file is an remote config file that stores on your web host

    //TimeOut - timeout of connection in seconds
    //0 is default setting, leave it as 0 unless you know what you are doing!

    // File below is on local disk
    //status_file - [Relative Address]
    //It used to store information such as last patch id etc,

    //grf_file - [Relative Address]

    //client_file - [Relative Address]
    //It's GAME EXE not patcher's

    //client_parameter - [self Explained]

    //  Below are advanced settings, it is not required to change for patcher to work

    // Custom Skin controls
    //windows_autosize - if set to 1, window size will automatically adjust depend on content size

    //windows_mode - How should window presented?
    // None - Borderless window
    // Single - Window cannot resized
    // Sizeable - ... what it says, however it can not resize when windows_autosize set to true or 1

    // Width and Height of window
    //windows_autosize set to false or 0 for this to work
    // Min: 1 Max: 10000 (I don't think you would need that large)

    // If set to true, user able to drag window by click images (background)
    // recommended to true especially for boarderless window

    // Image for background (DOES NOT READ FROM DIRECTORY OF PATCHER, the config packer will put image inside patcher too)
    // Support  : jpg bmp
    // Note     : patcher determine image format by filename extension, use with care!

    //New style of progress bar, it used image.

    //Image of progress bar(only when ProgressBar set to true; BMP, JPG, PNG are supported)

    // size of progress bar? (only when NewProgressBar set to false)

    // Position of progress bar

    //Custom progress bar color
    //Use hexadecimal of RGB [eg. #4C7D7E]
    //Color for back of progress bar.

    //Color for front of progress bar.

    // Status message width (showing current status)
    // no height

    // Text alignment
    // Left , Center , Right

    // Position

    //Color for status, in hexadecimal of RGB [eg. #123456]

    // control notice (News box? Mini web browser? you name it)

    // For start button


    // For Exit button


    // for cancel button


    // How many custom buttons you want to create?
    // Can create up to 255 buttons (Plenty enough)

    // - Custom buttons -
    //As you can see below, it's not that hard to make custom buttons
    //the number after "button" is id(depends on how many you set in buttons)
    // Again, note that all image files will be embed into patcher.

    // _normal - image file when button is in normal status
    // _hover - image file when user hover on it
    // _down - image file when user mouse down on it
    // _left/_top - position of button
    // _mode - mode for button
    // 0 = open URL
    // 1 = Launch file/program
    // 2 = Message box
    // 3 = Minimize
    // 4 = Close patcher
    // 5 = Start button clone
    // _action - depend on what you set in _mode, this may vary
    // ex. _mode = 0 , _action=http://google.com
    // which makes user open that URL address after click that button
    // Parameter - Currently only used in "Start button clone"

    //Background music, leave blank to disable (mp3/mid/wav)
    //Side note: Personally, I don't like background music in this kind situation, so think about players.

    //Loop play background music? (play over and over)

    //BGM Volume (1-100)
    // Recommended value: 40-60 [Respect player's ears please]
    // Default: 50

    //Note: This will override "bgm" entry when set!
    //When set, patcher will scan all mp3 in specific directory (use relative path)
    //It will random choose one when launch
    //eg.   BGM/

    //Set to true if you want patcher allow to start game when unable to connect webserver
    Continue On Connection Fail=False

    //What will the window title called?
    Title=MyServerRO Patcher

    //Set this to true if you love to see similar effect in RO when dragging window.
    // (Semi transparent effect)
    // Note: Does not apply to window title yet.
    // Not recommended for average users.


    And here's my plist... I should already be done with the last patch, but it keeps on starting from the top...



    Previously, my .dat file was named "myserverro.dat" but I just changed it to "myserver.dat" (myserver = name of my server) to see if it'll help... seems not.

    Also, my plist file was previously numbered from 1-5, but I changed it to that numbering to see if it'll also help... no luck too.

  5. Souldestroyer it seems that is a packet problem. You missed smthg i think.

    For optioninfo.lua try to update your kro folder

    Alright, I'll try again some other time. I always fail at trying to upgrade my client at a version later than 2010-07-14. :( Ohwell, thanks for the help anyway. I'll be coming back here if I feel the urge to try again. /ok


    One more thing... I actually have a kRO folder that I downloaded via Torrent that's dated 2013-04-12, but it's not translated so I can't really use updated lua files. :(

  6. Okay, I deleted the one related to quests since it's bugging. The error regarding that was removed, but the one about OptionInfo isn't. It's complaining about the OptionInfo.lua inside savedata folder for some reason... and when I'm inside the client, I get kicked out after choosing my server (I haven't even seen the login window yet).


    Thanks for the fast response, by the way. :)

  7. Change the encode type ?

    Lol, thanks for giving me the right words to search for on Google. :P I was able to change the encoding mode on wget. It's saving the gibberish now. I'll just unbollox it later. Thanks!


    I just hope that it's really saving the right characters. :P




    I downloaded the Data files from the link on your first post, but I always get [string "buf"]:1 attempt to index global 'CmdOnOffList' (a nil value) error, plus some other stuff. I already:


    - renamed all .lua files to .lub (including System files because the client wants that)

    - updated mmo.h and rebuilt (I'm trying to use 2013-03-20 since it's already in the packet_db.txt)

    - updated clientinfo.xml

    - diffed the client (I used those below)

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <DiffProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

      <Name>Last Patches</Name>




          <PatchName>Allow Chat Flood (? lines)</PatchName>










          <PatchName>Allow space in guild name</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Change Gravity Error Handler</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Custom Window Title</PatchName>










          <PatchName>Disable Ragexe Filename Check</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Disable HShield</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Disable Packet Encryption</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Enable Ascii</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Enable Multiple GRFs</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Enforce Official Login Background</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>@ Bug Fix (Recommended)</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>KOREA ServiceType XML Fix</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Read Data Folder First</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Read msgstringtable.txt</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Read questid2display.txt</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Remove Gravity Ads</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Remove Gravity Logo</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Disable Nagle Algorithm</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Skip License Screen</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Translate Client In English</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Use Plain Text Descriptions</PatchName>

          <Inputs />




          <PatchName>Use Ragnarok Icon</PatchName>

          <Inputs />





    Am I missing something?

  8. Hi. I've just been wondering for a long time but... how exactly can I download ALL files from an Apache file list? What if I want to download that whole Data folder? Do I really have to do it one by one? I tried using wget but it converts those supposedly Korean gibberish characters into escape characters. Any proper way in which I should be doing this? Thanks.

  9. Hello, I have another problem. Just when I have already fixed that GRF writing problem a while ago, I just encountered something else just now.


    The first .thor file that I patched a while ago contained only clientinfo.xml, while the second one that I tried to add just now contains item-related txt files. The problem is, the patcher keeps on patching this latest .thor file even if it has already been patched to my server GRF.


    Does anyone know why this is happening?


    Thank you.

  10. I need help with this. I used the Thor Maker and chose "RO - GRF",
    but when I try to patch it keeps on updating the data folder only! I
    already set my client's grf file before I used ConfigEmbeder. I don't
    know what's wrong. I also repacked my GRF using 0x200 GRF version with
    the highest compression level because I've read somewhere that Thor
    Patcher is compatible with those settings. So... what's wrong?


    For the meantime, I'll try using an older version. Looks like 2.5 is trolling with me. -.-


    Tried 2.2... still the same. What am I doing wrong?


    Another EDIT:
    Okay, it worked. I just went out, made my laptop sleep and then when I came back and tried it, it worked. I haven't got the slightest idea how. Ohwell.. it was really weird. But thanks anyway. I know how unusual this problem is... can't really find a similar one. o.o


    To those who are encountering this and are finding solutions to no avail, I'll tell you why this is happening.


    It's happening because you didn't read the instructions very well (yeah, silly me). :P When using ThorGenerator (RO - GRF), you still have to place the files that you will patch in a folder named "data" which is inside another folder which you will select in ThorGenerator.


    So let's say you select a folder named "patch_files"; that folder has to have a "data" folder inside it with your files inside that data folder.



    patch_files <-- select using ThorGenerator



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