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Posts posted by grandsaga

  1. 156,9,6,1,6,0,0,1,1,yes,0,0x1,0,magic,0,        AL_HOLYLIGHT,Holy Light


    how can i change this to double holy light like double strafe?


    i dont know how to fix like DS.


    i use EA SNV

    Well I figure these sorta things out by looking at what is already there.


    46,-5,6,1,-1,0,0,10,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0,          AC_DOUBLE,Double Strafe


    Oddly, Double Strafe's row 3 is set to 6 which is single hit... so I am guessing that the double hit is scripted in the src?


    No matter, because we can still easily make holy light like Double strafe!


    Step 1:

    set row 3 to 8 instead of 6, so that it shows multiple hits.


    Step 2:

    set it's row 9 to the number of hits, which in this case is 2. Keep in mind that -2 would mean it does the same damage as a single hit(Like double strafe), but appears in 2, and just adding a positive 2 would cause it to do double the damage.


    The result:


    156,9,8,1,6,0,0,1,-2,yes,0,0x1,0,magic,0,        AL_HOLYLIGHT,Holy Light


    based on what you posted, your new line should look like the above example.


    remember to change the -2 to positive 2 if you want it to do double damage.



    Also! you can even set it to go up in hits as you raise the skill level by adding : marks like so:


    156,9,8,1,6,0,0,5,1:2:3:4:5,yes,0,0x1,0,magic,0,        AL_HOLYLIGHT,Holy Light


    In the above example I raised holy light's max level to 5 and gave it an additional hit per level.


    I hope this helps.

  2. Thanks guys, but your tips appear to be false. The files found in both skillinfo and skillinfoz allow one to arrange the skill within the skill windows, but does not override class tier arrangement, EG: 1st class, 3rd class.

    In this test I am trying to give a swordmen access to the skill moon slasher, which works fine in everyway, but as a 1st class access to the third class skill window is disabled. Reguardless of alteration to the two skilltreeview.lua files, there is no means to relocate the third class skill into a first class skill window that I can see.

    But the info on the misc. tab was correct, thanks for that. (As a third class, you have to use tab key to find the misc tab =/.)

  3. When you open your skill window, it's divided into catagories, eg: 1st class, third class, and I've recently seen a catagory called Misc.

    The skills seem to automatically be assigned to these catagories, even if you give a first class a skill that was originally meant for third classes, the skill is still sorted into the third class catagory. There must be a specific file or something to edit the placement of skills in these.

  4. Assuming this would be client side, how does one decide which skill box skills are placed in?

    I appreciate any direction I can get on this.


    The files found in both skillinfo and skillinfoz allow one to arrange the skill within the skill windows, but does not override class tier arrangement, EG: 1st class, 3rd class.

    In this test I am trying to give a swordmen access to the skill moon slasher, which works fine in everyway, but as a 1st class access to the third class skill window is disabled. Reguardless of alteration to the two skilltreeview.lua files, there is no means to relocate the third class skill into a first class skill window that I can see.

  5. I am curious to know what code I need to replicate from the src to add custom combo skills similar to the combo's done by the Monk class.(Like making bash and bowling bash combo.)

    Also how I could copy the effect to that of the Running(Sprinting), Jump kick(Flying Side Kick) combo from the Taekwon class?

    Turn other skills into combo types similar to monk skills, how too?

    . . .

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