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Posts posted by nomade

  1. Acho que isso vai funcionar

    {if (readparam(bStr) > (readparam(bInt))){bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bHit,30;} if (readparam(bStr) < (readparam(bInt))){bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bDelayrate,-3;} if (readparam(bStr) == (readparam(bInt))){bonus bAtkRate,5;bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus bDelayrate,-5;}},{},{}


  2. Hello people,

    I would like to know if it is possible to save the amount of cash spent at the mall.
    Ygg costs 50 cash's, I buy 10 will give 500 cash's I wanted this amount to be saved and added to amounts spent in the future.

    Is it possible? and how can i do?

  3. Não sei se entendi bem, mas o que você quer é colocar mais de um prêmio para ser entregue?

    Caso seja isso é só você seguir as instruições no script.

     // Itens Recompensa Diária (Max 128 dias):
        //   "<Zeny>|<Pontos>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<quantidade-1>|<itemID-2>|<quantidade-2>...etc", // Dia 1
        //   "<Zeny>|<Pontos>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<quantidade-1>|<itemID-2>|<quantidade-2>...etc"  // Dia 2
        //   ...;
        // Comprimento total de qualquer seqüência de dias deve ser 255 ou mais curto
        // * Se os jogadores sessão mais longa do que o último dia set, eles vão continuar a receber o último prêmio.
        setarray .Rewards$[1],
            "0,0,0,0,12259,20,ID DO ITEM, QUANTIDADE", 

    Espero ter ajudado.

  4. Hello everyone!
    I wonder if is can enable upe from a certain level only if you complete a certain quest.

    For example: maximum level is 1000 and the player can freely level up to level 150, after that level he will have to do a quest to level up 151, 152, 153....
    Each level will need to do a quest to enable the up.

  5. 16 hours ago, ahloi007 said:

    Thanks sir, but the npc function still remain the same 1 TCG =1 cash point not 6 TCG =1 cash point.

    But I still like this npc as well because easy for player use.

    Sorry for the delay in answering, I was at work ^^

    Try this one now:

    prt_in,44,100,3	script	CP Converter	532,{
    	.@name$ = strcharinfo(0);			// Char Name
    	.@item = 7227;						// Item ID
    	.@amount = 6;						// Item Quantity Required to Receive Cash
    	.@cashpaid = 1;						// Cash amount to be paid
    	.@countitem = countitem( .@item )/ .@amount;	// Countitem
    	if( .@countitem < 1) {
    		mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    		mes "You don't have any ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 in your Inventory to be exchanged for Cash Points.";
    		mes "Please come back to me if you have it already.";
    	mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    	mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I'm Cash Converter, of Prontera Rune-Midgard City." 
    	: ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I can able to exchange your ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 to Cash Points.";
    	mes " ";
    	mes "What would you like to do?";
    	mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    	mes "^FF0000Information:^000000";
    	mes "^777777 -------------------- ^000000";
    	mes "Exchange Rate: "+ .@countitem * .@amount +" x "+ getitemname( .@item ) +" to "+ ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid ) +" Cash Point"+ (.@countitem * .@cashpaid > 1 ? "s" : "") +"";
    	if( select("- Convert","- Cancel") == 1 ) {
    		progressbar "0x11CC99",1; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP;
    		delitem .@item,.@countitem * .@amount;
    		#CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid );
    		message .@name$,"You have recieved "+ .@countitem * .@cashpaid +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +" and a of Total: "+ #CASHPOINTS +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +"";
    		mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    		mes "You have successfully exchanged.";





  6. The colleague above already answered, but here is the same npc, with the modification that requested.

    prt_in,44,100,3	script	CP Converter	532,{
    	.@name$ = strcharinfo(0);			// Char Name
    	.@item = 7227;						// Item ID
    	.@amount = 6;						// Item Quantity Required to Receive Cash
    	.@cashpaid = 1;						// Cash amount to be paid
    	.@countitem = countitem( .@item )/ .@amount;	// Countitem
    	if( .@item < .@amount) {
    		mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    		mes "You don't have any ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 in your Inventory to be exchanged for Cash Points.";
    		mes "Please come back to me if you have it already.";
    	mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    	mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I'm Cash Converter, of Prontera Rune-Midgard City." 
    	: ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I can able to exchange your ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 to Cash Points.";
    	mes " ";
    	mes "What would you like to do?";
    	mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    	mes "^FF0000Information:^000000";
    	mes "^777777 -------------------- ^000000";
    	mes "Exchange Rate: "+ .@countitem +" x "+ getitemname( .@item ) +" to "+ ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid ) +" Cash Point"+ (.@countitem * .@cashpaid > 1 ? "s" : "") +"";
    	if( select("- Convert","- Cancel") == 1 ) {
    		progressbar "0x11CC99",1; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP;
    		delitem .@item,.@countitem * .@amount;
    		#CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid );
    		message .@name$,"You have recieved "+ .@countitem * .@cashpaid +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +" and a of Total: "+ #CASHPOINTS +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +"";
    		mes "[ Cash Converter ]";
    		mes "You have successfully exchanged.";
  7. I need help!!!!

    I added the system correctly with no errors at the time of compiling the emulator.

    It works everything normal in the game. My problem is when I buy the item from a store, the map-server restarts.

    When I'm entered the game again, the sale was not made.



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