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Posts posted by Idun

  1. Hey, sorry for bringing up an old post.

    I was wondering, the newest revision of rAthena has this already implemented - sorta~

    Tho, it still doesn't work as intended on pre-renewal. Is this now a part of the status.yml?

    Perfect Hit isn't applied, if i remember correct - when using Magnum Break, it should give you 20% perfect hit. (Fire Element attack) & 100% hit-rate.

    Or am i missing something? o:




  2. Hey,
    i replaced/adjusted the following things already:

    -Replacing DMG Sprites.
    -Using new DMG Sprites.
    -Deleted the Standard sprites from the DMG Sprites.
    -New Diff with new Zoom - 75% / 50%  etc.
    -Changed DMG numbers from 6 to 10.
    -Changed DMG numbers from 10 to 6.


  3. Sofern ich Ragnarok Starte, schließt sich sofern ich etwas schreibe oder nach einer weile die Exe von alleine, ohne Fehlermeldung, oder sonstiges.

    Woran kann es liegen?

    -Veraltete rAthena version?

    -Falsche Exe?

    -Falsch Compiled?


    Ich bitte um hilfe..


    Mfg Daisuke29

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