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Posts posted by Kyosama66

  1. EDIT: For anyone finding this, I managed to get the client to knock it off.


    It required manually Hex Editing the client to remove the /sp command entirely. Find the string "/sp" as 2F 73 70 at 005A52F0 and change it to something else, or do as I did and change it to another command, like /mp. /sp will inform the player it's an "Invalid Command" and /mp will function as intended (as far as I know).


    I've got a pretty odd little issue here, when you send a /sp command, my 20130807a client sends a strange packetset that my mapserver can't handle, and segfaults.


    If we can just disable the /sp command, or remap it to be the same as the /mp emote, that would be pretty nifty. I've also attached a WPE sniff of the data being sent from the client. In this case, you can see character "GM Scrub" send the string "Send 1" and then issue the /mp emote. Then, following the phrase "Send 2", you see the client bombard the server with SPPOINT and JOBLEVEL information 5 times.




    If there's some clever way I could rework this, I'd love to hear it.

  2. UPDATE: Checking out version 17341 seemed to fix this issue.


    I am pretty confused on this one.


    It seems like my server isn't reading my .conf files at all.


    OS Ubuntu 12.04 32BIT

    rA: 17340 (Checked out last night)


    Login Server:

    Athena Starting...
    © 2013 rAthena Project

    Check complete.
    Looks good, a nice Athena!
    My logfile=log/login-server_sql.log
    /usr/bin/rathena: 34: /usr/bin/rathena: cannot create .login-server_sql.pid: Permission denied
    Server 'login-server_sql' started at 06-01-10:00-21
    [status]: Memory manager initialised: log/login-server_sql.leaks

    /usr/bin/rathena: 36: /usr/bin/rathena: cannot create log/login-server_sql.log: Permission denied
    [info]: SVN Revision: 'Unknown'.
    [info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/msg_conf/login_msg.conf.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/inter_athena.conf.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/import/login_conf.txt.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/login_athena.conf.

    : Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    [Debug]: at loginlog_sql.c:110


    Char Server:

    My logfile=log/char-server_sql.log
    /usr/bin/rathena: 34: /usr/bin/rathena: cannot create .char-server_sql.pid: Permission denied
    Server 'char-server_sql' started at 06-01-10:00-21
    /usr/bin/rathena: 36: /usr/bin/rathena: cannot create log/char-server_sql.log: Permission denied
    [status]: Memory manager initialised: log/char-server_sql.leaks

    [info]: SVN Revision: 'Unknown'.
    [info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/msg_conf/char_msg.conf.
    [info]: Done reading conf/import/char_conf.txt.
    [info]: Done reading conf/char_athena.conf.
    [info]: Done reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
    [info]: Done reading conf/inter_athena.conf.
    [Warning]: Using the default user/password s1/p1 is NOT RECOMMENDED.
    [Notice]: Please edit your 'login' table to create a proper inter-server user/password (gender 'S')
    [Notice]: And then change the user/password to use in conf/char_athena.conf (or conf/import/char_conf.txt)
    [info]: Done reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
    [info]: Done reading conf/inter_athena.conf.
    [info]: Connect Character DB server.... (Character Server)
    [sql]: Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    [Debug]: at inter.c:713


    Map Server:

    My logfile=log/map-server_sql.log
    /usr/bin/rathena: 34: /usr/bin/rathena: cannot create .map-server_sql.pid: Permission denied
    Server 'map-server_sql' started at 06-01-10:00-21
    [status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server_sql.leaks
    [info]: SVN Revision: 'Unknown'.
    /usr/bin/rathena: 36: /usr/bin/rathena: cannot create log/map-server_sql.log: Permission denied
    Now Started Athena.
    @virtual-machine:$ [info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
    [Warning]: Using the default user/password s1/p1 is NOT RECOMMENDED.
    [Notice]: Please edit your 'login' table to create a proper inter-server user/password (gender 'S')
    [Notice]: and then edit your user/password in conf/map_athena.conf (or conf/import/map_conf.txt)
    [Warning]: Not all IP addresses in map_athena.conf configured, autodetecting...
    [info]: Defaulting to xx.xxx.xx.xx as our IP address
    [info]: Map Server IP Address : 'xx.xxx.xx.xx' -> 'xx.xxx.xx.xx'.
    [info]: Char Server IP Address : 'xx.xxx.xx.xx' -> 'xx.xxx.xx.xx'.
    [status]: Using SQL dbs: no
    [info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.
    [info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.
    [info]: Logging Cash transactions to table 'cashlog'.
    [info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server....
    [sql]: Access denied for user 'ragnarok'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    Now, I know that this isn't your basic "misconfigured mySQL user"; because...


    // Global SQL settings
    // overriden by local settings when the hostname is defined there
    // (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings)
    sql.db_hostname: localhost
    sql.db_port: 3306
    sql.db_username: rirro
    sql.db_password: ###
    sql.db_database: rirro
    // MySQL Character SQL server
    char_server_ip: localhost
    char_server_port: 3306
    char_server_id: rirro
    char_server_pw: ###
    char_server_db: rirro
    // MySQL Map SQL Server
    map_server_ip: localhost
    map_server_port: 3306
    map_server_id: rirro
    map_server_pw: ###
    map_server_db: rirro
    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_ip: localhost
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: rirro
    log_db_pw: ###
    log_db_db: rirro
    log_login_db: loginlog

    It's not even supposed to be using 'ragnarok' as a user name, so I'm pretty sure it's just ignoring my configuration files. (I added it to the /import dir as well). Another hint is that it's mad about me using 's1/p1'; but that's most definitely NOT the case. It's set in char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf and their respective /import counterparts.
    Anyone got any hints?
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