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Files posted by DeadlySilence

  1. Free

    Ingame GM List

    This script shows a list of all GMs with their corresponding status (i.e. online or offline).
    You can configure the script to show or hide the last login time of each GM.
    As a special feature, the result is cached for a certain amount of time if you wish (see inline configuration, by default caching for 30 seconds is enabled). This prevents players from spamming the database with SELECT queries.
    Version 2.0 comes with a source modification to show the group name the GM is in and the option to show the list directly in the user's chat (dispbottom) rather than the NPC dialogue.
    Special thanks to Akinari for helping me with the script command and Armor for requesting this feature.

    To get version 2.0 working, you need to patch your src/map/script.c file with the "groupid.diff" and recompile.
    To apply the patch use
    patch -p0 < /location/to/the/groupid.diff
    from your rAthena directory root.
    If you use Windows and TortoiseSVN, you have to right click into your rAthena directory root, select "TortoiseSVN -> Apply Patch" and select the patch file. Click "patch all items" and you're done.
    If you do not want to change your source for this, you can remove all occurences of "groupIdToName" inside the script to deactivate the automatic group name display.



  2. Free

    Advanced Bank with nearly unlimited maximum balance

    This is my bank NPC which I made since I couldn't find any bank that can store huge amounts of Zeny.
    Special Credits: Thanks to Anakid for the great idea to implement an @bank command.
    The NPC supports the following features:
    Transfer Zeny to other player's bank accounts (by name or account id)
    Password protection
    Transaction log (deposits, withdrawals, incoming and outgoing transfers)
    daily interest (every morning at 6 o'clock server time, default: 5%, can be changed)
    maximum amount per process is only determined by the server's input_max_value and the script's .maxInput
    vast amounts of Zeny can be stored (the MySQL column is BigInt, so you can store up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Zeny, that's more than 18,000,000,000 deposits of 1,000,000,000 Zeny)
    other features are planned and I take feature requests, if I think they make sense (you can ask directly in the thread, but I prefer private messages or emails [address provided in both scripts])

    The @bank command supports the following features:
    the same as the NPC, but more versatile
    higher limits (as it is not connected to the input_max_value, default value per process is 1,000,000,000 Zeny)
    shortcuts for @bank <function> commands: @info, @deposit, @withdrawl, @transaction, @password

    You need to download the README.txt file to get the database creation commands and some basic information on how to install the script.



  3. Free

    [Atcommand] displaydrop


    On a server where I play someone suggested to add the command "displaydrop" to enable people to see something rare or valuable was dropped by a monster because autoloot is only available until a certain level.
    I had some free time on my hands so I decided to implement something like that.


    You can limit the command like autoloot (e.g. @displaydrop 10 will only show items with a chance equal to or below 10%) Two different ways of server side configuration are available:Show real drop (<Monster> dropped <Item> (<Amount>.) Show only an unspecific message that a monster dropped something (<Monster> dropped something with a chance equal to or below <Chance>%.)

    Bugs, feedback, etc.
    If you have found a bug or want to give feedback about my modification you can either send me a private message or post in the related thread.



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