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Posts posted by Evrard

  1. 15 hours ago, Tokei said:

    That means you have a broken accname.lub file and it won't let you save the file until the issues are fixed (to prevent removing some work that you have done in the file yourself). In short, it means that you have lines with identical keys, for instance:

    // ...

    will not be allowed.


    You can disable the lub files from Settings > Edit lua settings > Uncheck "Update accessory tables when saving..."

    That actually did the trick!



  2. 14 hours ago, jchcc said:

    This error causing by forgotten "," .

    Meaning the client didn't load new file you corrected, try rename as .lub , and replace the original one in:

    data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\



    There where actually 2 issues, and this was one of them so THANKS!

    The other was that there is actually a couple of missing view IDs up before this so I just set those as accessory_unknown and replaced the missing numbers and now it works like a charm!

    (Also, I was using SDE and I forgot to run it as administrator and without that it couldn't save the files either.)

  3. If someone can help, I am getting this error when saving:


    --------------          Message          --------------
    Couldn't save the accessory item files. Error code = 2, state = OK
    --------------        Stack trace        --------------
       at GrfToWpfBridge.Application.DefaultErrorHandler._reportAnyManagedExceptions(String message, Exception exception, ErrorLevel errorLevel)
       at GrfToWpfBridge.Application.DefaultErrorHandler.Handle(Exception exception, ErrorLevel errorLevel)
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.LuaHelper.WriteViewIds(ServerDbs dbSource, AbstractDb`1 db)
       at SDE.Editor.Generic.Core.DbItems.WriteDb(String dbPath, String subPath, ServerType serverType, FileType fileType)
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.DatabaseEngine.SdeDatabase.Save(AsyncOperation ap, IProgress progress)
       at SDE.View.SdeEditor._save()
       at GRF.Threading.GrfThread.<>c__DisplayClass4.<Start>b__3()
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
    --------------         Exception         --------------
    System.Exception: Couldn't save the accessory item files. Error code = 2, state = OK ---> System.Exception: Warning: trying to overwrite an already set accessory name.
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.AccessoryTable._setEntry(Int32 viewId, String accessoryName, String resource)
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.AccessoryTable._setLuaFromHeadgears()
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.AccessoryTable.SetLuaTables()
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.LuaHelper.WriteViewIds(ServerDbs dbSource, AbstractDb`1 db)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    --------------          Message          --------------
    Warning: trying to overwrite an already set accessory name.
    --------------      Inner exception      --------------
    System.Exception: Warning: trying to overwrite an already set accessory name.
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.AccessoryTable._setEntry(Int32 viewId, String accessoryName, String resource)
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.AccessoryTable._setLuaFromHeadgears()
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.AccessoryTable.SetLuaTables()
       at SDE.Editor.Engines.LuaEngine.LuaHelper.WriteViewIds(ServerDbs dbSource, AbstractDb`1 db)


    I am runing the SDE as an administrator and at this point I'm at a loss


  4. 7 minutes ago, Slammer said:

    @item_db have you input the id?

    sample :

    2241,Arc_Angel_Balloon,Arc Angel Balloon,4,5000,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,0,0,1772,{},{},{}


    40000,arc_angel_balloon,arc angel balloon,4,20,,10,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,512,,0,1,1772,{ bonus bStr,5; bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,5; bonus bInt,5; bonus bLuk,5; bonus bVit,5; bonus bVit,getrefine() ; bonus bStr,getrefine() ; bonus bAgi,getrefine() ; bonus bDex,getrefine() ; bonus bInt,getrefine() ; bonus bLuk,getrefine() ; },{},{}


  5. 21 minutes ago, Slammer said:

    @ accname.lua  you forgot give , after "C_Warm_Cat_Muffler_BL". replace to "C_WARM_CAT_MUFFLER_BL",

    @ accessoryid.lua  you forgot give , after 1772. replace to 1772, try it maybe to fix your problem.

    Thanks for the catch, didn't see that, but I'm still getting the same error.

  6. Hi!

    Before I start I should say I already edited the iteminfo.lua and everything.

    The problem is with the other lua files, when I open RO I get the error

    Lua Files\DataInfo\AccessoryId
    [string "buf"]:1764: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'ACCESSORY_ARC_ANGEL_BALLOON'

    I have to add that line 1764 is the first line where I am adding a custom item, also I did not skip a single ID, so since the DB ends in 1771, I started with the ID 1772

    After I hit OK I can go in game and I can see the item in my inventory, and it has icon, drop sprite and description, but I can't see it on my character.

    It looks fine in my inventory:


    I can see the description and it does have the effect



    This is my accname.lua



    and my accessoryid.lua



    Can anyone enlighten me as to what am I doing wrong?


  7. Hi Guys!

    So I got this script working that when you kill X ammount of mobs then you get a prize, but what it's not working is when I try to randomize the reward.

    this is what I got:

    -	script	DynamicDrop	-1,{
    OnNPCKillEvent:		set .@map$, "prontera";
    		if(killedrid==1002){ // and replace the 1002 for any monster ID 
    				set f1ks,f1ks +1;// to count +1 kills;
    				announce "Points +1 ["+ f1ks +"/5]",3;
    		if (f1ks >= 5){
    			set f1ks,0; //to reset the counter and buff
    			sc_start sc_INCREASEAGI, 360000,10;
    			sc_start sc_BLESSING, 360000,10;
    			set .@prize rand (1,2){
    				if (.@prize == 1) {
    					dispbottom "You got the first prize on the Roulette!";
    					getitem 2285,1;
    				if (.@prize == 2) {
    					announce "You got the second prize on the Roulette!";
    					getitem 16707,1;


    But I can't seem to make it work with multiple rewards and a rand command, can you guys please help me see what I'm doing wrong?

  8. Hello team!

    I was looking to make a script that on a certain map, if you kill monsters, for each mob you kill you get +1 point and once you reach a certain amount of points it triggers a roullete than can warp you out of the map, give something from an item list or set  your score to a different value.


    So like for example the roullette triggers at 70 points, and it can warp you to prontera give you an item or set your score to 30~50.


    I'm not asking for the whole script, it's just that I'm not sure which variables to use for this specific task.


    Thanks in advance!


    Managed to start it, I'm moving to the support section instead of the request one ?

  9. Thanks! after like 400000 typos it ended up working perfectly, and thanks for the SC_ part, I actually had no idea and I feel kinda stupid because of it... /)_<


    thanks again!


    Problem Solved :)

  10. Hello, I modified a Healer Script that I found so that it gave buffs if you had certain items, to be specific, 1 buff for each ticket, and some special tickets that granted several buffs, when I run it it either doesn't work or gives me stone curse, can anybody please tell me what did I script wrong?


    -	script	Healer	-1,{
    	set .@Delay,2;	// Heal delay, in seconds
    	set .@price,15000;	// Price in zeny
    	callfunc "F_ClearGarbage",0;
    	if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end;
    	specialeffect2 313; 
    	percentheal 100,100;
    	if(countitem(30004) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
    	if(countitem(30003) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
    	if (countitem(30005) >= 1){	
    		set .@price,0;
    	if (countitem(30006) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 75; sc_start PR_GLORIA,360000,5;
    	if (countitem(30007) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 112; sc_start AL_ANGELUS,360000,10;
    	if (countitem(30008) >= 1){
    	sepecialeffect2 130, sc_start BS_ADRENALINE,360000,5;
    	if countitem(30009) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 76, sc_start PR_IMPOSITIO,360000,5;
    	if countitem(30010) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 6; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; set .@price,0;
    	if countitem(30011) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 9; c_start PR_GLORIA,360000,5; sc_start AL_ANGELUS,360000,10; set .@price,0;
    	if countitem(30012) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 14; sc_start BS_ADRENALINE,360000,5; sc_start PR_IMPOSITIO,360000,5; set .@price,0;
    	if countitem(30013) >= 1){
    	specialeffect2 77; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; c_start PR_GLORIA,360000,5; sc_start AL_ANGELUS,360000,10; sc_start BS_ADRENALINE,360000,5; sc_start PR_IMPOSITIO,60000,5; sc_start HP_ASSUMPTIO,60000,5; sc_start SN_WINDWALK,360000,10; set .@price,0;
    	if (BaseLevel<=149){
    		set .@price,0;
    	if (.@Price) {
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Healing costs "+.@Price+" Zeny when you reach level 150 until you get a Price Ticket, or any Healer Ticket.";
    		if (Zeny < .@Price) end;
    		set Zeny, Zeny-.@Price;
    	if (.@Delay) set @HD, gettimetick(2)+.@Delay;


    thanks in advance >_<

  11. ok now almost everything works, thanks for your help guys, after making, and remaking everything a couple of times the only error I got left is when I open the client this pops out:



    System/iteminfo.lub:1: unexpected symbol near '/'
    I know its a syntax error but I dunno where to look inlide the iteminfo.lub :S
    These ones are the items I added there:
    	[30000] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Helgard Coin",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "°í±ÞÄÚÀÎ",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"¹Ý¦¹Ý¦ ºû³ª´Â ÃÖ»óÀ§±Þ ÄÚÀÎ. ¹«±â ÀÎæƮ Áß °í±Þ ¿É¼ÇÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·üÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù.",
    			"¹«°Ô : ^7777770^000000",
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Helgard Coin",
    		identifiedResourceName = "°í±ÞÄÚÀÎ",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Helgard Ragnarok Online Oficial Courrency, it can be used in many Transactions",
    			"Weight :^777777 0^000000",
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0
    	[30001] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Lesser Helgard Coin",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "Æò¹üÇÑÄÚÀÎ",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"ÀϹÝÀûÀÎ Áß±Þ ÄÚÀÎ. ¹«±â ÀÎæƮ Áß Áß±Þ ¿É¼ÇÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·üÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù.",
    			"¹«°Ô : ^7777770^000000",
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Lesser Helgard Coin",
    		identifiedResourceName = "Æò¹üÇÑÄÚÀÎ",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Less valuable Helgard Courrency, can be exchanged for a higher tier coin in a special NPC",
    			"Weight :^777777 0^000000",
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0
    		[30002] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "White Baseball Cap",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "Baseball_Cap_White",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Lesser Helgard Coin",
    		identifiedResourceName = "Baseball_Cap_White",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"A costume White Baseball Cap",
    			"^ffffff_^COSTUME ITEM000000",
    			"Weight :^777777 0^000000",
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 874


    any help would be greatly apreciated



    PS: after the Error I can still log in and select server, but when I go into the character selection screen the client crashes

  12. I made 2 custom coins for my server, the Helgard Coin and the Lesser Helgard Coin, they are in the DB correctly since I can spawn the items in-game and they appear in @iteminfo, however they look like an unknown item.... I modified the System\iteminfo.lub adding both but they still don't show up...

    [30000] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "A±Þ ÄÚÀÎ",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "°í±ÞÄÚÀÎ",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"¹Ý¦¹Ý¦ ºû³ª´Â ÃÖ»óÀ§±Þ ÄÚÀÎ. ¹«±â ÀÎæƮ Áß °í±Þ ¿É¼ÇÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·üÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù.",
    			"¹«°Ô : ^7777770^000000",
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Helgard Coin",
    		identifiedResourceName = "°í±ÞÄÚÀÎ",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Helgard Ragnarok Online Oficial Courrency, it can be used in many Transactions",
    			"Weight :^777777 0^000000",
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0
    	[30001] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "C±Þ ÄÚÀÎ",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "Æò¹üÇÑÄÚÀÎ",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"ÀϹÝÀûÀÎ Áß±Þ ÄÚÀÎ. ¹«±â ÀÎæƮ Áß Áß±Þ ¿É¼ÇÀÌ ³ª¿Ã È®·üÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù.",
    			"¹«°Ô : ^7777770^000000",
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Lesser Helgard Coin",
    		identifiedResourceName = "Æò¹üÇÑÄÚÀÎ",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Less valuable Helgard Courrency, can be exchanged for a higher tier coin in a special NPC",
    			"Weight :^777777 0^000000",
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0


    any help? please  /sob


    I'm using RagexeRE 2012-04-18

    The launcher doesn't use idnum2itemdesctable & co. since ~2012-04-10 if I remember


    It use System/itemInfo.lua



    Search in the client forum for more informations


    will do, thanks. 

    PS: changed the system/iteminfo.lub and its still an unknown item... heading over the client forums to post over there....

  14. yes I followed that guide, and yes thats the name of the sprite,


    A grade coin and B grade Coin



    and the one I created



    ps: the scripted items are on db/item_db2.txt that where they're suposed to be right?

  15. Before anything I have to clarify that I already visited the wiki, checked the topics and still can't seem to find a solution.


    Now to the problem, I wanted to implement 2 coins, the Helgard coin and the lesser helgard coin, taking a grade coin and b grade coin's sprite.



    30000,helgard_coin,Helgard Coin,3,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    30001,l_helgard_coin,Lesser Helgard Coin,3,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}


    Helgard Coin
    Helgard Ragnarok Online Oficial Courrency, used in a many kind of transactions
    Weight :^777777 0^000000
    Lesser Helgard Coin
    Less valuable Helgard Coin, 10 can be exchanged for a helgard coin in the Coin Trader
    Weight :^777777 0^000000








    and when I go in game and spawn the item it comes out as an unknown item.... I'm using RagexeRE 2012-04-18


    can anybody help me please >_<?

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