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Posts posted by Dharien

  1. Is rdata.grf used still? I thought gravity had gone back to just patching into data.grf. Reason being I have no rdata.grf, and I'm able to use every mob, map, feature etc up to late 2012.

    Well, yes (at least in kRO updates). Like i said before, data.grf contains almost everything, but a few files you can find only in rdata, like some maps and textures (I guess that data.grf will get them later). Anyway, it's a very small file in this client (2,5mb), so no big deal to put it in the pack, yes? /heh After all rsu-kro-renewal-lite patcher gets new updates for it (and can be used for future comparison with data.grf).


  2. Greetings...

    Sorry for the long absence (kinda busy in RL :P). Well, long short story: This is a updated Miruku client version, up to 2013-02-09. Aside that, i reduced the rdata.grf (compared it with data.grf, synchronized both GRFs and removed equal archives in rdata). The result is a very small rdata.grf (2,5mb; Kept the directory tree, for further updates). This Client uses the lastest rsu patchers and opensetup.

    Already used the client in my test server and no problems at all. Anyway, if you find something wrong, let me know.

    Download linkhttp://tinyurl.com/afn7oyb

    Obs: Client splitted in 10 parts (001-010; EQpatch is not required); Join the files with HJSplit http://www.hjsplit.org/ and decompress the Client with Winrar http://www.rarlab.com/


    Additional credits to CalciumKid (Miruku) and Ai4rei (rsu patchers and opensetup). Bye!

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  3. Greetings.

    What a have in mind is something like this:

    The character sends a whisper to the npc "bgm", so a pop-up window appears and the player can insert the number of the desired bgm (Ragnarok BGM directory), playing it. Can be done? Please, share it!

    Thanks /no1

  4. Very nice edit. And you can show us Denny Prontera edit? It would be interesting to compare your map and his. :meow:


    Hm, i think there's a link (posted by Sage; few replies above) with Denny's website. You can found great maps there, as well the template i used for my edit (got it a long time ago and Sage told me the name of it's creator /heh ).

    Btw, Denny is a girl /heh

  5. You don't need to edit the Aura files to remove auras from everybody. Just edit this file: rAthena/conf/battle/client.conf

    // Level required to display an aura.
    // NOTE: This assumes that sending max_lv to the client will display the aura.
    // NOTE: aura_lv must not be less than max_lv.
    // Example: If max_lv is 99 and aura_lv is 150, characters with level 99~149
    //		  will be sent as being all level 98, and only characters with level
    //		  150 or more will be reported as having level 99 and show an aura.
    aura_lv: 99

    Therefore, if your max level is 150, changing it to 151, will make it so no aura's appear. That includes no Aura Bubbles.

    Already tried that, but the aura still remains. I'll try something else in the hexed, but if someone knows the files, please tell me. ^^

  6. +1 dude. thank you again for sharing ^^ so the difference of this one to your 2012-05-09 KRO Client Folder only is the date patch ?

    Yes, i'm doing this to help those with problems to update the client later (sometimes, the kRO patcher is annoying like hell to work /pif ). So, i guess a once per month update will help (well, i'll try to keep it). /heh

    Aside that, i put the newer version of the opensetup in the client.


  7. I really feel stupid, and I'm sorry to ask you this: once I've downloaded your full client, what do I need to connect to my test-server and have an update english client? Server runs on rAthena SVN r16217, PACKETVER is #define'd as 20111116. As I've already said, I'm sorry to bother you with such matters, but I can't seem to find clear instructions on how to proceed client-side after having completed the server setup.

    Thanks for your time, and your kRO client :)

    Hi, Trellis

    I suppose that you configurated everything needed for your server runs. If not, search in the forum for the right configuration.

    Anyway, the file rsu-kro-rag-lite will be used to update the kRO client (for new official fixes, sprites, maps, textures, etc). However, you'll need a custom GRF for english descriptions and custom stuff (like any private server /ok), as well a compatible LUA (again, search in the forum for any questions about it). Aside that, any customs that you put in your server need a custom patcher, to keep them up to date in your own updates .


  8. this is great, can you upload the files w/out the data.grf (dll files and necessary folders olny)



    Well, rather strange to get the client without data.grf (the most important file and always updated in the patch process /hmm). Anyway, i can check the possibility, but no promises. /meh


  9. Greetings /no1

    New release: This is a clean kRO Client Folder (with BGM), updated up to 06/02/2012. Included the patcher (rsu-kro-rag-lite and opensetup (

    Link: http://www.mediafire.../?3na857c390jta (Obs: Aside this new Client, 2012-05-09 KRO Client Folder can be found there).

    Installation: Join the files using hjsplit (http://www.hjsplit.org/) and unrar the kRO Folder (http://www.win-rar.com). Obs: Already tested with rAthena.


    Side note: I removed the rdata.grf and renewal patcher, because the main files (data.grf) and main patcher already contains the game archives. The separated renewal data is not needed anymore.


    • Credits:

    - Dharien (just for update and host the stuff)

    - Gravity (for the great game).

    - Ai4rei/AN (for the patcher and opensetup in http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/rsu/)


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