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Everything posted by PronteraGuy

  1. Hi all, I've been trying to implement a custom cursor and it's been giving me a really hard time. So I'm turning to the community for help. I've first extracted the cursor.spr and .act from the data.grf file. Edited it and tried repacking it in. But when I try to run RO, nothing starts. I've downloaded some custom cursors from here, but I don't know how to go about implementing them. Can anyone from the community please provide assistance as I'm really having some trouble here. Really appreciate it. Thanks.
  2. Hey guys, I have another question, although I'm not sure if this one is as simple as my last. I'm currently using a version of kRO that is not translated. When I use a skill, say for example I'm punching a poring and i use Raging Trifecta Blow... But when the skill is used the text that appears above my character's head does not say Raging Trifecta Blow, instead it's all gibberish that can't be read. I would like to know.. Is there a way to disable all text above a character's head when a skill is used? Thanks a lot guys this would really help me out. EDIT: I just had a thought. If this text cannot be disabled.. is it possible to change the names of skills myself somewhere so that instead of saying the existing name.. it will say something that i have written in it's place?
  3. Hi Guys, Just had a quick question.. Does anyone know any GM commands or some way to prevent monsters from spawning on a map? If i use @killmonster, they all die.. however shortly after they all spawn again. I'm trying to just eliminate all monsters on a map perminantly. Cheers.
  4. Hi guys, Just have a question regarding monsters. Is it possible to write a script to spawn a monster on a screen at a specific location and have it perform a specific action? For instance. I want to spawn a poring, and then immediately have the poring 'move left'. That's all. Is this possible? and is it possible to have several happening at the same time? Thanks a lot for any feedback guys. Much appreciated Cheers.
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