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Hi Im Carsii

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Posts posted by Hi Im Carsii

  1. I installed everything that was needed on my linux centos 5.5 VPS

    I have compiled the server etc

    When i do ./athena-start start everything works except i get 2 errors:

    [sql]: DB error - Using unsupported buffer type: -1074502996  (parameter: 5)


    [sql]: DB error - Using unsupported buffer type: 253  (parameter: 3)

    People can login to the server perfectly but when they get to the character selection the client freezes.

    Sometimes u get in the character selection but it freezes whenever u create a character.

    This is the error i'm getting in putty when someone is trying to get in the character selection:

    [status]: Request for connection of privatename (ip: private).
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: privatename, id: 2000500, ip: private)
    [sql]: DB error - Using unsupported buffer type: -1074502996  (parameter: 5)
    [Debug]: at account_sql.c:637 - UPDATE `login` SET `userid`=?,`user_pass`=?,`sex`=?,`email`=?,`level`=?,`state`=?,`unban_time`=?,`expiration_time`=?,`logincount`=?,`lastlogin`=?,`last_ip`=?,`birthdate`=? WHERE `account_id` = '2000500'
    [status]: Connection of the GM (level:99) account 'privatename' accepted.
    [info]: Closed connection from 'private'.
    [info]: request connect - account_id:2000500/login_id1:1608988078/login_id2:1566959266
    [info]: Loading Char Data (2000500)
    [sql]: DB error - Using unsupported buffer type: 253  (parameter: 3)

    The past 4 days i have been searching/trying to fix this error but i didn't get it to work..

    So i came here to rathena to try and get it fixed.

    I tried running with eAthena trunk and gives me the same error

    I am using the SVN rAthena trunk at the moment

    Help would be appreciated

    ~ Carsii

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