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Posts posted by sabuross

  1. 3 hours ago, Emistry said:

    make sure your server doesn't have any NPC that warp your char back when died....

    something like ... OnPCDieEvent + warp ....

    I'm gonna check, but I don't think there should be any NPC that does that right now since I haven't added any customs NPC at the moment. It's happening on every single map as well.

  2. I'm using the Browedit r586 and tried renaming the map of Old Payon and this is what it looks like in the server.





    What I did was I just open the Old Payon file on Browedit, and save as different name.



    Any idea how to fix this?


  3. Hey guys,


    I tried editing my job level, basically this is the problem.


    For Novice class job level is 10 which works perfectly. For advanced transcended class job level is 70 which also works perfect.


    The problem is for any classes like first/second and high first classes, the job level won't increase and it stays at 1. When I try to max job level it, it says "Job Level can't go any higher"


    Here is my job_exp

    // Experience Tables [Pre-Renewal]
    // Only official levels included, check db/import-tmpl/job_exp.txt for an expanded list
    // Structure of Database:
    // Max Level,Class list,Type,Exp for Lv 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
    // Type:
    //	0 = Base Exp, 1 = Job Exp
    //Base - Normal and Baby Jobs
    //Base - Trans Jobs
    //Job - Novice & Baby Novice
    //Job - 1st Classes & Baby 1st Classes, Taekwon
    //Job - 2nd Classes & Baby 2nd Classes, Soul Linker
    //Job - Novice High
    //Job - Adv First Classes
    //Job - Adv Second Classes
    //Job - Ninja/Gunslinger
    //Job - Star Gladiator
    //Job - Super Novice & Baby Super Novice
    // Renewal content (required for some core features)
    //Base - 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion and Summoner
    //Job - 3rd Jobs, Baby 3rds, Expanded Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion and Summoner
  4. Hey guys,


    Having a been trouble adding a map. I watched the YouTube video BrowEdit Tutorial #10 but still having a bit of trouble getting the map to work on my server.


    I have added the map's name onto both map_index and maps_athena, and added the file onto the map.cache as well(pre-renewal). I also made a patch for the map files and patched it onto my server, however it still says Map Not Found when I try to warp to it. Also recompiled everything already too.


    Any idea what could be wrong?

  5. Hey guys,


    As most of you know, there is quite a difference between rAthena's asura strike and eAthena (Pre vs Re). For rAthena the character looks as if it's teleporting from one cell to another, whereas with eAthena the character walks to the cell.


    As shown in the video:




    I'm currently using rAthena, and I am currenty using this code in skill.c to get the walking animation in eAthena:


    I replaced:

     // Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG
    if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground)) &&
    unit_movepos(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 1, 1)) {

    with this

    unit_walktoxy(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 2)

    I have replaced it and it's definitely working however a few problems:


    1.) When the character asura strikes, feels like there is about a 0.5 second delay until the character actually starts moving to the cell. Movement should be instant when character asura.

    2.) It only moves the character 1-2 cells in comparison to the video, the champion moves about 4-5 cells away.


    Just wondering if there's any way to fix this?




  6. accessoryid.lua









    ^You misspelled Bamboo, you wrote Bamoo which would give you the error, also you need to put an _ infront of the item name for accname. Also full capitalize for both accname and accessoryid

  7. Thanks guys, I haven't been active in a while since I've quitted RO. But I'll go on time to time to this forum. Feel free to request and I'll get back to your request whenever I'm on.


    Here's my latest one, I've been rusty since I haven't done GFX in a long time.




    Download link can be found at original post.


    Font used: Impact

  8. prontera,152,184,5    script    Shobe    817,{
    mes "[Shobe]";
    mes "Hi! How do you like it here at ZeiyanRO?";
    switch(select("I like it here very much!:It sucks!")) {
    case 1:
        mes "[Shobe]";
        mes "Wow thankyou if you have any suggestions questions or bugs to report just let the GM know!";
    case 2:
        mes "[Shobe]";
        mes "Well we do not like you either!";
        mes "GET LOST!";
        atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0);


    Try this. :)



    Got it thanks, I was using the wrong command.

  9. Hi,


    I'm currently making a script and was wondering how to make an NPC kill a player?


    Like when the player is chatting with the NPC, then the NPC kills the player.


    Tried searching already didn't see any other related ones unless I'm just suck at searching.



  10. Hi guys,


    As of right now, Tiger Cannon is OP in my server, does like 999k with reducts. Was wondering how to make it so that elemental converters won't work on it and make it neutral element only?



  11. Hi guys,


    I was wondering what I'm doing wrong my my item script. I'm trying to give my combo set items unlimited endure, but it's not working.


    This is what it looks like in my item_db_combo.txt

    19000:19004:19002:19003,{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,10000; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; bonus bAllStats,10; sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; sc_end SC_ENDURE; bonus bNearAtkDef,5; }


    What I basically did was just take Eddga's unlimited endure script and paste it on mine, but it doesn't work.


  12. Thanks for the help guys, problem is solved.


    I made it affect only rune knight by doing what I did before and changing a bit of the script Brynner provided.


    Script used:

    4302,Tao_Gunka_Card,Tao Gunka Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ if(Class==4060) { bonus bMaxHPrate,10; } else { bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bMdefRate,-50; } },{},{}
  13. 4302,Tao_Gunka_Card,Tao Gunka Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman)bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bMdefRate,-50; },{},{}


    Thanks, worked. But if I want it to affect only Rune Knight instead of every swordmans class, then would I write it out as:



  14. Yeah, like right after I change the effect of Tao Gunka, this happens on map server:




    Apparently, changing the effect of tao gunka affects a bunch of other items..


    This is the script I used for tao gunka


    4302,Tao_Gunka_Card,Tao Gunka Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ if(Class==4060 || Class==4096) { bonus bMaxHPrate,50; } else { bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bMdefRate,-50; } },{},{}
  15. Whenever I edit the item_db for item script, the effect works but it turns all my misc items into apples for some reason.


    For example,


    I edit the Tao Gunka Card effect to let's say 50% HP increase. I save it and then @reloaditemdb, the effect works but all my misc items are apples.


    Anyway to solve this?


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