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Posts posted by bentheexo

  1. You can disable the DDoS Check or increase the amount of time it takes before it activates.

    The file to edit is /conf/packet_athena.conf

    //---- DDoS Protection Settings ----
    // If ddos_count connection request are made within ddos_interval msec, it assumes it's a DDoS attack
    // Consecutive attempts interval (msec)
    // (default is 3000 msecs, 3 seconds)
    ddos_interval: 3000
    // Consecutive attempts trigger
    // (default is 5 attemps)
    ddos_count: 5
    // The time interval after which the threat of DDoS is assumed to be gone. (msec)
    // After this amount of time, the DDoS restrictions are lifted.
    // (default is 600000 msecs, 10 minutes)
    ddos_autoreset: 600000

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  2. I pushed an update for the Vote for Points. It should fix most of your problems for now with it. The next updates are going to all configuration based. I will be re-writing all the configuration codes for the Donation and Vote for Points to be set at the time of installation. Another possibility is to break the installation up into parts and create multiple configuration files. While I think that is bad idea, it makes everything more modular. Another way around issues of forcing the panel to install to a specific folder path (which is what the latest updates required i.e. http://exam.ple/csmp).

    Feature updates will be halted until I can type and it not take 5 minutes for a sentance or string. I injured my hand being somewhat ignorant of my chosen field. Long story short I hit the Heavy Bag too low and with enough vigor to knock the guy on the other side back against the wall. I didn't break anything, but it likely I tore a ligament or got a tendon twisted. Both of which will work themselves out but only through time. New updates for bugs/issues will be fixed, but no new development.

    • Upvote 1
  3. The site is still acting wonky if you will not mind my terminology. Viewing it in Chrome allows for viewing it as a cached site. I was able to download the torrent through the cached site. Here it is for people still having issues. I renamed it to Miruku15122011.torrent.txt so that the forum would allow the attachment.


  4. Thank you everyone for your support. As an added bonus for you I have finished an in-game Character Mailer. There is a new config line for people who want to update just the files, or if you were testing it and want a fresh install you the config line is included in the installer.

    ****Key Updates have been committed to fix bugs with $end and end() that would cause the panel to finish before anything got started. If you have any troubles out of the system LET ME KNOW. I have been working all day on integrating the new features with double login security. The panel uses Cookie Authorization for 1 hour, but the donation panel and vote for points require an additional login using your game credentials to verify user identity and to prevent "accidental" fraud.

    ****Donations Panel and Vote 4 Points have been added into the Code. Very soon I will be moving to the Administration Panel full time.


    • Upvote 2
  5. A few years ago I started a project that I thought would rival the Sereon Server control panel. I had come to realize that not many if any people would actually use this panel for administration purposes. A friend of mine asked if I still had the panel files available, but I did not. I have started work on this project again, this time to finish and release, and I need input for features that people would want to have. Here is a list of features that I already have working and just need to be fine tuned and implemented:

    Ability to choose Trunk or Stable

    Ability to choose eAthena or rAthena (others can be added as well)

    Revision Checkout and Upgrade

    Compilation and Recompilation

    Backup and Restore functionality

    File Editor

    Ajax based Terminal Window with easy click buttons to view the running servers.

    Double Authentication for the aforementioned functions.

    SQL Log Viewer and Manager (Providing sorting, and clean up capabilities)

    Easy to manage administrators privileges (based on the Ceres style of permissions)

    Ability to up/downgrade Admin level within the Panel

    List of Possible deployments:

    Image Template for all Major Virtualizations

    As it's own Operating System

    --The panel will install all necessary programs except for PHP, Apache, and Ioncube

    --The programs will be downloaded from the corresponding Operating System Repository, or by installation from

    --source tarballs.

    Now that I am done listing what I have already thought to include and have already included, I need your input to know what else a Server Owner would want to include. I could not ask myself what to include, because personally I prefer to do all administration from a CLI.


    Updates on Developement

    The Control Panel for the game has been placed in Open Source Development on GitHub.com. The Administration panel will be kept Closed Source and will be a separate part of the Control Panel that does not have to be included.


    Download the Control Panel and report bugs back to me either here or on github. Active Development is going on so there will be revision updates at least 4 times a week.


    Frequently Asked Questions: You asked me in PMs, so here are the answers

    Q - Why is there no Upgrade Script or Folder anymore?

    A - This panel is still in development at a point where the key code could change at any moment. Tables are not being updated, but new ones are being added. The installer and the manual files are being updated as well. That being said, I full recommend clean installs each time, since I do not recommend this be used for production use until development changes full time to the administration panel.

    Q - Why is it not working?/Why does the page not show anything?/I edited the config and moved it so it should work but it doesn't.

    A - Delete the files associated with the panel, and download a fresh copy from the GitHub link in the above section.

    Q - How do I install this?

    A - In 4 easy steps.

    *Step 1.) Obtain Source

    *Step 2.) Place Source into directory that is accessible from internet (example http://fake.web.site/csmp)

    *Step 3.) Run Installation script by either navigating to install directory and the install.php or by redirection of the primary index page

    *Step 4.) Follow the Instructions on the Installer


    To prevent people from screaming "theft" of certain unmodified scripts here are my thanks to specific people and their contributions.

    JayPee Mateo - Vote 4 Points (it still requires being logged into the control panel so his authentication is added security)

    hellflaem - Donation Script (even though Zac gave me full unlicensed use of his scripts as I did for him, see above comment as well)

    Beowulf, BrianLua, etc - Ceres Core (for which this project would have take longer)


    To whatever his name is that tried to criticize me - Yes I care about creators getting their Credit and I have even gone out of my way to not only submit a bug fix for Ceres, but I made a conscious choice about branching my panel off at a stagnant time in their development when the only updates were for code corrections.


    Under effects of stupidity on 05/02/2012 I have injured my right hand (mainly my pinky and ring finger). Dragon Natural speaking and a mouse can only do so much, so development is paused. IF anyone wants to assist me with the development by lending me space on their server for testing the panel (Windows or Linux, it doesn't matter right now as I am just going to be testing the Control Panel) I will be eternally grateful.


    My hand is still not even close to being back to normal. My doctor is talking about surgery to loosen and tight ligaments. In the mean time I have been using Dragon Natural speaking to try dictation of continuing works, but I haven't gotten very far. I did start a new trunk branch to more fully integrate features. There will be more work to come on that branch and then the real fun starts.


    • Upvote 2
  6. Depending upon what IP Address or Hostname that the emulator is using for itself to connect to the MySQL server, you may not have the proper permissions setup. Now you are probably wondering what I am talking about my examples may be different than what you are seeing but hopefully they illustrate the idea.

    'root@localhost' is not '[email protected]' nor is it 'root@lanip' where lanip is your Local Area Network IP Address. To a MySQL Server each IP Address and Hostname, regardless of whether they are all interfaces on the same machine, are different hosts. Your PHPMyAdmin works with any of those IPs or Hostname because Apache is set to listen on all interfaces. The config of the PHPMyAdmin is set to connect to the MySQL on the 'localhost' connection. This can be verified and/or changed in the config.inc.php file inside of the PHPMyAdmin folder.

  7. If you have "root" permissions then what that means is you either have to login as the root user or your user account has been added to the sudoers wheel. For any case to attempt you should use the command "sudo" before any commands that require installation of any software.

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