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Posts posted by sneakz

  1. I'm using this Ingame Second Password from rosemount and I modified some of it just to add some effects but it seems players could use @warp or @jump to avoid this security. Normally the script has the sc_berserk to prevent the players from warping or jumping but few of them manage to jump or warp while in the status.


    Is there a way to re-alert this secondary password if they use @jump or @warp? Like a loop or something just like Antibot killer 6 of Myzter. Even if you jump or warp it will still ask you to answer the bot killer. How can I also add a timer wherein after 60 seconds if they don't answer the secondary password they would be kicked out.

    -	script	Second_Password	-1,{
    if( #confirmpw == 1) goto L_check;
    //setoption 0x40,1;
    setoption 0x2000,1; // Ruwach
    pcblockmove getcharid(3),1;
    sc_start SC_FREEZE,1000000,10;
    sc_start SC_STUN,1000000,10;
    sc_start SC_SLEEP,1000000,10;
    sc_start SC_SILENCE,1000000,10;
    specialeffect2 135;
    menu "~ Setup Password",L_pass;
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Please Insert New Password";
    input @newpass$;
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Your password is ^FF0000"+@newpass$+"^000000";
    menu "~ Change Password Again",L_pass,"~ 
    set #confirmpass$,@newpass$;
    set #confirmpw,1;
    //setoption 0x40,0;
    setoption 0x2000,0; // Ruwach
    sc_end SC_FREEZE;
    sc_end SC_STUN;
    sc_end SC_SLEEP;
    sc_end SC_SILENCE;
    percentheal 100,100;
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    //setoption 0x40,1;
    setoption 0x2000,1; // Ruwach
    sc_start SC_FREEZE,1000000,10;
    sc_start SC_STUN,1000000,10;
    sc_start SC_SLEEP,1000000,10;
    sc_start SC_SILENCE,1000000,10;
    specialeffect2 135;
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Please enter your password:";
    mes " ";
    mes "NOTE:";
    mes "If you forgot your password type: 
    input @newpass$;
    if(@newpass$ == "Recovery") goto L_resetpw;
    if(@newpass$ == "RECOVERY") goto L_resetpw;
    if(@newpass$ == "recovery") goto L_resetpw;	
    if(@newpass$ == #confirmpass$) goto L_Correct;
    if(@newpass$ != #confirmpass$) goto L_fail;
    //setoption 0x40,0;
    setoption 0x2000,0; // Ruwach
    sc_end SC_FREEZE;
    sc_end SC_STUN;
    sc_end SC_SLEEP;
    sc_end SC_SILENCE;
    percentheal 100,100;
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Wrong Password.";
    sleep2 1500;
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes " ";
    mes "^FF0000Change Password^000000 ";
    mes "Please enter your email address:";
    input .@emaiL$;
    query_sql "SELECT `email` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` 
    = "+getcharid(3), .@RecoEmail$;
    if(.@RecoEmail$ == .@emaiL$) goto New_PW;
    if(.@RecoEmail$ != .@emaiL$) goto L_Incorrect;
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Incorrect Password.";
    sleep2 1500;
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Please enter your new password:";
    input @newpass$;
    mes "[ Account Security ]";
    mes "Your password is ^FF0000"+@newpass$+"^000000";
    menu "~ Change Password Again",L_resetpw,"~ 
    //setoption 0x40,0;
    setoption 0x2000,0; // Ruwach
    sc_end SC_FREEZE;
    sc_end SC_STUN;
    sc_end SC_SLEEP;
    sc_end SC_SILENCE;
    percentheal 100,100;
    set #confirmpass$,@newpass$;
    mes "Your password has been changed.";
  2. I saw some bugs. In some line you need to add close2; and sc_end berserk after they confirm the password. I modified some of it to fix the bugs. Btw, I'm using it in my server. :) If you want to see what I've modified just tell me. :) Very nice script. :)


    EDIT: The cart is also being removed every login. I removed the @option to fix it.

  3. Is there a way to prevent players to open my .EXE? Cause I've already encrypted my .GRF and I want to prevent them from opening my .EXE

    I already got a anti bot killer, and got no budget for something like harmony. Preventing WPE/RPE is enough for me.

  4. What are the important ports that i need to open other than

    80 = web

    6900 = login

    6121 = char

    5121 = map

    are there other important ports that i need? because i also got a problem with the aura's. they won't show up when i close the other ports.

  5. I think all of the bugs that i posted before is now FIXED. Good job emistry! :)

    But i have a comment about the NPC. For example you click the SHOP 1. You won't see the currency that will be used there, unless you click the message box behind it. same thing as the other NPC. You wouldn't know the currency unless you buy something or you click the message behind the actual shop where you can buy.

    you can basically edit the name directly at your own

    // Menu Selection
    select("Shop 1:Shop 2:Shop 3");

    That's not what i meant. What im saying is the CURRENT CURRENCY in the multiple shop. The players won't know the CURRENCY being used in that NPC unless you BUY something. In the MENU section, of course i know that. and i prefer putting:

    // Menu Selection

    Because when you open Shop 1, Shop 2, Shop 3. It doesn't show the CURRENCY in each shop. I could do a preview again if you don't get my point.

    There is an info about the CURRENCY but it is placed BEHIND the actual shop.

  6. I think all of the bugs that i posted before is now FIXED. Good job emistry! :)

    But i have a comment about the NPC. For example you click the SHOP 1. You won't see the currency that will be used there, unless you click the message box behind it. same thing as the other NPC. You wouldn't know the currency unless you buy something or you click the message behind the actual shop where you can buy.

  7. I already put the map on maps_athena and in map_index

    after that i use the mapcache.exe but still map not found. I also put the data directory on grf-files but i got an error. not found in GRF. but the directory is correct, the GRF, .RSW, .GAT, .GND, .EXTRA is in the ragnarok folder.

  8. Cool! :D

    I have a suggestion if you don't mind, its not a big deal but it would be much better if it got some validations like for example your are about to drag an item but you don't have enough CURRENCY, then the item won't be drag in the BUY, CANCEL portion.

    Another thing if you didn't bought something, when you click buy, it won't close unless you click cancel, and also when you drag an item on BUY and you don't have enough currency then there will be no THE DEAL HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED. To avoid any bugs or exploits in the NPC.

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