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Shio Devs

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Posts posted by Shio Devs

  1. Hm bro this is happening on a Fresh Installation of the server :P

    huh all i know about items disappearing is that when you save an edit on your ftp to the item_db.txt or item_db2.txt and then you use @reloaditemdb before the ftp ends editing (before it reaches 100% of saving changes) all of the items affected on the txt document won't be visible, the only solution for that is to make again any change and save the txt file, once is totally saved, use @reloaditemdb and that will make it


    i know, this error sounds pretty different, but that's the only thing i know about it, sorry if isn't helpful at all


    hope you solve it, good luck!

    Hmm Kido this is happening on a Fresh Installation. no Ftp no anything.

  2. Try this..

    mellina,82,40,4    script    Master Artisan    520,{
        mes .npc$;
        mes "Hi, and wellcome! the name's ^0000FFIraciz^000000, the Master Artisan.";
        mes "In my whole life, I have spent a lot of time studying how to enhance the powers of the Top Gears.";
        mes .npc$;
        mes "and my skill allow me to upgrade the hat with a mysterious ^32cd32+1 Stat^000000 to any equipped upper gear.";
        mes .npc$;
        mes "If you wish my service, with non failure guarantees.";
        mes "you need to give me something in exchange:";
        mes "^cc00cc"+.price+" "+((.price-1)?getitemname(.item)+"s":getitemname(.item))+"^000000.";
        mes .npc$;
        mes "Hey, you?! Don't even have ^cc00cc"+getitemname(.item)+"s^000000 in your inventory.";
        if(select("^FF9900Enchant Upper Gear^000000:^FF0000No Thanks^000000")&2){
        mes .npc$;
        mes "I understand, nevermind!.";
        if(countitem(.item)<.price) {
        mes .npc$;
        mes "I'm so sorry, you don't have enough ^cc00cc"+getitemname(.item)+"s^000000 to pay in order to enchant your Upper Gear.";
        mes "Come back when you have the exactly amount I require.";
        mes .npc$;
        mes "This may be your best choice ever.";
        specialeffect 96;
        progressbar "ffff00",2;
        if(getequipid(9)+1) { // Change this to 10 if you want for lower.
            delitem .item,.price;
            set .@id, getequipid(9); // Also change this into 10 for lower.
            set .@ref, getequiprefinerycnt(1);
            set .@card1, getequipcardid(1,0);
            set .@card2, getequipcardid(1,1);
            set .@card3, getequipcardid(1,2);
            set .@card4, getequipcardid(1,3);
            delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4;
            getitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3,
                callfunc("F_RandMes", 6,
                    4700, 4710,    4720, 4730, 4740, 4750);
            equip .@id;
            specialeffect2 154;
            mes .npc$;
            mes "Congratz, the enchant has been succesfully applied!.";
        mes .npc$;
        mes "eh eh ehhh! Wait a second";
        mes "Are you nutz? I can't insert an enchant inside your bare head with my hammer!.";
        mes "You nedd to have an Upper Gear equiped, in order to enchant it.";
        // Item required and amount
    set .npc$, "^660066Iraciz^000000";
    set .price, 150;
    set .item, 7539;

    Let me know how it works! :)

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